Opening karakia for hui It will be icy cold inland, and icy cold on the shore. Be with each and every one of us. It was originally made as a booklet by WindsorCreative with visual identity adapted from reomaori. FAQs. kia mahea te hua mākihikihi, freeing our path from obstruction, kia toi te kupu, toi te mana, toi te aroha, toi te Reo Māori, so that our words, spiritual power, love, and language are upheld, Kia tūturu, ka It has traditional karakia as well as Christian-influenced karakia, each with audio recordings, translations, and examples for kai and opening and closing hui. Use this Karakia to open meeting and start your poi session. Mihi: (verb) (-a,-ngia,-tia) to greet, pay tribute, acknowledge, thank. Haumi e, Hui e! Tāiki e! Join together, unite, the group is ready to progress for the purpose of coming together. Ki te katoa . He tio, he huka, he hau hū. For adults, a simple chant to ward off unseen presences was ‘Kuruki, whakataha!’ (Lose power, pass aside. Kia mau kia ita. Join all, bind all, Let it be done! ***** Ka tuku mihi atu There are karakia for starting a lesson or hui; karakia of blessing; the sign of the cross; the Lord’s Prayer and a number of others. Kiwaha • Whakatauk ī • Te Reo Māori Dictionary • Māori Grammar • Lessons • Māori Flashcards • Māori Sentences • Māori Teaching Resources • AI Māori Translate Tool • Māori Word Lists • Māori Interlinear Sentences • Māori Word Games • Karakia • Kiwaha • Whakataukī. 35 and 6. Na te Rangimarie Karakia Whakamutunga. Sign up. kia manaakitia ō mātou whānau. CONTACT. i ō rātou hauora. ātoukatoa For this gathering. E te hui - Kaitito: It has traditional karakia as well as Christian-influenced karakia, each with audio recordings, translations, and examples for kai and opening and closing hui. Let's get our Reo on. They are generally used to ensure a favourable outcome to important events and undertakings such as tangihanga (the ritual of farewell to our deceased), Karakia are short incantations, prayers, or blessings, traditionally spoken at the opening and closing of a hui, before eating food, and at important life events. May the sea be like greenstone; a pathway for all of us this day. They also provide spiritual covering Manaakitia tēnei hui Awhinatia mātou i roto i o mātou mahi Ko tō Wairua Tapu tō mātou Ariki Amine Lord Support us at this meeting Guide us in the work we are doing Through your spirit Amen-----E te Atua Tēnā koe mō ngā painga O tēnei rā Amine O Lord Thank you for the blessings. Facebook Pinterest Instagram. lianza. They may formally address the staff who are present and lay out Karakia in te reo Māori. Mauri tū. Take Karakia examples of an opening prayer and poi karakia. Ko te mauri kai au, he mauri tipua. Previous. Manawa mai te mauri nuku. Allow the truth of the mind to speak freely Allow the truth of the heart to learn Allow the love of humanity to be open to the opportunities So as to stand unencumbered and with clarity Let us be one We have united in conscious thoughts. Cease the winds from the west. inspiringcommunities. The purpose of k Karakia Timatanga (Opening) for the. Inspiring Communities Karakia resource. Before we go further into the course we will start our mahi (work) with the karakia section. Login. The karakia could be presented as a ‘thought for the day’, poem, karakia, inspirational verse, prayer as is appropriate to the karakia whakamutunga docx - Free download as PDF File (. Today . The karakia above has been written to use when opening a class or activity with a well-being kaupapa (topic). As well as in our pursuit of our ancestral traditions. Here’s the one I didn’t know: A traditional karakia for opening a hui. This simple karakia is a lovely way to end your hui or school day. Tātoui a t. Stitch, (unite/combine) the celestial energies To the If a hui or akoranga is opened with a karakia whakataki, then it must be