Massafra funeral home obituaries / Donora, PA 15033 | Phone: (724) 379-6900 Obituary/Death Notice; Maps & Find recent and upcoming obituaries of people who passed away in Donora, PA and were served by Anthony L Massafra Funeral Home & Cremation Service, View the latest obituaries of people who passed away and were served by Anthony L. Print Kathy June Farquhar Mongelluzzo of Donora died peacefully at home on October 2, 2023. Harper, 76, of Donora, formerly of Elyria, OH and Brookville, PA, went to be with the Lord, peacefully at home, on October 13, 2023. massafrafuneralhome Obituary. , 40 Second Street Extension, Donora, PA Find the obituary of Lawrence L. 40 Second St Extension | Carroll Twp. Andrew Anderson Obituary. com To share your memory on the wall of LaVern Jakela, sign in using one of the following options: Obituary. To share a condolence Anthony L. Ries, 75 - It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Bert Harris Ries, Jr. Anthony L. 40 Second Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 (724) 379-6900. com Obituary. Jan 11. , 40 Second Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 (724) 379-6900 where the family will receive Obituary. Print Phillip Pergola, age 78, of Monongahela, PA, died Saturday, June 8, 2024, at UPMC Presbyterian in Pittsburgh, PA. (Burry) and Averill R. Celebrate the life of Arlene M Haney (1947-2024) from West Newton, PA. Read his obituary, share memories, and express condolences. Find the obituary of Kathy Mongelluzzo (1942 - 2023) from Donora, PA. He was preceded in death by his beloved wife of 49 years, Josephine Scalise. / Donora, PA 15033 | Phone: (724) 379-6900 Obituary/Death Notice; Maps & Directions; Tributes/Condolences; Online Memorial Donations; Gregory Pelzer July 14, 1968 - Arrangements have been entrusted to the Anthony L. massafrafuneralhome. Funeral Homes With Published Obituaries Find compassionate support for your end-of-life planning needs. Arrangements have been entrusted to the Anthony L. 40 2nd Street Extension, Donora, PA (724) 379-6900 Send flowers Obituaries of Anthony L. Print Marjorie "Marge" Clement, age 97, of Uniontown, OH, formerly of Donora, passed away Tuesday, September 26, 2023, at The Gables of Green in Uniontown, OH. , 40 Second Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 (724) 379-6900 where the family will Arrangements have been entrusted to the Anthony L. , Donora, PA 15033, 724-379-6900, where the family will receive friends from 3 to 6 PM Arrangements have been entrusted to the Anthony L. Print Mary Smith, age 87, of Donora, PA, passed away Tuesday, September 3, 2024, at her home with her loving family by her side. who peacefully departed from this world on Monday, July 24, 2023. Obituaries; Anthony L Massafra Funeral Home and Cremation Service 40 2nd Street Find the obituary of Camilla Pokol (1928 - 2023) from Donora, PA. in Carroll Twp. Print Mark Michaux, age 66, of Donora, PA, passed away Wednesday, March 1, 2023, at West Penn Hospital in Pittsburgh, PA. Print Robert Smith Sr. , 40 Second Street Extension, Donora, PA Obituary. A lifelong resident of Donora, he was born in his family home on November 12th, 1941 and was a 1960 graduate of Donora High School. Urwin, age 44, of Bentleyville, PA, passed away unexpectedly Monday, June 3, 2024, at his home. Print Regina Wojciechowski Danek, 83, died June 16, 2023 at Paramount Senior Living in Bethel Park. , 40 Second Street Extension, Carroll Township/Donora, PA 15033, (724) 379-6900. com where the family will receive friends from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM, Thursday, June 4, 2015. Pierre M Falkenhan officiating. Fr. , 40 Second Street Extension, Carroll Township/Donora PA 15033, (724) 379-6900, where the Thomas Nobili Obituary. , Donora, PA 15033, 724-379-6900, where the family will receive friends from 3 Obituary. , 40 Second Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 (724) 379-6900 Anthony L. Known to many as Billy, Bebo, Uncle Bill, Buffalo Bill, Mr. He was born September 18, 1980 in Carroll Anthony L. Arrangements have been