Ffmpeg openssl not found When I build FFMPEG with whatever OpenSSL version it scoops off the floor, the program I build with FFMPEG dies because there's undefined symbols such as Protocol not found. I am still researching the correct SSL/TLS Re: [ffmpeg] pod2man: command not found by Malvineous » Fri Oct 01, 2021 1:19 pm My bad, it's part of base-devel but if you've only freshly installed it, you have to re-source /etc/profile so that /usr/bin/core_perl/ gets added to your path. lib都带了lib前缀,比如configure脚本里检查的ssl. sh is not set FFMPEG_DEP_LIBS. Closed cbuddeke opened this issue Mar 1, 2018 · 3 The issue is that the suggested method to install ffmpeg referenced in #493 does not seem to have an option to download ffmpeg with openssl. I compare with Android and iOS in do-compile-ffmpeg. 本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划 ,欢迎热爱写作的你一起参与! You signed in with another tab or window. 文章浏览阅读2. 2‘ not found; 编译安装pgbouncer-checking for OpenSSL configure: error: not found; Ubuntu安装pure-ftp报错 configure: error: OpenSSL headers not found. ffmpeg config 命令 . Everything works fine until ffmpeg/cppbuild. cd ffmpeg-3. `ffmpeg-3. 报错 本文档详细介绍了如何下载、解压、编译并安装ffmpeg,特别强调了在编译过程中遇到openssl未找到的问题及其解决方案,包括安装openssl和openssl-devel,以及配置环境变 > > It returns with > > ERROR: openssl not found > > > > If you think configure made a mistake, make sure you are using the latest > > version from Git. bbcallen closed this as Building ffmpeg for iOS > error: openssl not found #4190. Reload to refresh your session. and can't load my video. mp4。在命令行直接执行 ffprobe 命令 ffprobe https://xxx. 所以,要先知道怎样能把openssl编译通过. sh tries to compile ffmpeg, quitting with "ERROR: openssl not found". Please see my last post for issue #136 which talks about it. bbcallen added the staled label Jul 18, 2016. org mailing list or IRC #ffmpeg on irc. h‘ file not found; ERROR: dependencies ‘curl’, ‘openssl’ are not available for package ‘httr’ [Solved] Compile Error: AAPT: error: resource android:attr/lStar not found [Solved] Rust Compile Error: error: linker `cc` not found As a learning exercise, I’m compiling FFmpeg on my laptop running Rocky Linux 9. log file of ffmpeg: ffmpeg安装Linux | 解决 ‘ffmpeg command not found’ 错误. FFmpeg 7. The more important highlights of the release are that the VVC decoder, merged as experimental in version 7. 2 ffmpeg进行openssl有关配置及安装 1、在指定ffmpeg安装路径时,带上–enable-openssl. Maybe ask on youtube-dl 9. Trying to build standard-cpp-migration branch on my Windows 10 system, observing the following error: ERROR: openssl not found I have added the following flags: --enable-version3 --enable-nonfree inside FFmpegConfig. As most distributors of ffmpeg enable features requiring the GPL license you won't easily find ffmpeg with openssl or libtls support. Stop at the On ios https protocol not found, recompile FFmpeg with openssl, gnutls or securetransport enabled. Hot Network Questions Does the Thaumaturge's Lantern Implement provide a bonus to Initiative? You're not missing anything. 17. 国外的网站就是资源多,搜到一个 ERROR: openssl not found during FFmpeg . 0 not found using pkg-config message: ERROR: openssl not found. 1i, android cup架构支持armeabi-v7a,arm64-v8a,x86,x86_64,ffmpeg和openssl都是基于Android API level 21编译的。自测播放本地视频文件,http视频文件和https视频文件均可正常播放显示。有需要的自取。这几天csdn上也下载了好几个库,不是架构不全就是不支持https,下载资源里说明也不 Stack Exchange Network. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 6 months ago. sh文件,粘贴以下代码 Using version 0. zip`:静态版本的FFmpeg包含所有必需的库,已编译到可执行文件中。这意味着程序在运行时不需要依赖系统的库,提供了更大的便携性和一致性。然而,这也会使生成的可执行文件较大。 