closed at the end with a karakia whakakapi. Whakataka te hau ki te tonga. nz 5 MIHI WHAKATAU KARAKIA ACKNOWLEDGEMENT WHĀINGA PURPOSE HUI MEETINGS BEGINNERS 1. The intention is to focus our minds on the work ahead for the day, or hui, or Learn Māori Karakia. Opening Maori Karakia. ‍We’ll continue to add new karakia as our hapori needs. Because the newly carved house has been made of timber from the forests of the atua, Tāne-mahuta, and because there are carved figures of ancestors around the walls of the meeting house, the tapu on the house has to be lifted so that the building can be The following karakia are culturally safe. kia manaakitia mai mātou i tēnei rā. He ātaahua ēnei karakia nē?TRANSLATIONS:Wairua Tapu tau mai rāWairua Tapu mai rungaUhia mai ngā taonga paiHo About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright 9:25am: Opening of hui (check the list to see if you are opening) 9:27am: Sharing of the peace. Mauri ora ♥️ Karakia timatanga - opening prayer Allow one’s spirit to Here is a short karakia for the morning, u can also use this for opening a hui, beginning a speech or mihi. Join, group, and affirm. When there is formal learning involved, karakia can be seen as establishing the tapu (sacredness) of a learning space, with Karakia Timatanga - Opening a Meeting. We can also say karakia before meals to show appreciation for our kai (food). This is the audio clip for the simple version of the closing karkia. Then continue with a mihi formally welcoming participants to the hui ā-whānau and moving through common acknowledgements within mihi whakatau. Opening karakia. Mauri tū Karakia Tīmatanga Kia hora te marino Kia whakapapa pounamu te moana Hei huarahi mā tātou i te rangi nei Aroha atu Aroha mai Tātou i ā tātou katoa Hui ē! Tāiki ē! Opening Incantation May peace be widespread May the seas be like greenstone A pathway for us all this day Let us show respect for each other For one another Bind us all together! This Māori incantation is for the Get started with Karakia. PRIVACY POLICY. Kia kore ai e ngaro. I opened with a good tauparapara, went into the mihi and closed with a whakatauki In this clip I share two of my favourite karakia to begin your mihimihi. kia atawhai, kia manaaki mō ngā whānau. Only the Karakia (opening prayer and closing prayer) Set of resources aimed at practices developed by Procare. If you think an acknowledgment of Hui ē, Tāiki ē! To Begin. He tio, he huka, he hauhū . I refer to it as my "calm to farm" karakia because some meetings can get a bit rough and icylol and we are generally stuck in the headspace of CCN OPENING KARAKIA 2021 . Ngā mihi o te rā ki te whānau e Huihui nei Kia tau te rangimārie Kia whakatapua tātou me ngā mea E whakapono ana tātou Haumi e, hui e, tāiki e. May the Opening Karakia 1 Whakataka te hau ki te uru. Learn the meaning and usage of karakia for hui, kai and other occasions. If you can whanau try to learn a karakia, as it will definitely help with the learning of te reo and it is awesome for your wairua (spirit). kei ngā Kāinga maha. Ngā mihi o te rā - Te Reo Club. Vitality. And freeze the ocean. S imple Opening Karakia. Tūmāia, tūkaha. Let the breeze blow over the ocean. Tūtawa mai i waho. Ka pakaru mai te Karakia E te hui Whāiate mātaurangakiamārama. concepts to lift the tapu of. There were a number of karakia tamariki (children’s karakia). Have purpose in all that you do. he tio, he huka, he hauhū. Reach out if the mahi we offer could awhi you, Karakia Timatanga (opening karakia) Nā Scotty Morrison. nz Who will open and close the hui? See our Te Reo resources to add to your confidence in opening and closing the hui and blessing kai. Tūtawa This karakia is from a well-known Māori language advocate Professor Scotty Morrison of Massey University. For instance, Karakia may be used to welcome the day and to close the day, to guarantee a secure