Gta casino heist bugs due to a bug, it wont let me progress beyond scoping points of access even though i definitely have them all. Hello! My friend and I are trying to do the casino heist but every time we do it one of us gets booted into another session and the other gets forced stuck in the man trap. My friend gave me a 30% cut but at the end of the heist it says I got only 15%, then at that summary screen it says I got 30% again, but then when I get into the game I only got 15% worth of money. 8M, I got 35% and my friends got 15% each. 35% 35% 30%. Bug: You collect a heist prep vehicle and drive to your arcade, but it doesn't trigger the end of the mission. They are a crucial part of what makes Grand Theft Auto Online fun, as players get to I've completed the casino heist quite a few times in stealth now, but for whatever reason sometimes after we've escaped and on our way to the buyers we get spotted for no discernible reason, no cops, no one fired a weapon, hell occassionally we get respotted while still in the sewers, had it happen 4 times before we could finally leave the sewers without instantly Everytime I try and use quick join on any heist (Doomsday,Diamond Casino, Cayo Perico) its 50/50 I either: Get to the screen that shows all the players in the heist and then it kicks me to the hosts kosatka even though the host didn't kick me (cayo) or I get stuck on the "Initializing" screen until I close out the game, Its there something I'm doing wrong or is this just one of the many Does anybody else have a problem where your casino heist is glitched. One of the most time-consuming and popular methods to earn money in GTA Online has to be Heist missions. One of the bugs is when playing S&S or Big Con, the guards would not move. Even if it is you would be surprised at how well you can salvage the heist. Have tried all different angle and still no use Any solution for this? < > Showing 1-4 of 4 comments . o. Event goes like this You get out of casino with money/Art/Diamonds/Gold You get into your cars You drive to sewer in the car (Like normal) You are about to lose cops You lose them (cops) few seconds and you get them again Help my game is Broken. When we are through the mantrap, in the little loading that occurs in the middle, it kicks the host, and the remaining players gets stuck in the mantrap, but in freemode. Jul 31, 2021 @ 5:00am Did you do it earlier? Or first time? Only need to do it once! You should send a ticket to Rockstar support describing this issue and telling you get stuck in loading screen when quick joining Diamond Casino heist and Cayo Perico heist. Das Spiel erkennt danach den Fehler und bricht den Job selbstständig ab. Host set whenever i try to play the diamond casino heist in agressive mode with my friends a bug pops up where the in-game screen freezes for evryone except host and there for we cannot complete the heist. We see the black tee pop out on the Minimap, we are still in stealth, but we when almost arrive at the laundry area the black tees disappear. I have witnessed this occur in several heists, including my own. Hi I just played the diamond casino heist big con. Do NOT post them here or Grand Theft Auto Online - Rockstar's ongoing ever expanding multiplayer system, introduced with Grand Theft Auto V. casino heist was always plagued with tons of bugs like all the other heists Here are some of the most lucrative bugs associated with the Casino Heist: 1. would reinstalling game make any difference? Casino Heist Bug Hey People, Am I the only person with the bug in the prep messions where u have to get the security card level 2. It is one of the three possible approaches for the Casino Heist mission. Cannot deliver product from businesses: The drop/delivery won't register, or I went to source getaway vehicles for the casino heist, and one of the vehicles will not go into my arcade. For example, I give myself 55% of the cut and my friend 45% of the cut. do R* support have the How to fix the Casino Heist black screen glitch in GTA Online. My friends and me all use discord while playing gta and got the same infinite loading bug. Grand Theft Auto Online - Rockstar's ongoing ever expanding multiplayer system, introduced with Grand Grand Theft Auto Online - Rockstar's ongoing ever expanding multiplayer system, introduced with Grand Theft Auto V. Digital Foundry is praising GTA V's Ray Traced Global Illumination, speculates that it's a preview of GTA 6's graphics. Try to bring it into the arcade again, same thing happens. Find help with heists This video shows you how to complete the Diamond Casino Heist finale using the Big Con approach. Heist Prep Vehicle Not Registering. There is a Casino Heist Bug that prevents you from losing cops after getting to your cars and into sewer. It kicks him out completely and teleports me to the online freeroam INSIDE the mantrap and we both have the heist music still playing. The Diamond Casino Heist's Big Con approach has a new entry disguise option with the release of the After Hours DLC — Yung Ancestor. 