本文记载FFmpeg编译OpenSSL库时所遇到的一些问题,以及浅析FFmpeg编译选项的一些含义。引言:做项目时遇到使用FFmpeg解析HTTPS协议的HLS流报错,后台返回值为 -1330794744,错误信息为:Protocol not found。经过分析需要重新编译FFmpeg以支持HTTPS协议,在编译过程中又遇到:OpenSSL not found,以及编译成功后依旧 ERROR: openssl not found during FFmpeg . 1 "Péter". mp4。结果报错如下:https protocol not found, recompile FFmpeg with openssl, gnutls or securetra W/IJKMEDIA: https protocol not found, recompile FFmpeg with openssl, gnutls or securetransport enabled. lib和crypto. 对于这个问题,需要卸载重新编译安装。配置时需要附带 --enable openssl。 可以先注释掉make和make install,只运行configure看看配置有没有什么问题。 如果出现openssl not found,然后确认前面的配置没有问题,那就打开ffmpeg根目录下的configure文件,搜索下openssl not found,然后参考下最新版本的ffmpeg,看看两者有什么不同,看情况修改。 文章浏览阅读6. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Compile FFMpeg with OPENSSL for all processors: Bug report Describe the bug Hi! I am new to xbmc. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. 1. 0 and above. /configure 0 Trimming a H265 video using FFmpeg and getting this error: “Unable to find a suitable output format for 'output. [Solved] ORB_SLAM3 Compile Error: opencv4. Credits to Reindl and Moritz (ffmpeg user mailing FFmpeg若要访问https视频,就必须集成第三方的openssl库,但编译FFmpeg时却默认关闭了openssl。 为了让App能够播放采用https的在线视频,需要编译安装并启用openssl。 经过分析需要重新编译FFmpeg以支持HTTPS协议,在编译过程中又遇到:OpenSSL not found,以及编译成功后 ffmpeg 开启https, 提示“ERROR: openssl not found” 库, 或者使用libssl. Please do not file a bug report if your issue relates to any of the following: Homebrew itself (see the brew issue tracker or their discussion forum) The ffmpeg fo Re: mpv [ffmpeg] https protocol not found &+ other media players « Reply #1 on: May 10, 2019, 02:17:08 AM » It appears the ffmpeg/libav* dependency on gnutls, which enables the https protocol, is missing - I'll take a look. Failure logs openssl not found Additional context This started failing in the last day or two. patreon. I've Hi all - I have the latest update that fixed Windows builds for PCRE2. ggschelling opened this issue Apr 25, 2018 · 4 comments Comments. Visit Stack Exchange I'm trying to make one bitcoin-like daemon on my Ubuntu 14. dev - flutter_ffmpeg: 引言:做项目时遇到使用FFmpeg解析HTTPS协议的HLS流报错,后台返回值为 -1330794744,错误信息为:Protocol not found。经过分析需要重新编译FFmpeg以支持HTTPS协议,在编译过程中又遇到:OpenSSL not found,以及编译成功后依旧无法识别HT >>> It returns with >>> ERROR: openssl not found >>> >>> If you think configure made a mistake, make sure you are using the latest >>> version from Git. /configure. It seems that you have used Homebrew to install ffmpeg, you can run brew reinstall ffmpeg --with-openssl to build ffmpeg with ssl support. > It returns with > ERROR: openssl not found > > If you think configure made a mistake, make sure you are using the latest > version from Git. 2-win64-static. Here it is: MBP-Mojo:FFmpeg-iOS-build-script-master user$ which openssl /opt/local/bin/openssl. content. log" produced by configure as this will help solve the problem. 近日,在C++中使用FFmpeg把一些本地的视频文件,推送到远程RTSP服务器的时候,使用了如下这个过程: (NULL, AV_LOG_WARNING, "https protocol not found, recompile FFmpeg with " "openssl, gnutls or securetransport enabled. I've had some stupid mistakes Issue#26064 before . 1 安装并开启openssl apt install openssh-server server ssh start server ssh status 1 2 3 2. h265: Invalid argument” 本文分享自 作者个人站点/博客 前往查看. If you are about to build for iPhone 5s or newer devices, arm64 is the active architecture. From pub. Open EstebanDugueperoux2 opened this issue Jul 4, 2023 · 5 comments Open openssl not found If you think configure made a mistake, make sure you are using the latest version from Git. 5k次。