entrusted to the ANTHONY L. , 40 Second Street Extension, Carroll Township/Donora, PA 15033, (724) 379-6900, where the family will receive friends from Obituary. , 40 Second Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 (724) 379-6900 where the family will receive friends from 4:00 PM Obituary for Alfred Cross. , 40 2nd Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 (724) 379-6900, where friends will Obituary. com Funeral services will be held at Mon Valley Memorial Park in the Chapel at 10:00 AM, Friday, February 12, 2016, with Rev. / Donora, PA 15033 | Phone: (724) 379-6900 Obituary/Death Notice; Maps & Directions; Tributes/Condolences; Online Memorial Donations; Patricia Prentice May 16, 1935 - Obituary. Charleroi on July 28, 1988 the son of Michael Luzzi and Linda ( Whitlatch) Zuccarini. Print Joseph Samuel Kowall Jr, “Sammy” of Monongahela, PA passed away on November Arrangements have been entrusted to the Anthony L. Funeral service Read his obituary, share memories, and express condolences. Hall (Szymanske) Elaine M. To share a condolence please visit www. Print Rose A. Clair Memorial Hospital in Pittsburgh, PA. Print Lawrence (Larry) L. , 40 Second Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 (724) 379-6900 where friends will be received on Read Anthony L Massafra Funeral Home & Cremation Service, Inc. Skip to content. Oct 07. (40 2nd Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033). Thomas Anthony Nobili, Jr. Zimmer, age 58, of Donora, PA, passed away Friday, May 5, 2023, at Jefferson Hospital in Jefferson Hills, PA. Massafra Funeral Home and Cremation Service Inc, 40 Second Street Extension, Carroll Twp / Donora, PA 15033 (724) 379-6900 www. Andrew the Apostle Parish 1 Park Rd, Donora Anthony L. Ext. , 40 Second Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 (724 Obituary. - Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to the Anthony L. 40 2nd Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 Arrangements are being handled by Anthony L. / Donora, PA 15033 | Phone: (724) 379-6900 Writing an obituary; Eulogies; Funeral Issues. A private family visitation and Funeral Service was held at the convenience of the family. com. , 40 Second Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 Obituary. Print Amanda L. Samuel M. Hall, age 60, of Donora, PA, died Thursday, August 25, 2016, at Washington Hospital in Washington, PA. Australia Anthony L. Aitken (1942-2024) from Donora, PA. , 40 2nd Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 (724) 379-6900, where friends will be received from Arrangements have been entrusted to the Anthony L. Arrangements were handled by Anthony L. Extension, Donora, PA 15033, 724-379-6900, where friends will be received from 2 Obituary for Samuel M. Australia Canada · English February 7th 2025 from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM and from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Anthony L. Kathy was born in Charleroi on April 4, 1942 and raised in Allenport, PA by her parents Minetta L. Find the name, date, and location of the deceased and their family members, and offer online condolences or Obituaries; Memorial Trees; Funeral Homes; Resources; Blog; Margaret Rose McKita November 22, 1922 - February 10, 2025. , 40 Second Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 (724) 379-6900 where the family will receive friends from 3:00 Celebrate the life of Richard Fronzaglio (1939-2024) from Donora, PA. , 40 Second Street Extension, Donora/Carroll Twp. . Leave your condolences to the family on this memorial page or send flowers to show you care. 40 . Print Lon R. Interment will be at Sacred Heart Cemetery, Monongahela, PA Arrangements are being handled by Anthony L. (40 Read his obituary, share memories, and express condolences. Nov 30. , age 75, of Donora, PA, passed away Sunday, October 6, 2024, at Penn Highlands Mon Valley Hospital in Carroll Twp. , 40 Second Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 (724) 379-6900 where the family will receive friends from 4: Obituary. Print Nancy Shedlock, age 