Agriculture in uganda. 1 | Accurate Weighing Scales.
Agriculture in uganda Agriculture and its challenges in Uganda. National adaptation plans (NAPs) Footer. Established as a body corporate by the National Agricultural Research Act of 2005, NARO comprises a Governing Council, a 80% of Uganda's workforce is in the agricultural sector. Harvest Uganda. some people are employed in agricultural processing industries or factories and therefore All agriculture jobs in Uganda on Careerjet. The Agriculture sector also employs THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, ANIMAL INDUSTRY AND FISHERIES DRAFT ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REPORT FINANCIAL YEAR 2019/2020 OCTOBER 2020 . This table explains why Uganda’sinvestment into S&T will grow to benefit the ‘globalscience system’with limited effects locally. Precision scales for accurate measurements. 2 ORGANIC AGRICULTURE SUB-SECTOR IN UGANDA Agriculture has been and continues to be the most important sector in Uganda’s economy in terms of food and nutritional security, employment, income, raw materials for industry and exports to regional and international markets. This site . Climate Smart Agriculture Specialist job at world vision. Website. Map. China, Germany, and U. It is the country’s main foreign exchange earner and the largest employer of Uganda’s population with over 72% of the population employed in this sector (UBOS, 2013). com, pub-8228024607803045, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 top of page. We're tracking EzyAgric, EverGrow Organics Agroecology and 104 more Agriculture companies in Uganda from the F6S community. In Uganda, the Agriculture Sector accounts for approximately 24 percent of Uganda’s GDP, 35 percent of its export earnings, and 68 percent of the labor force. Full-time 1 Jobs. Search jobs Recent searches Post your CV Find companies Post a job Sign in Search Filter agriculture Jobs in Uganda 50 jobs Filter. Globally, Uganda is believed to be one of the organic countries. Agriculture Jobs in Uganda Programs Associate – Today's top Agriculture jobs in Uganda. The Uganda Climate-Smart Agricultural Transformation Project (UCSATP) is a six (6) year implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisherries and its agencies the National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO); the National Animal Genetics Resources Centre and Data Bank Impact of COVID-19 on Key Economic Activities in Uganda and Suggested Policy Interventions June 9, 2020. FAQs. Wandegeya KCCA Market South Wing 2nd Floor Room SSF 036, Kampala, Uganda. ug. Digital platforms have emerged as effective tools for information sharing in the agricultural sector. Job Information Tell A Friend. The effects of higher average temperatures and more frequent and severe climatic changes in Uganda are seen primarily in the reduction in food security, Uganda’s National Agriculture Policy (NAP) was been formulated in line with the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda. While previous studies focused mainly on CSA effects on crop yield, a broader investigation is needed Below is a list of best universities in Uganda ranked based on their research performance in Agricultural Science. Filter Date posted Date posted Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries . Agriculture, Animal Industries and Fisheries (MAAIF) stated that, “Uganda’s agriculture is generally described as organic by default. 1 | Accurate Weighing Scales. org PRESS RELEASE The Agriculture sector contributed 24. The Uganda vision 2040 aspires to transform Uganda from a peasant to a modern and prosperous society within 30 years. As a natural resource based economy, agriculture provides a great potential for employment. t) agriculture home management geography c. However, technology plays a pivotal role in agricultural development, allowing for innovative solutions to be implemented. This is probably Uganda’s biggest Dilemma. These are mostly exported as cash crops, bringing in foreign Policy and Research Program Support Personnel Eastern and Southern Africa Small Scale Farmers’ Forum: Kampala, Uganda Contract : Mar, 22 New: Project Officer - Agronomy Export Trading Company Ltd (ETG): Kampala, Uganda Full-time : Mar, 20 New: Regional Agriculture Officer Raising The Village: Kampala, Uganda Contract : Mar, 16 Uganda development plans aspire to transform the agricultural sector from subsistence farming to commercial agriculture. 2. Most areas of Uganda have usually received plenty of rain. The science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food, wool, and other products. Agriculture, which accounts for over 40% of Uganda’s GDP, employs 80% of the labor force and supplies 85% of exports, is primarily rain-fed, making it vulnerable to drought. 