文章讲述了在使用ffmpeg从URL下载视频遇到错误时,问题定位到openssl,然后提供了详细的解决方案,包括安装openssl,配置ffmpeg使其支持openssl,安装libssl-dev,更新动态链接库,以及添加ffmpeg到环境变量中,最后检查ffmpeg版本确认问题是否 问题1. News September 30th, 2024, FFmpeg 7. h Install openssl-dev also, and then recompile ffmpeg so it detects openssl during configure, and is compiled with ssl support. 0, has had enough time to mature and be optimized enough to be declared as stable. com 删除。. Copy link 如果出现openssl not found,然后确认前面的配置没有问题,那就打开ffmpeg根目录下的configure文件,搜索下。进入解压后的openssl根目录,创建一个build_android_openssl. Also see Compilation and The new version of openssl uses ‘OPENSSL_init_ssl’ to initialize, and because it does not pass the check, this error is reported here. It should play music from there: channel = message. /configureHelpful? Please support me on Patreon: https://www. com/roelvandepaarWith thanks & praise to God, a 定位问题使用 php-ffmpeg 组件截取https的网络视频时发现,抛出异常 unable to probe https://xxx. exe -I/local64/include -D_FORT vcpkg install ffmpeg[openssl]:x64-windows. Open ggschelling opened this issue Apr 25, 2018 · 4 comments Open Building ffmpeg for iOS > error: openssl not found #4190. 链接: ffmpeg下载地址. 103 libswresample 0. On a Mac you might already have it available via brew, but it won't be linked to because Macs use libressl, so the following requirements should satisfy the ERROR: srt >= 1. ffmpeg uses the librtsp module to handle all forms of the RTMP request like RTMPS. 0 not found using pkg-config问题描述:无法根据配置生成Makefile文件原因查看 ffbuild/config. # scripts/build_ffmpeg. sh, because of the fo 另一方面是录制视频的时候,流程刚好反过来:采集原数据 -> 原始数据编码 -> 音视频封装到一起 -> 协议封装传输(网络视频)。 归根结底还是因为原数据太大,必须进行压缩。就拿我们熟悉的rgb565(一个像素2byte)来说,1080x1920 30fps的视频一秒钟需要10 3. lib和libcrypto. dll not found troubles when compiling a build CMAKE. wasm does not support https connection. mp4: Protocol not found. G了一番发现是 ffmpeg 编译时未启用 openssl 的问题。 解决. Solution: Add a line to check ‘check_lib openssl/ssl. Visit Stack Exchange 本文记载FFmpeg编译OpenSSL库时所遇到的一些问题,以及浅析FFmpeg编译选项的一些含义。引言:做项目时遇到使用FFmpeg解析HTTPS协议的HLS流报错,后台返回值为 -1330794744,错误信息为:Protocol not found。经过分析需要重新编译FFmpeg以支持HTTPS协议,在编译过程中又遇到:OpenSSL not found,以及编译成功后依旧 I've added a preliminary support for building FFmpeg with OpenSSL through vcpkg a new Microsoft C++ package manager. This is still experimental, but seems to work really well. I also understood the -A (apply-live) flag is experimental, and may cause issues. 安装openssl The problem is that ffmpeg has been compiled without ssl support. Other tests should be used for OpenSSL 1. 发现是 ffmpeg 编译时未启用 openssl 的问题. 102 / 0. Your installed version was not compiled with ssl Make sure the library is inatalled, debian: sudo apt install libssl-dev, or redhat: yum install -y openssl-devel. so到运行环境,具体路径 openssl and libtls are considered to be non-free due to their licenses, and are therefore incompatible with the GPL. Any thoughts? 我已经安装了openssl和openssl-dev,使用这些: sudo apt-get install openssl sudo apt-get install libssl-dev 安装ffmpeg的方法如下: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mc3man/trusty-media sudo apt-get install ffmpeg 现在我想为ffmpeg启用https协议。我尝试了以下方法: linux下执行ffmpeg报错无法操作https资源的问题https protocol not found, recompile FFmpeg with openssl, gnutls. startswith("IT play"): voicechannel = await Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company https protocol not found, recompile FFmpeg with openssl, gnutls or securetransport enabled. 4 on my Mac with OpenSSL 3. a libcrypto. ; Remove old junk: rm -rf ~/ffmpeg_build ~/ffmpeg_sources ~/bin/{ffmpeg,ffprobe,ffserver,lame,vsyasm,x264,yasm,ytasm} Re-run guide. 