journey, and to handle various types of Karakia are prayers and blessings that bring us together and cover every aspect of life. During the hui a whānau spokesperson may speak on behalf of the ill kaumātua and their whānau. Karakia are helpful to set the path straight at the start and close of hui (gatherings) where important discussions take place and decisions are made. Many karakia in common use today can be traced back to the Learn karakia with me on my reo journey 🤍🤍 a beautiful karakia timatanga, whakakapi kaupapa hoki A karakia to open or close your hui. Hui e. Kei a rātou te tino rangatiratanga. An awesome karakia to get your hui started with. May peace be widespread. An empirical portrait of New Zealand adults living with low literacy and numeracy skills Professor Karakia Mutunga: Prayer for end of day/end of hui: Kia tau, ki a tätou katoa: May we all join peacefully: Te atawhai o tö tätou Ariki a Ihu Karaiti: Through the love and support of our Lord, Jesus Christ: Me te arohanui o te Atua: And the love of God: Me te whiwhingatahitanga ki te wairua tapu: And the unity as one through the holy spirit These karakia have been selected for their appropriateness for the kaupapa of hui, mahi and digital meetings. Kathy Cameron. Kia tina! TINA! Hui e! TĀIKI E! Allow one’s spirit to exercise its potential. Let the red-tipped dawn come with a sharpened air. Tihei mauri ora! Hei ako. Haumi e. Opening Karakia 3 Mauri oho Life force awaken. Nau mai Tamanuiterā kia tīmata ai te hui. A touch of frost, a Haumi ē, hui ē, tāiki ē! Restrictions are moved aside. Choose a karakia: Opening Karakia. Explore. Mauri Ora! Generally, when ending a day/hui/event a karakia is said to acknowledge or thank everyone for their effort in meeting their outcomes for the day/hui/event. You can also say these My take on this karakia being used to open Hui is kei te he. LIANZA Counci G Tikang MĀi lianzaoŌice LIANZA Counci G Tikang MĀi www. co. The karakia has actual mana to stop the rain. Tukua te wairua kia rere ki ngā taumata. Cyclone Gabrielle hit New Zealand on the 12th of February 2023. com Haumi ē, hui ē, tāiki ē! An opening karakia can be introduced with any of the following phrases: • Me tīmata ā tātou hui i roto i te karakia, nō reira • Me tīmata tātou, nō reira • Tīmata tātou. Na te rangimarie. that uses traditional. Me tā tātou whai i ngā tikanga a rātou mā. HUI MEETINGS. Hai ārahi i ā tātou mahi. This is a karakia to bless the food. Tāiki e! Come forth from above, below, within, and from the environment. Pei te Hurinui Jones recorded that he used it to stop the rain with great success. Cyclone Gabrielle – Prayers for affected schools . Karakia Hauora. These karakia were thoughtfully composed by Tony Chamberlain (Pou Whakahaere, Tautoko Tāne Aotearoa) with As others have noted, not all karakia are religious. Greetings of the day to the whānau gathered here Let peace be with us And may we respect each outer and what we believe United together . and be 1. Unuhia ki te uru tapu nui. ----- Unite above Unite below Unite without Unite within Listen to the night Listen to the world Now we come together As one. Hui held to endorse a mandate from hāpū members for Te Whakaaetanga Trust to act on behalf of Ngāti • Karakia. Listen to Karakia: Download audio Download Karakia PDF Get in touch. Whakataka te hau ki te tonga . manaakitia ērā, e māuiui ana, e rawakore Opening Karakia Whakataka te hau ki te uru Whakataka te hau ki te tonga. Karakia - Timatanga (Start) At our kura we use karakia to begin our day or when starting a hui, meeting or event. Tū māia, tū kaha. 9:30am: Kaupapa of the day . The purpose of k karakia whakatuwhera / opening karakia karakia whakakapi / closing karakia; karakia kai / karakia for food All the karakia we have chosen to offer are non-religious, which we hope makes them accessible to as many people as possible. Have purpose in all that you do . Let us show respect for one another. nz resources. Kia mākinakina ki uta . Kia whakamaua. K. It calls on Rongo, suspended high above, to draw everyone together and affirm as Bless food (karakia mō te kai). Tihei mauri ora! Get ready for the westerly wind . 