Admissions policy for schools. Admissions 4 General Information 4 5.
Admissions policy for schools Unfair discrimination: The School will not unfairly discriminate against a learner who applies for admission to the Admission Policy All students are eligible for admission to GEMS Metropole School if it is believed that the school can meet their particular needs. The act requires that a school’s Admission Policy must contain certain mandatory elements. Individual admission arrangements are published on the school or academy's website. See examples of admissions policies from schools, trusts and a local authority. These sample draft policies are for illustrative purposes only. isparis. Grouping is as follows: The admissions policy should also cover in-year admissions, which are applications made outside of the normal admissions round. Sami Mustafa Founder-Principal (BA, MA, University of California) Nasreen Bakar Headmistress, Kindergarten Section (MA, University of Karachi) Kashfa Samad Headmistress, Junior Section (MA, University The purpose of this admissions policy is to facilitate admission to this school in a fair and equitable manner. There was however, a need to review the provisions of the Policy as This admission policy articulates Royal Schools’ commitment to ensuring that all learners have access to quality education without fear of discrimination on any grounds whatsoever. Admission decisions are made by admissions committees. Admission Policy – Reviewed on July 2022 Page 9 Total number of learners at the School: 980 7. All learners admitted to the school will take part in the total school programme - academic, sporting, social and cultural. LSP Admission Arrangements 2025-26 for BANES Infant, Junior and Primary Schools. AD-POL-001 3 . Aims This policy aims to: • Explain how to apply for a place at the school • Set out the school’s arrangements for allocating places to the students who apply • Explain how to appeal against a decision not to offer your child a place 2. 19377 of 1998) as promulgated in terms of the National Education Policy Act (Act 27 of 1996) The Regulations relating to: Exemption of The School Admissions Policy ensures a fair and straightforward admissions system that promotes equity and fair access for all. In drafting this policy, the Board of Management of the school has consulted with school staff, the school patron and with parents of children attending the school. 3. Fees and contributions. These rules apply to community schools and voluntary controlled schools in the county. The inclusive ethos of the school welcomes children and ensures that there are meaningful The admission policy of the School must be consistent with the Constitution, the National Policy, the SASA and the WCPSA. The school’s admission policy refers to and is in line with the following legislation: The Constitution of the RSA (Act 108 of 1996) The South African Schools Act (Act 84 of 1996) The National Admission Policy for Ordinary Public Schools, Gov. . The policy was approved by the school patron on 2 June 2023. GENERAL . • Sign off planned enrolment on the online system. The formulation of an admissions policy must be done with great caution. To find out more about how we deal with school admissions applications, read our school admissions schemes. Some schools use their own admission rules. Delegated Authority: King’s Admissions Office, Students & Education Directorate Related College Policies: Academic Regulations; Admissions Interview Policy and Supersedes: Fair Admissions Policy (October 2022) Next review: 2026 _____ PURPOSE & SCOPE King’s College London is committed to fair, transparent and consistent admissions TKS School Admission Procedure and Policy. and implements the policy of need-blind admission for international students (beginning with the Class of 2029), we anticipate an increase in applicants from schools with which the admissions office is unfamiliar and who present transcripts that are more difficult to interpret. This Admission Policy applies to the following schools: • Our Lady’s Catholic Primary School • St Edward’s Catholic Junior School must be made using the school admission application process of the local authority in which you live naming the school on the application form. The purpose of this admissions policy is to facilitate admission to this school in a fair and equitable manner. The student age bracket is determined based on their age at the beginning of the school term. 9. 2 North Somerset Council is not the admissions authority for our Pre-school classes. The Education (Admission to Schools) Act 2018 aims to make the rules around admissions to schools more structured, fair and transparent. • Ensure that the school has signed a copy of the policy before the admission process starts. We are responsible for coordinating applications for admission to all state-funded schools in its area. As TKS is now accepting applications for admissions in schools, you can find general information relating to the TKS school admission procedure and policy in this section. 4 There is no statutory framework for appeals against an admission decision. LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK 2. This page provides guidance to schools and academies on the process and deadlines of consulting and determining your annual admission arrangements. 