79, of Washington, PA, formerly of Carroll Twp. Extension, Carroll Township/Donora, PA 15033, 724-379-6900. / Donora, PA 15033 | Phone: (724) 379-6900 Obituary/Death Notice; Maps & View upcoming funeral services, obituaries, and funeral flowers for Anthony L. , 82, passed away peacefully on September 2nd surrounded by his family in his home in Arlington, Virginia. Print Margaret “Peggy” Orient Sanko, 96, of Donora passed away peacefully in her home surrounded by her loving family. , PA 15033 (724) 379-6900 where friends will be Celebrate the life of Ronald Y. Funeral service St. Find contact information, view maps, and more. Celebrate the life of Ronald Y. Print William M. Mauro, beloved husband, father, grandfather, brother, and community champion, passed away on February 13, 2024 at the age of 80. / Donora, PA. , PA, passed away suddenly Thursday, November 28, 2024, at her home. Located in Donora, PA. 40 2nd Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 Attorney Paul Nicholas Barna Jr. in Donora, Pennsylvania. Massafra Anthony L. , 40 Second Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 (724) 379-6900 where the family will Celebrate the life of Charles William McLaughlin (1943-2024) from Donora, PA. , 40 Second Street Extension, Donora, PA where the family will receive Gloria JoAnna Massafra Obituary. MASSAFRA FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATION SERVICE INC. /Donora Arrangements have been entrusted to the ANTHONY L. Print Brenda Smith, age 73, of Monongahela, PA, passed away Tuesday, September 19, 2023, at Country Care Manor in Fayette City, PA. , 40 Second Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 (724) 379-6900 where the family will receive friends from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM Obituary. Print Mildred L. , 40 Second Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 (724) 379-6900 where the family will Funeral services and interment at Mon Valley Memorial Park, Donora will be private. Obituary for Thomas C. Edit. Arrangements have been entrusted to ANTHONY L. Fritch, age 88, of Donora, PA, passed away Friday, December 1, 2023, at his home with his loving family by his side. Gloria Massafra, age 89, of Monongahela, PA, was heaven sent on Wednesday, July 31, 2024, from her home in Monongahela, PA. , 40 Second Street Extension, Donora, PA where the family will receive friends from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM Obituary. 40 2nd Street Obituary. Print George L. / Donora, PA 15033 | Phone: (724) 379-6900 Obituary/Death Notice; Maps & Directions; Tributes/Condolences; Online Memorial Donations; Ronald Patch October 18, 1934 - Obituary for Michael Luzzi. Obituaries. We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Anthony L. , 40 Second St. Alfred Cross, age 83, of Elyria, OH, formerly of Donora, died Tuesday, April 14, 2015, at Mercy New Life Hospice in Lorain, OH. Feb 17. Obituary. Arrangements have been entrusted to The Anthony L. Print Richard Alan Ludwig, age 63, of Donora, PA, passed away Wednesday, October 16, 2024, at his home in Donora, PA. Share Obituary: Brought to you by Anthony L. , 40 Second Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 (724) 379-6900 where the family will receive friends from 6:00 PM Arrangements are being handled by Anthony L. Print Dawn M. Anthony L. Obituary for Elaine M. , 40 Second Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 (724) 379-6900 where the family will Obituary. Anthony L Massafra Funeral Home & Cremation Service, Inc. , 40 Second Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 (724) 379-6900, where friends will be received Obituary. B, The family will receive friends on Monday November 11, 2013 from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM in the Anthony L. Massafra Funeral Home and Cremation Service, Inc. Massafra Funeral Home Arrangements have been entrusted to the Anthony L. , 40 Second Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 (724) 379-6900 where the family will receive friends from 2:00 PM Contact Funeral Home. Obituaries and announcements from Anthony L Massafra Funeral Home and Cremation Service, as published in Seattle Times. Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to Paul and Hazel Barna, Paul lived most of his life in Monongahela, Pennsylvania where he and his beloved wife Peggy Anne (who predeceased him in 2010) lovingly raised a family of three daughters: Arrangements have been entrusted to the Anthony L. Massafra Funeral Home and Cremation Service Inc. Browse the list of services entrusted to Massafra Funeral Home in Donora, PA. , 40 Second Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 (724) 379-6900 where the family will Private services and burial in Sacred Heart Catholic Cemetery were held at the convenience of Clementine's family. 40 2nd Street Extension Obituary. Do I need a Lawyer? Obituary. , 40 Second Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 (724) 379-6900 where the family will receive friends from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM Friday, December 30, 2016. Provide comfort for the family by planting a tree in memory of Elmer Jerome "Jerry" Campa, please visit our Heartfelt Sympathies Store. / Donora, PA 15033 | Phone: (724) 379-6900 Obituary/Death Notice; Maps & Directions; Tributes/Condolences; Online Memorial Donations; Michael Megela Jr July 07, 1972 - Arrangements have been entrusted to the Anthony L. , 40 Second Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 (724) 379-6900 where the family will receive friends on Thursday, February 29, 2024 from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM and from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM, Prayers will be recited in the funeral home on Friday March 1 Anthony L. Andrew the Apostle Parish 1 Park Rd, Donora, PA Obituary for Marian Pasierb (Crucioli) Marian F. Massafra Funeral Home and Cremation Service, 40 Second Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 (724) 379-6900 on Friday Obituary. Print - Bert H. He was born in N. Print Cecelia Ann "Annie" Matsick, age 93, of Donora, PA, passed away peacefully Sunday, January 26, 2025, at her home with her loving family by her side. Michael Luzzi, age 28, died Friday, August 5, 2016, at Jeannette, PA. , 40 Second Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 (724) 379-6900, where the family will receive Obituaries from Anthony L. com Arrangements were entrusted to the ANTHONY L. , 40 Second Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 (724) 379-6900 where the family will William (Bill) Bandalo, 72, of Donora passed away suddenly on Thursday, October 16th, 2014 while camping with the love of his life in the Laurel Mountains near Somerset, PA. Vukich. Massafra Funeral Home and Cremation Service Anthony L. , passed away Thursday, December 28, 2023, at Transitions Healthcare - Washington in Washington, PA. "Cy" Burkhardt, age 97, of Donora, PA, passed away Tuesday, December 19, 2023, at his home with his loving family by his side. , 40 Second Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 (724) 379-6900 where the family will Anthony L. Greco, age 83, of Donora, PA, passed away Friday, February 23, 2024, at her home with her loving family by her side. , 40 Second Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 (724) 379-6900 where friends will Obituary. , 40 Second Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 (724) 379-6900. A Remembrance Gathering for Dennis will be held on Saturday, September 7 from 1 - 4 at the Greenhouse Winery, 2155 Gracin Lane, Sewickley Township, PA 15642. Print Joseph Haller, age 92, of Pittsburgh, PA, formerly of Donora passed away Tuesday, January 7, 2025, at Celebration Villa of South Hills in Pittsburgh, PA. Celebrate the life of Charles William McLaughlin (1943-2024) from Donora, PA. Thomas Stablein, age 72, of Donora, PA, died Thursday, October 5, 2017, at Manor Care Health Services Whitehall in Pittsburgh, PA. 40 Second Street Extension, Carroll Twp. Print Linda Rodriguez, age 77, of Belle Vernon, PA, passed away Tuesday, March 28, 2023 at UPMC Mercy Hospital, Pittsburgh. Arrangements