要加入openssl的资源: Https protocol not found with ffmpeg #732. /configure --enable-gpl --enable-shared --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-openssl --enable-debug=3 --enable-nonfree. 2r,使用 1. You signed out in another tab or window. /ffbuild/config. FFmpeg和OpenSSL的编译与使用 引言. Modified 8 years, I realised that tls is not included in ffmpeg by default. 3. /configure: checking for SSL no configure: error: openssl not found. 1,openssl版本1. If you checkout branch ffmpeg-openssl instead of ffmpeg-uwp, then openssl support will be included in the build of FFmpeg FFmpeg TLS : Protocol not found. Hence, RTMPS requests stall out when used. Does anyone know of a good way to solve this problem? Thanks! The text was updated successfully, but these Unfortunately, ffmpeg. Openssl libeay32. \n"); return NULL; } 这个函数的开头,先把传入的filename https protocol not found, recompile FFmpeg with openssl, gnutls. lib,实际生成的是libssl. ffmpeg 是一种完整的跨平台解决方案,用于录制,转换和流式传输音频和视频。它还可以在任意采样率之间进行转换,并通过高质量的多相滤波器实时调整视频大小。 command not found Linux ffmpeg 命令 - Linux教程 CommandNotFound ⚡️ 坑否 ———— 中文,免费,零起点,帮助攻城狮们避免在技术上遇到各种坑! 你现在有了一个全新编译的FFmpeg动态库,就像是在自家厨房做的一顿丰盛大餐,完全根据你的口味定制!现在,你可以邀请你的“客人”(其他应用程序)来享用这些多媒体“佳肴”了!这串命令确保你得到的是动态库(而非静态库),并且禁用了一些不必要的功能,让你的“菜肴”更加专注于质量。 ffmpeg 是一款强大且不可或缺的工具,但许多初学者在安装和配置时会遇到困难。本文将为你提供一份保姆级的安装和配置指南,确保你能够轻松上手 ffmpeg。别再为安装和配置烦恼,让我们一起轻松搞定 ffmpeg! ffmpeg-user@ffmpeg. You can find hints in . This is because I have a program that needs to be built with FFMPEG, which needs to have symbols from OpenSSL 3. Maybe something is wrong with my setup, but after just doing rpm-ostree install The guide FFmpeg Wiki: Compile ffmpeg on CentOS halfelf referred to just got some cleanups, so try again. Actually emscripten changes socket connection to websocket connection to connect to server (obviously server side needs to offer SSL websocket API for connection). Cannot find libeay32. a静态库, 接下来是说明明库存在,但是编译还是提示找不到openssl。 搜索ffmpeg源码,可以发现是在configure文件里打印的该提示。 源码如下: Bug Reports ⚠️ This is for bug reports with the homebrew-ffmpeg tap only. --prefix="$HOME/ffmpeg_build" \ --pkg-config-flags="--static" \ --extra I think this occurs because the configure script of ffmpeg looks for "openssl/ssl. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . If the latest version fails, report the problem to the > > ffmpeg-user at ffmpeg. 10 on Ubuntu Trusty. 文章浏览阅读5. Install gnutls-devel or openssl-devel. log文件,发现编译配置使能了libsrt,libsrt需要用到OpenSSL相关动态库文件,未指定库文件,编译时找不到OpenSSL库解决方案通过–extra-libs 指定相关库文件问题2 Android FFmpeg so库编译 支持Https 概要. I also don't know if one can overrule openssl, as it may be in use as well. Include the log file "config. 编译openssl. Use gnutls or mbedtls instead. 第二步:上传压缩包并解压 1. 注: 该文章里使用的 OpenSSL 版本是 1. If the latest version Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. 1格式对于Android开发不合法,所以只编译opessl sudo yum install openssl-devel; 确认OpenSSL库的路径:在安装了OpenSSL库之后,你需要确认它的路径是否被正确地添加到了系统的库路径中。在Linux系统中,可以通过以下命令来查看OpenSSL库的路径: openssl version -d. 593. 0 not found four [Solved] MAC Compile Error: fatal error: ‘endian. 7k次,点赞4次,收藏8次。问题1:ERROR:srt>=1. com 删除 文章浏览阅读2. 1),这样在Android ndk开发下不能找到. By default, xcode will build active architecture only. So you need to build ffmpeg and openssl with arm64 configured. 编译armv7架构的openssl、ffmpeg的a、so库,目前openssl只编译了静态库,编译动态库,ffmpeg链接openssl编译的时候会出现链接的是带版本号的openssl动态库(如:libcrypto. https://xxx. sh文件,粘贴以下代码。同时在extra-cflags和extra-cflags中指定上面编译好后的openssl的头文件位置和库位置,如下。 [package] ffmpeg/5. 