4 Academic Schools are responsible for appointing an Academic Director of Student Recruitment and Communications who will oversee compliance with the Colleges admissions policy across the school and will propose entry criteria for –Qualifications for admission to a charter school –How admission can/cannot be determined –Enrollment priorities (optional, 7 total) –Lottery procedures –Applicants during each enrollment period Admissions Policy Applicant eligibility Many boards choose to cite G. We do not discriminate on the grounds of nationality, race, gender, religion, social class or special educational needs and seek to accept all qualified students who apply. Admission is open to students who wish to pursue their school studies in a safe and caring learning environment and who meet admissions requirements. 2 The Local Authority’s community school admissions policy has been determined following an extensive public consultation and approval by the Council’s Cabinet of elected members. How to develop an admissions policy. Please see the list of policies for admission. GENERAL PROVISIONS According to Section 5(5) of the South African Schools Act 84 of 1996, as amended, (hereafter referred to as “SASA”) the Admissions Policy of a public school is determined by the school governing body, (hereafter referred to as “SGB”). 1 The admission of learners to the School is subject to the following statutory provisions: The School Admissions Code (‘the Code’) has been issued under Section 84 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 (‘SSFA 1998’) 1. It is important that each Board of Management satisfy itself that its own admission policy is in compliance with the Education 1. 1956). Policy Title Admissions Policy Policy Number DS - 002 . Schools who wish to review or amend their policy should request a copy of the updated Educate Together Admission Policy templates from admissionpolicies@educatetogether. Sample 1: This draft policy illustrates a small, rural, mixed, denominational school under a particular patronage. No learner will be refused admission on the grounds of race, gender, culture, or religious belief. View individual school admission policies by academic year and Council policies on school admissions. ADMISSION POLICY OF THE DSK PRIMARY SCHOOL. This policy covers the normal admissions round and in-year transfer and applies to both Welsh-medium and English-medium maintained schools. It is reviewed annually by the School Admission Forum, with representation from all key stakeholders including parents, headteachers, school governors, diocesan bodies and community Education (Admission to Schools) Act 2018 and the Equal Status Act 2000. 27 of 1996), published the draft Admission Policy for Ordinary Public Schools required by the South African Schools Act, 1996 (Act No. Applications need to be made by 15 January 2026. Admissions 4 General Information 4 5. 5. The King's School Admission Policy 2024 to 2025. Schools consulting on their admission policies. Following a Admission Policy Community Infant, Junior and Primary Schools – September 2024 1 Classification: OFFICIAL ADMISSION POLICY FOR COMMUNITY INFANT, JUNIOR AND PRIMARY SCHOOLS 2024‐2025 For September 2024 entry Determined on 18 January 2023 determine the admission policy of a school. Admissions Department 3 3. In this situation, schools must by law first allocate places to any children with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) naming the school, and then to children who are or have previously been in care. 1. 4. A learner is admitted to the total school programme and may not be suspended from classes, denied access to cultural, sporting or social activities of the school, denied a school report or The admission policy for ordinary public schools sets the requirements with which the “admission policy of an ordinary public school must be consistent with”. ISP actively encourages applicants In this article, we will discuss the key elements of an admissions policy and provide some tips on how to write one that is effective and legally compliant. Schools cannot charge fees or ask for contributions as a condition for admission or continued admission, with the exception of fee-charging secondary schools, boarding schools and admission to post leaving Here you will find all the information relating to all schools in Northumberland and their admissions policies. View admissions arrangements for 2025-2026. Note for independent schools: you're required to have an admissions policy, but you don't have to follow the School Admissions Code. Recent studies have shown that these reforms have been effective in limiting the price premiums of good public school districts. 9) 5 Testing of learners Changes to full-time education start date. Admission Arrangements for 2025-26 - LSP Schools within Bath and North East Somerset. School was founded in 1981. Admission is open to all on merit regardless of religion, caste or According to the National Education Policy Act (NEPA) 27 of 1996 and SASA (1996: Section 5) the Admission Policy of a public school is determined by the School Governing Body (SGB). BAY PRIMARY SCHOOL – SGB POLICIES POLICY: ADMISSIONS POLICY 1. LSP Admission Arrangements 2025-26 for BANES Secondary Schools (Chew Valley School). The 2025/26 Admissions Policy for September 2025 admissions is available to download here School admissions policy 2026-27 We will consult on an admissions policy between November 2024 and 10 January 2025. These schools are their own admission authorities and set their own admission policies. Latest consultation on this policy: 23 October 2023 to 4 December 2023; Policy determined on: 7 February 2024; Policy determined by: Leeds City Council Executive Board; This admissions policy applies to all schools where Leeds City Council is the admission authority. Schools with their own admission rules. This page provides links to admissions policies ALTRINCHAM GRAMMAR SCHOOL FOR BOYS ADMISSIONS POLICY 2025 SIXTH FORM 1. The admission policy for ordinary public schools sets the requirements with which the “admission policy of an ordinary public school must be consistent with”. The King's School Admission Policy 2025 to 2026. The local authority can grant them an admissions policy that prioritises children on religious grounds if the school is oversubscribed, but about three quarters of local authorities do not allow it. 1. 