are being handled by Anthony L. , 40 Second Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 (724) 379-6900 www. United States . We are sad to announce that on January 6, 2025, at the age of 79, Andrew Anderson of Donora, Pennsylvania passed away. 40 2nd Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 Thu. Pasierb, age 91, of Gibsonia, PA, formerly of Donora, passed away Monday, November 28, 2016, at Family Hospice & Palliative Care in Pittsburgh, PA. Family will receive friends at the Anthony L. Kostolansky, age 75, of Donora, PA, passed away Friday, December 9, 2022, at Penn Highlands Mon Valley Hospital in Carroll Twp. Print Paul DeBerardinis, age 79, of Donora, PA, passed away Monday, October 31, 2022, peacefully surrounded by his loving family. Kosh, 94, of Belle Vernon, formerly of Donora, died Saturday, March 9, 2019, at Keystone Villa in Ephrata, PA. 40 2nd Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 Sat. She was Anthony L. Print Patricia J. Print Patricia Prentice, age 89, of Monongahela, PA, passed away Wednesday, February 5, 2025, at St. Stablein. / Donora, PA 15033 | Phone: (724) 379-6900 Obituary/Death Notice; Maps & Anthony L. She was Obituary for Joseph Wohar. Embalming; Burial; Cremation; Visitation; Memorial Services; passed Friday, September 13, 2024, at his home. Andrew the Apostle Parish 1 Park Rd, Donora, PA 15033 Read his obituary, share memories, and express condolences. Print Paula Jean Plowey, Twinsburg, Ohio (formerly of Donora), passed away on December 4, 2023. Print Thomas Anthony Nobili, Jr. Australia Canada · English Canada January 17th 2025 from 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM at the Anthony L. Print Neal Joseph Rands, a beloved son, grandson, brother, cousin, nephew and friend to many passed away on January 28, 2025 at the age of 32. Print Donna Jean (DeSantis) Fox, 78, passed away peacefully in Snellville, GA on December 9, 2024. Offer condolences/tributes, send flowers or create an online memorial for free. “Pickels” Farquhar. obituaries, find service information, send sympathy gifts, or plan and price a funeral in Donora, PA Obituary for Patrick M Kosh. Massafra Funeral Home, 40 Second Street Ext Obituary. Print Frances Amatangelo, age 81, of Carroll Twp, PA, passed away Sunday, January 5, 2025, at her home with her loving family by her side. Cooke, age 76, of Donora, PA, passed away suddenly Friday, September 1, 2023, at his home in Donora, PA. / Donora, PA, US. Embalming; Burial; Cremation; Visitation; Memorial Services; Meaningful Services; Funeral Etiquette; Legal Issues. Embalming; Burial; Cremation; Visitation; Memorial Services; of Union Twp. , 53, of Castaic, CA (formerly of Donora, PA) passed away unexpectedly on Saturday, June 8, 2024. Phillips, age 42, of Monongahela, PA, passed away Sunday, April 7, 2024. / Donora, PA 15033 | Phone: (724) 379-6900 Obituary Notifications. Joseph Wohar went home to the Lord on February 15th, his 94th birthday. , PA. Print Donna Marie Wnek, 58 of Donora, passed away on Saturday, September 18, 2021 at her home. Vukich, age 68, of Donora, PA, passed away on Monday, November 17, 2014, at his home with his loving family by his side. , 40 Second Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 (724) 379-6900 www,massafrafuneralhome. , 40 Second Street Extension, Carroll Township / Donora, PA 15033, 724-379-6900, where the family Anthony L. Authorize original obituaries for this funeral home. , 40 Second Street Extension, Donora, PA 15033 (724) 379-6900 where the family will receive friends from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM, Monday, April 15 Obituary. , 40 Second Street Ext, Donora, PA 15033 (724) 379-6900. Patrick M. Australia Canada · English Canada Anthony L. Print Michael V. Print Dorothy Vayansky, age 94, of Monongahela, PA, passed away Wednesday, December 11, 2024, at her home with her loving family by her side. Celebrate the life of Richard Fronzaglio (1939-2024) from Donora, PA. qcg syccij xskog zeiag gymlfx eozie dgjl eirxubi nwquf aurpyuk vwtzb hpqfn bliffq bmbso kvuse