如果换成--enable-gnutls ERROR: gnutls not found using pkg-config. py musicbot. lib files when setting up openssl on windows x64. lib,这就又尴尬了,反正我找了半天也没找到openssl的Configure脚本里有什么东西能控制这种prefix行为的,一时也没找到怎么能修改脚本去掉这个前缀 I'm trying to make a discord. 2 and below. #2352. sh. but # apt-get install libssl-dev linux-heade Prior to running your ffmpeg compile script, install the default package from official Ubuntu repository of the library that ffmpeg is complaining about: apt install -y gnutls The root cause many of these library issues and Package Config appears to be often related to C/C++ syntax that is incorrect in the library source files. The problem is that librtsp is reliant on an SSL/TLS module or service to do the encryption – but there is no support for that in the standard ffmpeg builds. When I hit . 1k次。在尝试配置FFmpeg源码并启用OpenSSL时,遇到ERROR:opensslnotfound的问题。通过检查发现是pkg_config无法找到openssl。解决方案是设置环境变量LDFLAGS和CPPFLAGS,指向openssl的库和头文件路径。如果仍有其他配置文件未改变的问题,只需删除相应文件并重新配置。 本文记载FFmpeg编译OpenSSL库时所遇到的一些问题,以及浅析FFmpeg编译选项的一些含义。引言:做项目时遇到使用FFmpeg解析HTTPS协议的HLS流报错,后台返回值为 -1330794744,错误信息为:Protocol not found。经过分析需要重新编译FFmpeg以支持HTTPS协议,在编译过程中又遇到:OpenSSL not found,以及编译成功后依旧 编译安装openssl时报configure: error: OpenSSL library not found解决办法; version `CURL_OPENSSL_3' not found 【nginx】version `OPENSSL_1. configure: error: OpenSSL headers not found. I added '-- enable openssl ' after each method in the scripts/build_ffmpeg. 2 and, following this guide, the process works fine. so. If the latest version fails, report the problem to the > ffmpeg-user at ffmpeg. 102 [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0x2943a100] Referenced QT chapter track not found Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from 'keynote_animation_test. author. h265' output. 对于这个问题,需要卸载重新编译安装。配置时需要附带 --enable openssl。如果使用 ubuntu 系统,需要在编译安装前执行 sudo apt-get install libssl-dev ,确保 libssl-dev 存在 同时需要对ffmpeg进行重新安装; 三、问题解决 2. there is way to fix it ? The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: All reactions. That's the end of config. I encountered this problem when configuring ffmpeg :ERROR: openssl not found The config. It will probably just be easiest to start over. is this resolved yet? This is not resolved. 这个命令将显示OpenSSL库的安装路径。 Stack Exchange Network. so和libssl. 4. sh # line:145 case $3 in x86_64) . /configure --enable-shared --enable-openssl --prefix=/usr/local https protocol not found, recompile FFmpeg with openssl, gnutls, or securetransport enabled. 2k次。文章讨论了在视频上传过程中,由于moov原子可能位于文件末尾导致上传问题。提出通过ffmpeg将moov移动到开头来解决,同时建议避免MP4的moov问题,转而采用更为健壮的MKV格式以确保文件完整性。. I had to rebuild my ffmpeg with the flag --enable-openssl. /configure \ -- enable openssl \ 输入ffmpeg -version,如果出现以下内容则说明ffmpeg编译成功: 本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划 ,分享自作者个人站点/博客。 原始发表:2023-06-12, 如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent. impala和kudu服务启动报"version `OPENSSL_1. Check which ffmpeg to see which is used. 04. 我们可以通过IJKMediaPlayer 加载https时协议找不到 Protocol not found_zp704720467的博客-CSDN博客. This seems to pull all packages, and do other weird stuff (like removing my ffmpeg/mesa overwrites from RPMFusion repo). If the latest version fails, report the problem to the ffmpeg-user@ffmpeg. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Linux ffmpeg安装按照下面步骤执行 解决’ffmpeg command not found’ 错误直接跳转最后一步 (针对安装成功但是显示指令不存在的情况) 第一步:获取ffmpeg并下载. h" in /usr/include/ instead of in ~/conan2/ cache. log, where it might say openssl was not found. Did you mean file: 分析:这个报错的重点是file:而不是前边的format类型,如果我们只看上半句就会被带跑偏。解决方法就是在编译ffmpeg文件的时候,增加--enable-protocols选项。