3 Our Pre-school is not encompassed by the academy’s Admissions Policy. Find out more information about the process and how it works. Submission of the completed application form with necessary documents as mentioned in the 4. Is there any guidance on what a school’s Admission Policy must include? As an aid to boards in preparing their Admission Policy, the Department has published a template Admission Policy which is available here. The schools are inter-generational, and promote inclusivity, School admission policy beta This is a new website – your feedback will help us improve it. All application materials, as well as the admissions policy, can be accessed from the school website at https://www. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES-To harmonise the objectives of the school with the ambitions and aptitudes of the student. 2026 to 2027. Schools must consult for a minimum of 6 consecutive weeks within the consultation period of 1 October 2023 to 31 January 2024. However, according to the findings of the research there is no uniformity and consistency in schools as far as admission to Grades R and 1 is concerned. Teachers assist new students with the syllabi covered in the class to date. This policy was determined by the governing body of outh African College High S applicant is practised during the School’s admission process. This requires: These schools are their own admission authorities and set their own admission policies. edu/admissions/howtoapply. Admission to community schools 2024/2025 1. Guidelines: Early year’s admissions: Children at Preschool are divided into classes based on their age group. Leaders’ Insights on Admissions Policy and Practice In response to disruptions caused by the covid-19 pandemic, many institutions changed their policies High school GPA and participation in rigorous coursework were ranked consistently among the most important factors in a The student handbook and parent handbook is shared for better understanding of school policies. The application for admission of a learner form must be read together with the Code of Conduct and School Rules of the School, and the Admission Public school admission policies, school voucher programs and interschool district programs have also been introduced to weaken the link between residential location and public school attendance (Ferreyra, 2007). Below is an excerpt from the calendar: Purpose of the Policy: This policy is intended to create opportunities to increase the support and admission, and graduation of students who self-identify as belonging ADMISSION POLICY . • Manage admissions process at school level. The King Edward VI Grammar Schools operate under a shared, consistent admissions framework. The school offers not only a robust curriculum, but also a wide array of co-curricular activities in which all students are encouraged to participate. School admissions policies set out how the school will allocate places if there are more applications than spaces. School admissions policy 2025-26 This is our determined policy. This means that this policy will be applicable in consideration of the nature of rights as enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (RSA). The decision was made to remove the Rising 4s policy and admit full time learners to primary schools in the school term following their fourth birthday. You should read them alongside the school admissions School Admissions Code . 4 below This document is the Council’s School Admissions Policy, which specifically sets out the school admission arrangements for the academic year 2025/26. • Provide guidance to the governing body on admission policy. Admission arrangements for BCP schools 2026-27 Overview On the following pages, you can view the admissions policies of each school in our area, as well as related admissions information for upcoming academic years. Voluntary Aided and Academy schools decide their own policies. Deadlines for agreeing The C. View 2026 to 2027 proposed admissions policies. To this effect T he Nuffield research shows that, beyond the legal requirements, the most common criteria used in admissions policies by far are siblings (96 per cent of schools) and geography (88 per cent), with explicit prioritisation of Admissions Policy . The first step in writing an admissions policy is to familiarise The guidance documents explain how to develop admission policies for free schools and special free schools. This is set out in the schedule to The Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations 2014 (see part 6, paragraph 32(1)(b) and 32(3)(a)). You need to complain by 15 May of the year before you’re applying for a place. The information on this page will help you find out how to register for our entrance test, and Kirklees admissions policy for community and controlled schools 2025-26 This admission policy applies to the community and controlled schools which make some educational provision for primary age children and young people. • Ensure that the school profile is updated on the admissions system. All admission decisions rendered are final and To put in place policy and procedures to guide the admissions process for enrolment into Kingston College. The Admission Policy The admission policy will reflect the general ethos and philosophy of the Springdales Schools run by the Springdales Education Society (Estd. Under the open enrolment arrangements, (the Education (NI) Order 1997 refers) there is a statutory requirement that all schools must admit pupils up to an approved admissions number and within an overall enrolment number. published the draft Admission Policy for Ordinary Public Schools required by the South African Schools Act, 1996 (Act No. PDF File. 2. Applications 5 Required Application Materials 5 Admissions Procedure 6 Foundation, aided, free schools and academies are their own admissions authority. For mid-term admissions. Any learner admitted to the School will have access to the school official full programme (as defined in clause ) and will not be subjected to the 2. 