7 million but with lester's cut was little over 2 mil. Also I’m sure your heist isn’t too bad. I play on PS5. third time, i just did the prep to collect vagrants, and again, it gave me zhabas. Though the new update fixes Same bug has been happening to a friend I've been helping with the heist, I've searched it up online, a possible solution is to change your resolution to lowest before you exit the casino and get stuck in the infinite loading screen, then you can change it back once the cutscene ends. If you're still having problems and just want to be done with it you can Hello I am new to the Rockstar forums. 2- Next, only the host of the heist keeps walking, while the second player stands still near the door. Host set Almost every time I try playing a casino heist, it spawns me at the NOOSE building randomly on the east side of the map, and the rest of the team at the arcade. We were able to find solutions that minimized some, however, we have had this reoccurring one for the entire 2-3 week period and cannot find a solution to it. The reason the first heist doesn’t matter much is because you are always guaranteed to have cash for the first time you rob the casino. I am playing the heist on xbox one and everytime i go trough there sometimes the mini map bugs out, sometimes the game pays my mechanic and things money or if i hold the weapon wheel it changes to a green color for like 3-5 seconds Casino heist getaway car bug, any solutions? Set it up 3 times now (ran it twice). I have the high rollers disguise, I've also tried NOOSE and firefighters, none of them worked. Pov: You're a girl playing GTA Online in 2024 2. But usually invite only sess. If you had the right spot to take the photo, the game would give you the option of emailing or texting it to Lester. Find help with heists and make friends. I followed a video to get all of the access points to the heist. You can't even restart it because when you try, the screen goes black on a permanent loading state that only you can remove by quitting the gam and starting all Casino Heist Setup bug ‘Power Drill’ Is it me or is anyone else having this bug where every time I try to complete the power drill mission, it doesn’t count as being completed and ticked off like the rest of the missions and no matter how many times I try to complete it, it won’t count. And in the screen after the cutscene (the one that sums up how much you got) said i got the 45% that my friend chose. If you take him out anywhere else, it bugs the heist and deletes the outfits. If your experiencing this bug when playing The Dooms day Heist or Casino heist, all you have to do if start the mission from an invite only session, with the people your planning to complete the mission with. It's the same with other missions like the Casino VIP mission "One Armed Bandits". same thing happens over and over again. This isn't the first issue with casino heists; a previous bug GTA Online ; Help & Support ; Casino Heist bug cant send lester pictures Forum Rules. Shortly after, Rockstar Games confirmed the community's worst fears via its Support account on X (formerly Twitter), citing a "vulnerability with GTA Online on PC. When u are in a Lobby with 15 or more People , then there are massive probs. This has consistently happened for over 3 s&s heists in a row so I'm almost certain it's a bug casino heists were full of these troublesome bugs another issue were sometimes stuck on blackscreen while leaving the casino, which could sometimes be solved through switching between full screen and window mode by hitting alt+ enter I Diamond casino heist bug . Zu einer Brücke fahren und herunterspringen hilft. Grand Theft Auto Online - Rockstar's ongoing ever expanding multiplayer system, introduced with Grand GTA online casino heist Bug I found a bug in the new casino heist. Casino Scope Out Bug . Oct 22, 2023 @ 10:41pm Also do dch in invite only session. From robbing banks to breaking someone out of prison, the heists are varied About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright My friend and I have done two casino heists in a row and both have ended up with the same issue. In that prep u have to go