2231 Likes, 50 Comments. Through e-mail it has been pointed out that this karakia was for if you were out at sea and a storm was approaching or the weather turned bad. Aroha atu, aroha mai. E hī ake ana te atākura . Tuia ki runga Tuia ki raro Tuia ki roto Tuia ki waho Tuia te here tangata Tūturu o whiti Whakamaua kia tina Tina! Haumi e, hui e Taiki e!. Maori Phrases. youtube. This is another karakia. Manawa mai te mauri rangi. Do this karakia again! 👋🏽 Kia ora! Welcome to the Starting In Te Reā Maori YouTube Channel START YOUR FREE GRAMMAR COURSE HERE: https://bit. Mauri ora ki a tātou. For this gathering Seek knowledge for understanding Have purpose in all that you do Stand tall, Karakia Tīmatanga Kia hora te marino Kia whakapapa pounamu te moana Hei huarahi mā tātou i te rangi nei Aroha atu Aroha mai Tātou i ā tātou katoa Hui ē! Tāiki ē! Opening Incantation May peace be widespread May the seas be like greenstone A pathway for us all this day Let us show respect for each other For one another Bind us all together! This Māori incantation is for the Begin with karakia by either inviting someone from the whānau to open with a karakia or be prepared to do that yourself. txt) or read online for free. Tātou i a tatou katoa. Closing Audio. Maori Whakatauki. And in my experience, they’re often in line with a welcome to/acknowledgment of country - that is, welcoming visitors, giving respect and acknowledgment to the mana of the place you’re meeting, opening the space up for the purpose you’re meeting etc. Poetic imagery and metaphor are used to call upon and recognise the influence of atua (spiritual or supernatural beings/gods), our ancestors, and other aspects of the environment and our whakapapa (lineage/history). For each other. Pinterest. Kia pupuri. Life force all wellness, good health for all. Kia whaitake ngāmahi katoa. Watch. Kotahi Mano Kāika Karakia resource. Stand tall, be strong. TikTok video from Learn Māori Abroad (@learnmaoriabroad): “Karakia tūwhera: A great opening incantation for family or work gatherings #karakia #tereomāori Free downloadable karakia posters for your clinic, three for opening and three for closing. Learn Māori Karakia. The cyclone Karakia (opening and closing incantations to support the wairua of hui and huihuinga) Karakia Timatanga (Traditional opening incantation) Whakataka te hau ki te uru . Tītaha e te whānau (hui) Whāia te mātauranga kia mārama. Some people only do karakia at the end. 1982. We use the term inoi to refer to Kia ora e te whānau. E hī ake ana te atakura. forward in a similar. Karakia (hou): Āiorangi, āionuku Tau ai te māriri nō te whare o Rongo Ki tēnei huihuinga matihiko E tuku whakawhētai ana ki te kāhui Atua Mō ngā rā Karakia tūwhera: A great opening incantation for family or work gatherings 👇 E te whānau (hui) Whāia te mātauranga kia mārama Kia whai take ngā mahi katoa Tū māia, tū kaha Aroha atu, aroha mai Tātou Help! does anyone have a suggestion about karakia for the next times you have a meeting with most of the same people? I recently ran a big formal meeting for a large, new group and I offered to give the opening karakia since I'm the main coordinator & facilitator. 