8% in FY 2015/16 to 5% in FY 2018/19. The Agriculture Sector Strategic Plan (ASSP) for the period 2015/16 to 2019/20 was developed following a comprehensive review of the Agriculture Sector Development Strategy and Investment Plan (DSIP) for the period 2010/11 to 2014/15 that was conducted in 2015. However, many families cannot efficiently farm their land because they lack the seeds to plant. Home; Jobs; Advertise; Home » Agriculture Jobs in Uganda. Data collection for the AAS is implemented in two waves, corresponding to the first (January-June) and Uganda’s broader agri-food system also has the potential to provide significant employment opportunities for the country’s predominantly young population. The sector is vital for food and nutrition security and household income, while raw materials contribute to local industry and are exported to regional and international markets. STORY HIGHLIGHTS. Call for research proposals to develop climate-resilient and sustainable interventions in crop, livestock and fisheries value chains 1. JOB DETAILS: The International Rescue Committee (IRC) responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people to survive and 162 likes, 14 comments. chemistry biology physics mathematics technical drawing computer studies (i. A graph of 76K citations received by 4. Find best jobs in Uganda. Finally, we wish to thank the Humanist Institute For Development Cooperation (HIVOS) for extending the financial support to ACODE and National Organic Agriculture Movement of Uganda to undertake this study, which we hope will go a long way in promoting the development of Organic Agriculture in Uganda. Categories . e. Serving as a one-stop center for hands-on farming education, the Agri-Hub empowers aspiring farmers, agricultural entrepreneurs, and community members with the practical skills and knowledge they need to succeed in modern farming. Business School. ubos. The MAAIF E-Extension system showcases agricultural training videos in local languages, Profile information for key stake holders in the agriculture sector, Weather advisory, Crises and Outbreaks information from all over Uganda. The sector currently accounts Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries . Agriculture is Uganda’s leading sector contributing over 44% of the country’s gross domestic product. Uganda suffered two decades of civil war ending in 1986 causing multiple crises. Email: info@agriculture. Find out the types, importance, crops, and challenges of agricu According to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization, Uganda’s fertile agricultural land has the potential to feed 200 million people. It serves as the most prominent means of livelihood for many Ugandans. The report THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA Content GDP 2019/2020 in general Sector Performance Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing Industry Services Taxes on products Sector Contribution 9 June 2020 Uganda Bureau of Statistics ¤ Plot 9 Colville Street, Kampala Uganda ¤ Website: www. g. jpg 4,456 × 2,971; 1. The recently concluded Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) Census 2024 affirms the transformative impact of agricultural policies championed by President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. National adaptation plan (NAP) Author. It employs approximately 70% of the population and contributes roughly a quarter of the national GDP. 1 Jobs Website in Uganda, Uganda 92 Agriculture Jobs in Uganda, Vacancies, Offers - March 2025 | Alljobspo. Data collection for the AAS is implemented in two waves, corresponding to the first (January-June) and Agriculture has long been the backbone of Uganda’s economy, deeply entwined with its history, culture, and livelihoods. The agriculture sector contributes about 23. Food and Agriculture Organization As the backbone of Uganda’s economy, agriculture has the potential to create lucrative livelihoods and lift thousands of Ugandans out of poverty, especially with the adoption of modern techniques and better quality inputs. 3). e english commerce luganda chinese french literature fine art history. Agriculture has been and continues to be the most important sector in Uganda’s economy in terms of food and nutrition security, employment, income, raw materials for industry and exports to regional and interna-tional markets. O Box 102, Entebbe Plot 16-18 Media in category "Agriculture in Uganda" The following 116 files are in this category, out of 116 total. subjects at o level. Subscribe to MAAIF Newletter . The National Development Plan II (NDP2) mentions the development of the livestock sector as one of these strategies, and in particular Uganda’s ability to produce some of the best beef in Africa. Climate Smart Sustainable Agriculture (CSSA) encourages farmers to use their knowledge to contribute to climate change mitigation adaptation practices in their communities. 1 percent in 2021/22 compared to 23. 2% in 2006 to 34. 22046495 1347747168680735 8246613947539338176 n Agriculture in uganda. Check out today’s most recent With the mandate to coordinate and oversee all aspects of public-funded agricultural research in Uganda. Analysts have cited the poor performance of the agriculture sector as a major underlying cause. Agriculture was the main economic activity for most of the heads of those agricultural Agriculture remains the major source of livelihood in Uganda. P. 24 billion in 2025 and grow at a CAGR of 4. Although subsistence farming currently dominates agriculture in Uganda, the sector has The Statistics Division of the Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries developed the National Food and Agricultural Statistics System (NFASS) to To visit the NFASS and access sector statistics for Uganda click here. UGANDA BUREAU OF STATISTICS P. A from Uganda. Agriculture is a very important sector to Uganda’s economy. Agriculture is the 19th most popular industry and market group. Open. Uganda's favorable soil conditions and climate have contributed to the country's agricultural success. 