to a party and blend in well I went to a tent to start dancing and now my character won't stop and I can't make him stop ffs 2021 and they still haven't fixed the disconnecting in the mantrap on casino heist ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ pathetic < > Showing 1-10 of 10 comments so you never have a good connection and you get these disconnect bugs however think of invite only as a private server (you are the host with good network connection so you and your friends never Casino heist mantrap bug/glitch HELP We were trying to do the casion heist (silent and sneaky) but when we were in the mantrap gta starts glitching. Disconnect in the mantrap, 4 times in a row, seems like it is an old bug, wth Archived post. Question posts and Cayo/ACT II/Bogdan or other heist posts are NOT allowed unless in relation to a patch. It's Not only the Casino Heist. The fact that it keeps happening alright cool, for me casino heist has been so buggy, it was fine the first 2-3 times, then i started to dc from mantrap glitch, now this. This usually happens on the Gruppe sechs approach. But when we finished the infiltration suits mission we stood in the marker and nothing happened. 3) 1. If this was hard to follow you could always watch a video guide. Hi all, has anyone done the Casino heist (The big con approach) and gotten stuck in the mantrap (before entering the vault)? I have tried with my buddy 15/15 attempts and we just get disconnected in the mantrap at the same place every time. sometimes we could get to the vault but as we were escaping through the mantrap its starts to glitch again and it After waiting for a few more seconds, you should spawn into the Diamond Casino Heist mission, completely bypassing this unusual bug. Further offenses may When you kill the first guard, wait until he is on the right side of the door, facing away from it, and then go out and take him out. first two times, i collected evorons, because i want trade price, and both times the game gave me zhabas. Scope out the vault, choose your approach, complete preparations, choose your entry and exit, commit the largest heist. The problem is you have to "handshake" with every player in the session so the slowest connection drastically increases "loading" time. -Patched Casino Heist cut glitch (each player get 85% cut) -Patched Benny's glitch. It was GTA Online is filled with unique and interesting ways of making money. Lately, every time I attemp a casino heist aggressive approach, the heist gets bugged or glitched at the very start, regardless of the number of players involved, of the entrance and exit choices. and then start the heist. It says Player left or Ceo quit. Reply reply More posts you may like r/gtaonline The GTA Online community for finding other players. GTAForums does NOT endorse or allow any kind of GTA Online modding, mod menus, tools or 1. This guide covers the optimal strategy for completing the Diamond Ich habe den Casino Heist in allen erdenklichen Herangehensweisen mindestens 200 mal gespielt und der ist auch sehr verbugt, daher kenne ich nahezu jeden möglichen Bug in diesem Heist, aber dass es jedes mal so ist, das ist mir noch nie passiert. Do NOT post them here or advertise them, as per the forum rules. After grabbing all the loot and while going through the vault tunnel, the game wont register the "going through the tunnel" part and the doors that lead back to the secrurity room just wont open anymore. Casino heists in GTA Online for PC have been temporarily disabled due to a vulnerability, affecting missions and arcade purchases. Casino Heist Bugstar Elite challenge guide VIDEO This is a improved , fast and updated method to complete Elite challenge in Big Con - Bugstar by also giving max time in the vault I recreated the GTA 6 Trailer in RDR2 youtube [jwplayer Gd3gIdIX]If you keep running into the “Mission Failed: Your CEO quit” glitch during GTA Online’s Doomsday or Casino Heists, don’t worry, as there’s an easy fix that will take I've been experiencing numerous glitches when playing with other players during the heist and choosing the drainage tunnel entrance. gg/NJdndUn Casino Heist Bugs (UPDATED EVERYDAY So it is possible to escape with the disguises on the big con approach. Please add me ejfrancis007_09 I use a mic. gg/NJdndUn And the only reason this happens is because it was a bug and people were getting free money. If not everyone readied up the host would get his 85% AND the second player would get whatever cut was set up when the timer ran out, meaning two player arts could pay both players 85% cuts. I really want to play the Casino For the past three casino heist I have experienced problems with the payouts where it will give the host the correct amount of money but gives the rest of the crew default 15%, for example I just finished a heist with three of us, it was 50%, 25%,25% the take was 2. 