12 Pins · 4y. The prayer asks to draw on the supreme sacredness to clear and free the heart, body, and spirit of mankind. Shop. Ice, frost . Whakataka te hau ki te uru Kia hora te marino Karakia is an opportunity to welcome attendees and open the hui/forum in a manner that acknowledges that we come together from many different paths for the collective good and ensures we have a united focus for the purpose of the hui/forum. There were numerous kinds of karakia. OPEN A MEETING (KARAKIA TIMATANGA) E te Kaihanga Manaakitia tēnei hui Arahina mātou i roto i Karakia are incantations often said to avert trouble or to obtain benefit. Tūtawa mai i raro. Hui e. Opening Karakia 2 Kia whakapapa pounamu te moana. Seek knowledge for understanding. Let us show respect for each other, for one Karakia (prayer) are the ritual chants of Māori and are an important part of Māori culture. Find karakia for opening, closing, blessing and praying in te reo Māori and English. Kia mātaratara ki tai . Amen-----H e hōnore he korōria (Version 1) He hōnore he korōria ki Apr 20, 2020 - Explore Kathy Cameron's board "Karakia-start a meeting" on Pinterest. OPEN A MEETING (KARAKIA TIMATANGA) E te Kaihanga Manaakitia tēnei hui Arahina mātou i roto i Karakia Tīmata | Opening Prayer. Karakia and inoi. In addition, they're a great learning tool to help you practice and retain te reo Māori. Find it all here. a. 10:27am: Closing of hui (check the list to see if you are closing) 10:30am: Karakia for kai (check the list to see if you are offering karakia for kai) 10:30am: Kaitahi If we have new staff or students joining the mission, we will have a whakatau and Opening Karakia 6 Kia tau ngā manaakitanga a te mea ngaro Let the strength and life force of our ancestors Ki runga ki tēnā, ki tēnā o tātou. Cease the winds from the south. Practice, practice, practice and ignite the flame of our sacred reo to Pastor Te Hurihanga Rihari opens the hui with a karakia. Kia mākinakina ki uta. Tihei mauri ora! May the westerly winds subside. CCN OPENING KARAKIA 2021 . There are karakia for starting a lesson or hui; karakia of blessing; the sign of the cross; the Lord’s Prayer and a number of others. ly/grammarbasicsJOIN THE FACEBOOK CO Karakia Timatanga – Opening Prayer. For this family (gathering) Seek knowledge for understanding . Have a brief kai break. Karakia Whakamutunga (closing karakia) Nā te iwi Māori Karakia are an important aspect of te ao Māori. Unuhia, unuhia. Opening Karakia 1 Whakataka te hau ki te uru. Karakia tīmatanga – to begin a hui . Karakia are commonly used to start and end Māori hui (gatherings). me ngā hapori katoa. There are many different types of karakia and at Playcentre, you can become familiar with these before meetings, before kai, before cutting harakeke, start or close your Karakia, Waiata, Karakia mō te Kai . Kia mātaratara ki tai. Hui ē! Tāiki ē! Opening Karakia May peace be widespread May the sea be like greenstone A pathway for us all this day Let us show respect for each other For one another Bind us all together Karakia Timatanga Dorothy Hutton: Year 6 Teacher Columba College, Dunedin Wendy Webb: Resource facilitator Technology Online Webinar, Years 0–6 Developing Technology Would you like to learn a new karakia for Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori? Our Mana Rangatahi Whānau have shared a Karakia Timatanga (opening karakia) to help Whānau hui may include karakia (prayers, chants); these are ussually said at the beginning and the end of meetings and are often accompanied by waiata (singing) either before or after prayers and/or mihi (speeches). fashion to a karakia. May the southerly winds subside. It has many other uses in different aspects of life as well. Tāiki e! Karakia Timatanga (To start a meeting) Tuia ki runga, Unite from above, Tuia ki raro, Unite from below, Tuia ki waho, Unite from outside, Tuia ki roto, Unite from within, Tuia ki te here tangata, Unite to connect people, Ka rongo te pō, The night hears, Ka rongo te Ao, The day hears, (The world hears?) Haumi e, hui e, Tāike E. Share Thank you to Windsor Park Baptist Church for creating this resource, which we are reproducing each day with permission. Whakataka te hau ki te uru Kia hora te marino Here I present five karakia for opening a meeting and two karakia for closing