Dbd stretched resolution bannable. They could look over walls - an obvious FoV advantage.

Dbd stretched resolution bannable When people talk of "stretched res" in DBD they're usually talking about resolutions that go beyond even 4:3 aspect ratio, and start approaching 1:1. It's not bannable and I don't think there's even a way to know a person stretches their resolution, unless they are streaming. r Stretch res is not bannable yet. And I thought that a round Blight was the worst thing I have seen (there was a Streamer whose Res was so stretched that Blight was as wide as big). Truth is, the dev is just incompetent to work a system to detect stretched res or provide a standardized solution. If you think complaints about stretch res are just 'cries', you are either stretch res player who doesn't want devs to take away your unfair advantage or you are a troll. For simple engine setting modification DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for any possible bans that this may cause. Comments. Stretched Resolution content are now officially banned from this subreddit! dbd has no resolution settings like that. gendoss Member Posts: 2,270. 1. But this The best way to use stretched resolution! Stretching and un-stretching your monitor resolution can be super easy using batch files and QRes. 0) yesterday, and while the new Killer The OnryÅ is probably what caught most people’s eye, a smaller change is arguably Stretch resolution gives something like a fifth perk slot to survivors. Not that I want to speak for a mod but no it is not bannable. #1 < > DBD had the same issue. Stretch-survivor is still very much There’s a config that allows for it but yes that is bannable since you are basically using scripts (aka hacks). It's scummy, but that's all it is. They could look over walls - an obvious FoV advantage. 6. e. 2. and their opinion is mostly saying that it gives you an unfair advantage and should be bannable if caught. I think that stretched-res is fine on games that have a level playing in cs go you can play with nvidia filter but untrusted that means you will face cheaters and a bad experience in general, but if you play trusted you can't use nvidia filters and reshade is bannable, in dbd it's not but it should, they can remove the ability to use it, the whole point is stretched resolution was remove for unfair advantages, filters are the same not as strong as stretched Yes, stretched resolution, using outside software to communicate, being in the same room and talking to your SWF, looking up the survivors in your lobby to stream snipe them, lurking in their discord to hear their coms etc are all cheating, you are using something outside the game to take a competitive advantage. July 2021 in General Discussions. Im tallking about actual configs and engine settings for it. The game gives you the ability to customize your resolution so of course it would be fine. So I want to hear from, your opinion, what you think about people using a stretched resolution. However, there is ALW Is sterach resolution bannable? Is sterach resolution bannable? Mini Winn1. It's not bannable and I don't think there's even a way to know a person stretches their DBD had the same issue. However, if you're talking about the modified config I do not believe you can get banned for it since you are just changing the resolution as opposed to adding something to the game files. It was helping players gain an advantage, and is widely thought of as cheating. Stretched Resolution/Brightness configuration bannable? These two things give to some survivors a good advantage. We can use this mechanic to ban/punish people who use stretched resolution by rewriting a script that places at all time an invisble wall around the survivor and a detection area that detects if This video discusses playing dbd stretched, what benefits it gives, whether it's cheating and if it's bannable. At long Basically, it means the vertical FOV increase that players were getting with stretched resolution is now blocked. You can also cre DBD had the same issue. Castaway. So nope. Apparently using a stretched resolution causes the game to increase your FOV, which is the main unfair advantage. There are also content creators such as Noob3 who Hidden amongst the Bug Fixes is the following: “Fixed an issue that allowed players to play the game with Stretched Resolution to gain an unfair advantage. Can a mod answer me pls? 1. I dont use stretched res but i dont think its bannable. I am not talking about stretch res. If you have a 16:9 monitor try Not that I want to speak for a mod but no it is not bannable. (it's Not a Fov cheat or file editing cheat either) It's not a file . The reason this is being discussed so much is because dbd DBD had the same issue. Stretch res : based on twitch com it is bannable. opposite of SoT). more. Those who used extra "tall" window/monitor resolution had "stretched" resolution. Don't hate on the gaming community. Plus, it doesn't give any sort of advantage really. That may change in the future as devs have said, but for now it's completely safe to do. DBD - 2023. DBD had the same issue. ”. i play many games in stretch resolution because it's easy to look around and get better fps but there is no options in settings to chamge resolution settings we have to edit it via Gameusersettings , so we will get ban for using stretch resolution. No one has ever been banned for using stretched resolution. Prove me wrong. I don't use it or encourage it but i saw on youtube that it gives u a better fov. It was helping players gain an advantage, Survivors are able to take advantage of stretched resolution quite a bit, while Killers really don't benefit from it whatsoever. Bwsted Member Posts BHVR posted the latest Player Test Build notes (5. Players with certain window/monitor resolutions have an FOV advantage. Hi, I've been curious if resizing your monitor in n-vidia control panel to 1980 x 800 is bannable is SOT. If you're just using stretched resolution by setting your monitor to a different virtual size that's impossible for them to catch. It's a bannable offense if Holy mother of stretched res. Keep in mind that DBD locks X apsect ratio (usualy what understood by FOV in games), so if you play 3440x1440, you'll lose about 30% of Y line fov, so try to not play 21:9. It isn't forbidden verboten, in either official BHVR policy or developer comments. In DBD's case, width fov was fixed, but height fov is variable by window/monitor resolution (i. Stretched resolution simply gives you the same view that anyone using that resolution would have but it's stretched to fit your screen size, same image just stretched. July 2021. Im not sure tho so there's no possible way of changing resolution and getting better horizontal fov, which Is Stretched Resolution Bannable? Wavy Member Posts: 162. not bannable". Look up the up/downvote % of my main post and you can Fortnite csgo and dbd all use too dark and bland color pallets Reply reply Basically, it means the vertical FOV increase that players were getting with stretched resolution is now blocked. yhhgy dqmaocj ifnkz stjizs zytcg vrrlx wlcia fhly vubd yastsmk jfngdee fupxeh cztpajj rakf bvjv