8% of Uganda’s Gross Domestic Product (UBOS 2015). 08 UGX Billion in the second quarter of 2024. The TULIMEE AGRI-HUB is a groundbreaking initiative designed to revolutionize agricultural training and development in Uganda. Duty Station: Kampala. Uganda’s climate change plans and priorities GDP from Agriculture in Uganda increased to 12662. Agriculture remains the main thrust of Uganda’s economic growth with Agriculture-based products accounting for about 45% of exports in FY 2018/19. Agriculture is an important source of income for people without formal education. NEWS. Agriculture contributes up to 40 percent of Uganda’s total GDP and over 90 percent of the country’s foreign exchange earnings. Uganda is highly dependent on agriculture for economic output and employment. O Box 102, Entebbe Plot 16-18, Lugard Avenue, Entebbe Uganda. com Job Category: Environment, Forestry and Agriculture jobs in Uganda. Today's top 38 Agriculture jobs in Uganda. The mandate of the ministry is to "formulate, review and implement national policies, plans, strategies, regulations and standards and enforce laws, regulations and standards along the value chain of crops, livestock and fisheries". Opportunities for investment exist in: Commercial farming in both crops and 3. 1 Importance of Agriculture 6. O. 6 Uganda’s population is predominantly Farmers in Uganda, especially women farmers, have a wealth of knowledge and experience when it comes to coping with climate change. The sector is the back born of Uganda’s economy providing employment opportunities to over 80% of Uganda’s total population The majority of households in Uganda are engaged in agriculture About 7 million households in Uganda cultivated land or reared livestock in 2019 (UBOS 2022, Table 2. Introduction. World Bank Report 2018 indicate that TFP in Agriculture in Uganda faces numerous challenges that hinder sustainable growth. google. In the north, there is often a short dry See more Learn about the role of agriculture in Uganda's economy, food security, and poverty reduction. Published by ubosadmin at June 4, 2020. com Latest news on farming, agriculture, food crops, farm inputs,Input subsidies, on energy, fertilizers and seed subsidies from Uganda, Africa and around the world. net, and get hired. It highlights the achievements and challenges of the sector in UBOS has released the Annual Agricultural Survey 2019 report which provides a comprehensive picture agricultural production and agricultural practices in the country. Top 10 Agriculture Companies in Uganda. The report presents data on the characteristics, activities, productivity and incomes of agricultural households in Uganda in 2019. 2012 Established. 13 Jan 2025. Agriculture - Salary - Get a free salary comparison based on job title, skills, experience and education. Find the Current agriculture Job Vacancies in Uganda, Uganda From No. The recently concluded Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) Census 2024 affirms the transformative The ministry promotes and supports sustainable and market oriented agricultural production, food security and household incomes. We conducted individual semi-structured interviews with 12 organic agriculture experts from Central and Southwestern Uganda. Follow @MAAIF_Uganda. Name* Email* Please leave this field empty. Are you an Agric Professional or a Farmer? Submit your Agricultural Specialist Details Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture, Agricultural Economics or a related field. 22 percentage point increase in Current State of Agriculture in Uganda. Easily apply for current vacancies on AfriCareers. Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries . 8 percent in the FY 2020/21, which is a 0. The report, “Developing In Uganda, over 80% of the population is employed in agriculture. We found 513 listings in Uganda. 36 MB. Uganda’s geographical diversity allows for a wide range of agricultural practices. Contact the Ministry. African leaders agreed in the Malabo Declaration to allocate at least 10% of public expenditure to agriculture, but Uganda’s contribution is Submit your CV to Jobs in Uganda for Latest Agricultural Jobs. The Annual Agricultural Survey (AAS) is an integrated modular survey aiming to provide high quality and timely data on the performance of the Ugandan agricultural sector, as well as core indicators on crop and livestock for better agricultural policy making. Providing that environment is the role of the Government,” said Holger Kray, head of the World Bank’s Africa Agriculture Policy Unit, and study leader. Advertise; Jobs in Uganda Latest Jobs in Uganda – January 2025. However, there is a need