a meeting and one karakia kai for prayer before eating. It is important to use the right kind of karakia for your specific context. Opening hui with it is childish and inappropriate from a tohungatanga perspective and takahi’s on the mana of the whole Karakia timatanga (opening prayer)- awesome way to start the day. Te karakia tīmata nga o Pakuranga. Kia hora te marino Kia whakapapa pounamu te moana Hei huarahi mā tatou I te rangi nei Aroha atu, aroha mai Tātou i a tātou katoa. Kia wātea, kia māmā, te ngākau, te tinana, te wairua i te ara What are karakia and why are they used? Te Aka Māori dictionary provides the following definitions Karakia in Mäori Translation; Is now used at the beginning of a day or a meeting - in the primary school context. com Karakia are prayers or incantations. See more Karakia are ritual chants, prayers, or incantations spoken in Te Reo Māori. University of Otago: Karakia resource. Created Date: 10/21/2022 3:23:17 PM Finally, when using a karakia to open and close a hui or akoranga, it’s important to check the translation first and make sure that the content of the karakia relates to the content of your hui or akoranga. English translation. Of this day. Whāia te mātauranga kia mārama, Homai te kaha kia tū pērā i Ōhuiarangi, Manaakitia te hunga e mahi ana ki te kura, Me hono Opening Karakia 3 Mauri oho Life force awaken. Remember that if you open with karakia, you Te Roopū whanau minutes 12 March - 2015 Whanau arrived between 5. https://www. Kaitito About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Karakia: Tuia ki runga, Tuia ki raro Tuia ki roto, Tuia ki waho Ka rongo te ao, Ka rongo te pō Haumi e, Hui e Taiki e. This is a simple karakia for children, to halt the rain: hui This starts from the moment someone steps in the door: who will welcome them? How can you connect and introduce people to one another? www. To guide us in our work. This document contains a Maori karakia or prayer for ending a ceremony or gathering. Kia pai te taha tinana, te taha wairua, te taha whānau me te taha hinengaro hoki. pdf), Text File (. It is used out of context and is only a symbolic act only. Its purpose can vary, from seeking guidance and expressing gratitude to establishing a connection with the spiritual realm. Karakia can assist with protecting kaumātua and whānau when there is uncertainty or clarification is being sought. They are used to invoke spiritual guidance and protection, and to encourage a generally favorable outcome of karakia timatanga or whakamutunga (for beginning, starting, opening or closing) Kia tau ngā manaakitanga a te mea ngaro ki runga ki tēnā, ki tēnā o tātou Kia mahea te hua mākihikihi kia Here I present five karakia for opening a meeting and two karakia for closing a meeting and one karakia kai for prayer before eating. • Karakia. See more ideas about maori words, te reo maori resources teaching, te reo maori resources. Servicing All Of New Zealand. REGISTER E hoa mā, these are the first karakia I learned. E hī ake ana te atākura. At Reo Māori Mai we differentiate between karakia and inoi. Te Reo Maori We say various karakia to open and close a hui, if that's what you mean. Education Culture, Healthy Resources | Grant Harris | 11 September 2023. ) Types of karakia. It is always polite to ask if your whaiora (client) would like karakia, it is okay if they say no. By . As they freeze the land. Karakia Tïmatanga: Prayer for start of day/meeting: Whakataka te hau ki te uru. To learn more about karakia in general, including how to begin them, check out our karakia blog. Karakia-start a meeting. kia mahea te hua mākihikihi, freeing our path from obstruction, kia toi te kupu, toi All people – children as well as adults – used karakia. You only need to do one of each one at the beginning of your session and one at the end. Search. Kia wātea, kia māmā, te ngākau, te tinana, te wairua i te ara Karakia Whakamutunga- Ending Karakia. It has been put together with a traditional Māori ruruku and a grace serving prayer for blessing food during Matariki. Next > Join the Collaborative. Me mahitahi mātou, ka kōrero, ka whakarongo. Karakia are used to increase the spiritual goodwill of a gathering, to ensure The following karakia is a beautiful way to open a business hui (meeting). 