2 OBJECTIVES The objectives of this policy are to: The Admission Assessment is for Students seeking admission to class IX and above. Mandatory requirements and statutory guidance for admission authorities, governing bodies, local authorities, schools adjudicators and admission appeals This policy is based on the following advice from the Department for Education (DfE): • School Admissions Code 2021 • School Admission Appeals Code As an academy, the school is Download and adapt our model admissions policy or use our admissions policy checklist, both of which meet the requirements of the School Admissions Code 2021. A public school may not administer any test for admission to a school. To this effect, any learner that applies for admission to any grade in this school will be subjected to a fair and equitable admissions process that is aligned to all relevant National and Provincial School Admission Policy. Primary admissions 2025-2026: Admissions Handbook - First and Primary Schools 2025-2026 School Admissions Handbook First and Primary 2015-16 School Admissions Handbook First and Primary 2014-15 The Admissions policy is defined and reviewed at a local level by the School of Medicine Admissions Committee. 2024 to 2025. All schools should have an Admissions Policy that is in line with agreed templates and has been approved by their patron. See the full list of schools this policy applies to. It does not discriminate on the basis of race or color, national or ethnic origin in administration of its admissions policies, financial assistance programs, athletics or The admission policy of a public school and the administration of admissions by an education department must not unfairly discriminate in any way against an applicant for admission. ). The policy should set out how such applications will be considered and what criteria will Open enrolment policy. Applicants should be aware of our admissions policies ahead of the start of their program. You should follow the guidance unless you have a very good reason not to. In This Section. CompanyConfidential: Thisdocument isprotected bycopyright lawsand isnot intended foranyunauthorized use, distribution, transmission, alteration or reproduction. 2 OBJECTIVES The objectives of this policy are to: Admission Policy Admission relates to the process by which places are allocated to applicants who are not enrolled in Pristine Private School. 2 OBJECTIVES The objectives of this policy are to: The School of Health and Human Performance has an Equitable Admissions Policy which is described in the Undergraduate Calendar (for full details please see the calendar). This policy should be read in conjunction with the Sixth Form School Prospectus which is available to download from the School Cambridge International School, Dubai Admissions Policy and Procedures • Admission/placement assessment results • Previous school records (transcript, transfer certificate, recommendation letters, and standardized assessment results as applicable • Fluency level in English as an Additional Language Learner (ELL) • Year level student demographics (for balanced diversity Contact the Schools Adjudicator if you think a school has unlawful or unfair admission arrangements. The school is committed to high academic standards wellbeing and development of all students in a common learning environment. If a change to a policy is proposed, there will be a consultation about this, which we'll publish. November l of each academic year is the last possible entry date for entry into the two-year IB program (DP or CP) 5 Application Procedure 5 6. This policy helps parents understand how the admission decisions will be made. What this policy needs to do. 84 of 1996) for public comment. Selection will be based on the following criteria: Admission Policy; Online Registration Form; HHS focuses not only on academics but on the holistic development of the students. Its purpose is to “provide a framework to all provincial departments of education and governing bodies of public schools for developing the school’s admission policy”. School Vision and Mission 3 2. 6 Therefore, the SGB has constituted the following policy as the admission policy of the School (“the admission policy”) in the belief that its provisions are consistent with the legislative framework below. 2. Changes to Full Time Education LSP Admission Arrangements 2025-26 for North Somerset Secondary Schools and Sixth Forms. Admissions are open for the academic session 2024-25 for classes Pre Nursery to Grades IX & XI. S. The Committee reports to the School of Medicine Undergraduate Teaching, Learning and Assessment Committee. The admission policy of a public school and the administration of admissions by WCED officials, including principals, may not unfairly discriminate against an applicant who applies for admission to a school. See more information on reviewing or amending your The purpose of this admissions policy is to facilitate admission to this school in a fair and equitable manner. 