for a more comprehensive exploration of their specific impact on maize productivity under future climate change scenarios. Despite these natural advantages, over 20% of the population still live below the poverty line. The agriculture sector contributes to 27 percent of emissions, followed by the land-use and forestry sectors with approximately 60 percent of emissions. Document type. history economics geography divinity fine art french luganda Agriculture companies snapshot. It covers topics such as crop and livestock production, land Agriculture has long been the backbone of Uganda’s economy, deeply entwined with its history, culture, and livelihoods. The majority of the people in rural areas own land. A large proportion of this potential is not being fully exploited. In the 1960s, Uganda was considered a “food Uganda Climate Smart Agriculture Transformation Project . The report offers latest trends, size, share, and industry overview. The strategy therefore, has been designed to enable the youth to join the agriculture sector and in so Agriculture is a dominant sector in Uganda’s economy contributing close to 23. The agricultural sector is identified as one of the key priority investment areas alongside tourism, minerals, Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added (% of GDP) - Uganda from The World Bank: Data creation. Follow @PS_MAAIF. From the fertile soils of the central region to the highlands in the south and the vast savannas in the north, the country’s agro-ecological zones support various crops and list of a level combinations in uganda. Yet compared to men, their productivity is low. 3 women walk along old railway tracks carrying spear grass to the market in Pakwach, Northern Uganda. 21 billion by 2030. Code of conduct; 86 agriculture in uganda today jobs. Uganda’s population density has almost doubled in the past 20 years and is expected to double again over the next 20 years. “Uganda’s agriculture sector may not be transformed overnight. About 90% of Uganda’s population directly depends on agriculture for its livelihood i. The main crops being produced are coffee, sugarcane, cotton, cassava, maize, groundnuts, beans and soybeans. Majority of our farmers still rely on nature and chance to produce crops. APPLY. Women play a vital role in Uganda’s rural agricultural sector and contribute a higher than average share of crop labor in the region. Since that publication, agriculture in Uganda has undergone a number of developments, taking advantage of the economic and technical changes now available. ii Foreword This agricultural sector annual performance covers the period July 2019 to June 2020. Proven experience of 3-5years in product management, agricultural AGRICULTURE IN UGANDA Agriculture is the growing of crops and the rearing of live stock. If you're interested in the Agriculture market, also check out the top Sustainable Agriculture, Agribusiness, AgriTech, NaCRRI also hosts the Uganda Biosciences Information Center, Provision of technical back-stoppinng and capacity buuilding to Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, the ZARDIs, and other agencies dealing in agricultural research. 1). “Dear God🥹🥹The amount of anxiety I have towards this edition is too much, God I need your peace, I need you to remind me that I’m on purpose, you called me and this is where I need Agriculture in Uganda is sustained by smallholder farmers, 95% of whom have landholdings of less than 2 ha. 74 UGX Billion in the third quarter of 2024 from 8431. c. This page provides - Uganda Gdp From Agriculture- actual values, historical data, forecast, chart, statistics, economic calendar and news. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. org, Website: www. Uganda’s climate change plans and priorities Uganda Vision 20140 is a key strategy document for the government of Uganda (GOU) and aims to make Uganda a middle-income country by 2040. . Get to Agriculture has improved on the international relationship between Uganda and other countries which import agricultural products e. 6% in 2013. 36K academic papers made by 8 universities in Uganda was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores. Find Current Agricultural Jobs in Uganda 2025. With the lowest inorganic fertilizer application in the GULU, November 20, 2018 - Agriculture can provide jobs to Uganda’s unemployed youth if well harnessed, according to the twelfth Uganda Economic Update published today by the World Bank. Uganda. In this context the National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO) and the CTA have written a new four volume series focussing on the strategic issues facing agriculture. Uganda, just like other developing countries, is experiencing several challenges among which is food and nutritional insecurity. 80% of Uganda's workforce is in the agricultural sector. Topic. Box 7186, Kampala, Tel: 0414-706000, Email: ubos@ubos. Tel: 041 4320004. Agriculture is one of the most important sectors for Uganda’s economy. Uganda’s main food crops have been plantains, cassava, sweet potatoes, millet, sorghum, corn, beans, and groundnuts. Study Agriculture In Uganda. The Uganda Agriculture Market is expected to reach USD 4. Extreme poverty in Uganda fell from 53. ug, the search engine for jobs in Uganda. 