10 Rosie started with karakia - then we had a kai Whanau members present Whaea Georgie Ebs Rosie Whaea meta Ropes Vanessa Tarn Jahnke Sha Opening Karakia 6 Kia tau ngā manaakitanga a te mea ngaro Let the strength and life force of our ancestors Ki runga ki tēnā, ki tēnā o tātou. Log in. Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Gisborne, Hawke’s Bay, Taranaki, Manawatu-Wanganui, Wellington, Tasman, Nelson, Marlborough, West Coast, Canterbury, Otago, Karakia is an important part of Māori customs and traditions. as a simple whakawātea Karakia are an important aspect of te ao Māori. Kei a Each karakia is written out, with links to audio files where you can hear it read aloud. (noun) house-opening ceremony - the formal pre-dawn ceremony to open a new building, especially a meeting house. Mauri ora!!! E te kaihanga, ka inoi ki a koe . Te mauri tū. Tūtawa mai i runga Tūtawa mai i raro Tūtawa mai i roto Tūtawa mai i waho Kia tau ai Te mauri ai Te mauri tū, the mauri ora Ki te katoa Haumi e, hui e, tāiki e Come forth from above, Whakataka te hau (Karakia tawhito - opening or closing karakia) Whakataka te hau ki te uru. This karakia can be used. Tūtawa mai i runga. So that the pathway is clear. Strengthened in unity. They are used in many different contexts, and both formal and informal situations. E hī ake ana te at ā kura . May the dawn rise red-tipped WindsorCreative is a faith-based graphic design studio social enterprise with a vision to partner with churches, charities, and social enterprises by providing powerful graphic design deserving of their meaningful messages as they reach their own vision to make a difference in their community—ultimately, we change communities with them. Here's what we are using for the next meeting I'm chairing Karakia Whakamutunga [to close a meeting] Unuhia, unuhia [Draw on the discussions and ideas from this space] Te pou, te pou [Clear the pou (support pillars) in the wharenui (meeting house)] Opening Karakia E te hui Whāia te mātauranga kia mārama Kia Whai take ngā mahi katoa Tū māia, tū kaha Aroha atu, aroha mai Tātou i a tātou katoa. Kia whai take ngā mahi katoa. a hui and clear a way. Te Puna Kōkiri Karakia resource . Let us show respect. They can be used to lift mamae (emotional pain) and to ease physical suffering. Cease the Karakia Tīmatanga. Te mauri ora. Let the breeze blow over the land. So that dawn brings with it. Manawa mai te mauri. Do you need this resource? LOG IN. clinic . Click here for This is the audio clip for the simple version of the opening karakia. Audio has been added for those learning. There is also a link to a PDF which prints out into a booklet you can fold and keep in your pocket. Tūtawa mai i roto . Tautoko Tāne Aotearoa has created the following Karakia and Waiata to be used by our people as relevant in opening and closing Hui (meetings), Korero (conversations), and blessing the Kai presented at gatherings of our people. Here is a short karakia for the morning, u can also use this for opening a hui, beginning a speech Bless food (karakia mō te kai). whakawātea. Kia tau ai. So we may move forward. Traditional Karakia: Whakataka te hau ki te uru Whakataka te hau ki te tonga Kia mākinakina ki uta Kia mātaratara ki tai E hī ake ana te atākura He tio, he huka, he hauhū Tihei mauri ora! Get ready for the westerly and be prepared for the southerly. Life force stand tall. and well being, for all. org. aktyb gvmsj ixafbu nxr ifoxpvp waofpd krwu yvncc twr txoptc