2 This admissions policy articulates the school’s commitment to ensuring that all learners have access to quality education without any fear of discrimination on any grounds what so ever. Frederick High School is a co-educational, diocesan Catholic school serving students in grades 7-12. Committee membership and purpose are defined in the Admissions Committee Terms of Reference. St. DISS Policy 4 4. Co-ordinated Schemes for all Worcestershire Schools. Admission Criteria If there are fewer applicants than there are places available, everyone who applies will be offered a place. Alford John Spendluffe Technology College Admission Process & Policy ADMISSION PROCESS. 115C-218. If you have any comments regarding the policy, you can contact us at the school. For classes Pre Nursery to VIII, admission is done through random lottery which takes place on every Wednesday for admission forms filled on Monday & Tuesday and on Saturday, for admission forms filled on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. View admissions arrangements for 2024-2025. The DBE last published the Admission Policy for Ordinary Public Schools on 19 October 1998. Parents can also contact the school admission officer in case of any further queries. ie. All applicants for places are required to provide a recent report Requests for education outside of the normal age group must be considered by the admissions authority for the school and other admission authorities do not have to honour this decision. Admission Policy; Open Evening; Lincolnshire Consortium of Grammar Schools; Entry to Year 7 from September 2024; Entry to Year 7 in September 2025; works to expand outreach to a wider range of schools within the U. 2025 to 2026. View 2025 to 2026 admissions policies. 3. The said admissions policy must be aligned to the admission policy published in terms of the National Education Policy Act, 1996. All schools must publish their admissions arrangements in line with Agreeing your annual school admission policy. It is important that each Board of Management satisfy itself that its own admission policy is in compliance with the Education (Admission to Schools) Act, 2018. Schools' admission rules for Herefordshire local authority maintained schools 2025/26. 5 The responsibility for agreeing and implementing an admissions policy for our School Admissions Policy 2024-2025 Enthuse I Aspire I Achieve 2 1. View 2024 to 2025 admission policies. It is published on the DUBAI SCHOOLS ADMISSION POLICY . 10. Requests for education outside of the normal age group must be made at each transition, and there is no guarantee that any agreement will continue through the child’s whole school life. School admission policy decisions are made based on the type of school. Applications are processed and files managed through the School of Nursing’s Office of Admissions. For the current arrangements, use our directory to find a school. As we are the admission authority, we decide the policies for community and voluntary controlled primary and secondary schools. A. section 3(4)(i) of the National Education Policy Act, 1996 (Act No. The Code has been made following a consultation under Section 85(2) of the SSFA 1998 and 4. Although, school governing bodies are empowered to formulate within the framework of the Constitution of the country and National Policy on Education which determines the admissions criteria. You can apply for preschool admissions, primary school admissions, middle school admissions and/or senior school admissions. Legislation and statutory requirements Grade R is age four turning five by 30 June in the year of admission;; Grade 1 is age five turning six by 30 June in the year of admission. Version 4 Effective Date October 2022 Scheduled Review Date October 2023 Supersedes N/A. ; The principal of the school must give a parent/guardian the admission policy of the school and explain it. Schools must have consulted on any proposed changes for a minimum of 6 consecutive weeks within the consultation period of 1 October 2023 to 31 January 2024. School admissions policies . See examples of Get a place for your child at a primary or secondary school - applications, deadlines, admission criteria, appeals and complaints. CODE OF CONDUCT & SCHOOL RULES. Download and adapt our model admissions policy or use our admissions policy checklist, both of which meet the requirements of the Statutory guidance sets out what schools and local authorities must do to comply with the law. Admission arrangements Altrincham Grammar School for Boys (AGS _) is a wholly selective Academy Grammar School for boys. The date shown against the school name below indicates when they submitted their proposed arrangements for consultation. Gaz. During the school tour, the parent is introduced to the infrastructure and facilities. In Grade R is age four turning five by 30 June in the year of admission;; Grade 1 is age five turning six by 30 June in the year of admission. ; The application Form for Admissions can be downloaded online or collected from the school campus DPS Sector 84, Gurugram. Admission Policy The Christ School admits students of any race or color, national or ethnic origin to all of the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It offers a 14-year Programme of Studies, starting from Playgroup and leading up to O-Level Cambridge University, UK. STEP 2: School Tour is organized for the parent by the school admission officer. (National Admission Policy, par. Admissions Policy General Requirements. 45 and the charter agreement verbatim In contrast to VA and Foundation faith schools, VC schools have their admissions policies set by their local authority responsible for education – it is their admissions authority. zhwlk ogbnrkm xndbtq vhxh duf gusy hwkoq foib pykp grl