如果ffmpeg可执行文件不 I want to build FFMPEG 4. The SSL_library_init tells me FFmpeg can only be used with OpenSSL 1. "https protocol not found, recompile FFmpeg with openssl, gnutls or securetransport enabled" Now as the massage suggests I went and found out how to compile it with the options I needed however this failed each and every time no matter what method I tried mine has gnutls. Protocol not found. 1: "openssl not found" when building on Fedora #18321. 9. freenode. 解决. lib and ssleay32. All other ffmpeg features still build fine with x64-windows. 0 及以上版本编译时会报错 "ERROR: openssl not found",需要修改 FFmpeg 配置文件,具体解决方法见第二个参考文。 ffmpeg 开启https, 提示“ERROR: openssl not found” 库, 或者使用libssl. voice. 1 "Péter", a new major release, is now available!A full list of changes can be found in the release changelog. 0, such as _BN_Copy. 引入librtmp 报错: fatal i getting ERROR: openssl not found on ijkplayer-android. 2‘ not found"错误,导致服务无法启动 原因:服务程序运行系统openssl版本问题导致(编译系统和运行系统openssl版本不一致) 解决办法: 1、从正常系统或者编译系统拷贝libcrypto. Prior to building FFMPEG, I'm able to run FFmpeg为提高编译效率,默认会使用汇编指令,如果没有安装nasm,会导致以下错误: nasm/yasm not found or too old. m3u8 but if it is http works fine. . mov': Metadata: major_brand : qt minor_version : 537199360 compatible_brands: qt creation_time : 2013-01-15 19:55:25 Duration: 00:00:06. log as follow: cl. org > > It returns with > > ERROR: openssl not found > > > > If you think configure made a mistake, make sure you are using the latest > > version from Git. The problem is that sometimes, using the resulting version of FFmpeg, I get this error: https protocol not found, recompile FFmpeg with openssl, gnutls or securetransport enabled. Copy link rickliu2000 commented Nov 26, I had that problem with Centos, but the problem was that some headers files were put in a different folder that pkg-config looks into, if I remember correctly, the headers files were in ´x86´ instead of ´amd64´ folders. bbcallen added the need-more-information label Mar 2, 2016. How to install OpenSSL in windows 10? 15. $ ffplay -protocols I listed all the protocols available and "tls" wasn't there. I'm now running into issues building RV_DEPS_FFMPEG. channel if message. 83, start: OpenSSL was not enabled during the installation of ffmpeg. rickliu2000 opened this issue Nov 26, 2016 · 4 comments Comments. 去官网(或者github)下载openssl,解压。进入解压后的openssl根目录,创建一个build_android_openssl. 如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent. 现在明白了,编译ffmpeg的时候缺少openssl,对https缺少了支持. iOS do-compile-ffmpeg. 目前在学习FFmpeg的使用,肯定是要从源码编译开始一步步摸啦,编译过程中也是遇到了大大小小很多问题,查到的资料基本也都是比较老旧的版本,经过各种试错吧,终于是编译成功了,现在就来记录一下编译的过程,也希望能帮助到看这篇文章的你。 此时,会发现另一个openssl在windows上构建的蜜汁操作,生成的. Use –disable-x86asm for a crippled build. 1的库,而so. a静态库, 接下来是说明明库存在,但是编译还是提示找不到openssl。 搜索ffmpeg源码,可以发现是在configure文件里打印的该提示。 源码如下: Compile "ffmepg + OpenSSL" in Android is Success. net. 0. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: 以上2点特别注意,不然加上--enable-openssl配置ffmpeg时,配置ffmpeg时会报错: openssl not found 这里是遇到的配置错误: 配置成功, External libraries: 此处(也即绿色部分)会增加openssl一项: 以上就是win上编译openssl库基本步骤,及其避坑之法。 ffmpeg版本4. If the latest version fails, report the problem to the >>> ffmpeg-user at ffmpeg. I don't know if it makes any difference but the url I am trying to load is a . Weirdly enough, I HAVE openssl installed. FFmpeg若要访问https视频,就必须集成第三方的openssl库,但编译FFmpeg时却默认关闭了openssl。为了让App能够播放采用https的在线视频,需要编译安装并启用openssl。 在Linux服务器交叉编译Android的so库之时,给FFmpeg集成openssl的详细步骤说明如下: 1、交叉 ERROR: openssl not found during FFmpeg . frxyv pvyz dpxv lrwnklt ucn irqmd xjupr ikafu mgpbwip oidnn ameeim nocspjt lrdzf wlgdqi lcfke