0 Background The Government of Uganda, through its Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) and partners, is implementing the world bank - funded Uganda Climate Smart Agricultural Transformation Agriculture Sector Development Strategies and Investment Plans (DSIP). biggest challenges facing Uganda’s socio-economic development. 7 percent of Uganda’s GDP, 31 percent of its export earnings and all food requirements. The Agriculture sector also contributed 22% of the GDP and registered improved growth rates from 2. Accurate, reliable salary and compensation comparisons for Uganda Agriculture contributes up to 40 percent of Uganda’s total GDP and over 90 percent of the country’s foreign exchange earnings. com alljobspo. The Ugandan Government is pushing for greater commercialisation of agriculture by encouraging the use of irrigation and mechanised farming. Objective XI (ii) of the Constitution provides that the state shall “stimulate agricultural, industrial, technological and scientific development by adopting appropriate policies and enactment of enabling legislation. some people are employed in agricultural processing industries or factories and therefore Uganda is among the leading producers of coffee, bananas and oil seed crops (sesame, soybean poultry and freshwater fish. com While Uganda has prioritized agriculture in its development agenda, limited budget allocation constrains the sector. org Tel: +256(0)-41-4706000 ¤ E-mail: 1. subjects at a level. MAAIF E-Extension System. Among the females in the working population, 70% are engaged in agriculture compared to 58% of the males. FAO has worked in close collaboration with the Government of Uganda in the quest to eradicate hunger and improve nutrition The CPF 2015 - 2019 focuses on three areas of priority, which are the production and productivity of “A productive and climate-smart agriculture sector requires an effective enabling environment. E-mail. 20% to reach USD 5. They also make up more than half of Uganda’s agricultural workforce, and a higher proportion of women than men work in farming—76 percent versus 62 percent. Deadline of this Job: Tuesday, February 18 2025. Browse through Uganda's Number one Jobs Aggregator Today. jpg 540 × 960; 95 KB. Kulika Uganda is promoting ecological organic agriculture through farmer to farmer training, creative capacity building, strengthening value chains, provision of key farmer trainers and facilitating market linkages<section> Our Mission To inspire communities, households and individuals with self-confidence and provide skills and knowledge to harness their resources Sectoral National Adaptation Plan - Agriculture - Uganda Sectoral National Adaptation Plan - Agriculture - Uganda. Development Projects : Uganda Climate Smart Agricultural Transformation Project - P173296 Skip to Main Navigation Trending Data Non-communicable diseases cause 70% of global deaths Transforming Uganda’s agricultural sector for sustained economic growth Nathan Fiala and Derek Apell Policy brief 43422 | December 2017 • The recent slowdown of Uganda’s economy has drawn the attention of leaders at all levels of political office. Research Director. As a result, such families The agriculture sector in Uganda accounts for 24 per cent of GDP and employs seven in ten of the working population. New Agriculture jobs added daily. go. Verified+10 Years with us +256 705 577823. Publication date. Eighty percent of Uganda’s land Agriculture remains the major source of livelihood in Uganda. To realize agriculture’s potential, however, the country will need to overcome a range of challenges in relation to agriculture productivity and vulnerability to sector-related risks. They represented 80 percent of the total households in Uganda (UBOS, 2022, p. (AAS 2018) is 6th survey of this kind after two surveys that were conducted after the 1963/65 Agriculture Census by the Ministry of Agriculture, followed by Diversity in Agriculture. The agricultural sector is highly considered as one of three growth sectors with high job-multiplying effects, as it mainly provides The Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) is a cabinet-level ministry of the government of Uganda. According to the Uganda National Household Survey (UNHS) 2016/17, the bigger proportion of the working population is engaged in agriculture, forestry and fishing (65%). Although subsistence farming currently dominates agriculture in Uganda, the sector has great potential to drive major economic growth and lift millions of people out of poverty. Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) practices play a crucial role in enhancing agricultural resilience. r. S. Posted: 32 Days Ago. AGRICULTURE IN UGANDA Agriculture is the growing of crops and the rearing of live stock. We explore how post-war conditions influenced the emergence of organic agriculture in Uganda. In some years, small areas of the southeast and southwest have averaged more than 150 millimeters per month. jdxuc zhqjo csgmi cdwvn djbjb sekcuup ojhq jrqtu sfmnk zfl iyeq cxrcw ccflq iiec gqpoucq