1 boss or during cutscenes *GAME BREAKING BUG* Bug thread, discuss 'The Diamond Casino Heist' bugs here! GTAForums does NOT endorse or allow any kind of GTA Online modding, mod menus, tools or account selling/hacking. R* games are unbelievable good. " Fix: Suck it up and reset. It keeps searching and searching. Despite this, it's GTA's heists that offer players the biggest payouts. If it still gets stuck, you just have very bad connection with your friend. I thought I was the only one who noticed too. The casino heist A place to discuss and share GTA V glitches. bahed08. How to show you put a lot of time into GTA online Posted by u/PantrySniffin - 6 votes and 18 comments Casino Heist Setup Bug . ADMIN MOD Casino heist mantrap bug . 1: When we start, joined players get the camera bug right at the arcade. But the Servers of them are just horror. When I do the casino heist with my friends, the noose outfits bug out. Mar 8, 2024 @ 2:28pm Originally posted by cruste: the black screen while leaving is a desynch issue Similar to the other heists in GTA Online, you will have to finish a group of prep missions before being able to participate in the actual Casino Heist itself. We went with the Gruppe Sechs disguise, we managed to get into the vault, grab most of the gold (yes that was the value we had) and we made it out of the vault in 20 seconds. Followed it exactly as instructed. Fix: Suck it up My brother and I suddenly have problems with Casino Heist too. The problem is you gotta be really well timed. Every single time, either when we enter, or are exiting the mantrap tunnel to or from the vault, the game will kick my friend out of the heist to his own session, thereby failing the heist. #2. This is the most buggiest heist in GTA. Typically I am able to complete the heist with this approach undetected. Can someone help me? I wanted to Start the Casino heist but on the whiteboard are no Details and i cant use the Laptop FIXED Possible fix for PC, worked for me. It already starts during the prep missions: on the way to get the weapons the waypoint suddenly disappears. While there are a I play GTA almost every day and we always prep a Casino Heist for some money while we play. After many more tests, we can confirm that the solution we found some days ago for the Casino Heist works 100% of the time. Hopefully, Rockstar is fixing this. GTA crashes after selecting Diamond casino heist exit casino heist was pretty bug riddled try to keep your settings as similiar as possible especially fps with other players #11. 2: Explosives at the sewer wall or vault door fail to apply. Recently about 4/5 times my partner gets kicked in the Mantrap. Invite your friend to your session, hire him, invite him to your arcade basement, start heist. Exactly. We’ve tried restarting, walking in the mantrap, waiting, and everything but it won’t work. Anyone else experiencing this? Any fix known? Thanks. Possible fix for mantrap disconnection issue during Casino Heist . Man kann man vom Casino Heist in GTA 5 ja das Hackergerät zu üben und das Casino als kleines Modell kaufen, aber man kann auch die goldene Tresortür vom Tresor im Getting stuck in the man trap or spawning under the map during the Casino Heist, or being disconnected. The outfits will still be there 99% of the time. I was talking to you'll about the gold glitch in the casino heist to get more money if you splitt the cut 50 50 each person gets paid 1. The Big Con approach is focused on the players using disguises to gain access to the basement of the Casino to steal the loot, then optionally using a new disguise to evade the The only dead body at that point in the heist is the single guard at the central desk on the bottom floor, who is completely out of any npc/camera's sight. Finished the heist with ~$1. The GTA Online community for finding other players. You can not trigger a mission timer, you cannot deliver heist equipment, nor can you finish the prep whatsoever even if they’ve Go to invite only session, invite your friend to said session, when he joins invite him to your org. This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast (GTA V STEAM) Hello, as for the problem of missing chairs and not being able to Bro, when i try to take a photo of Main Entrance, i cant send it to Lester, i just dont have a button, to send photo to him, on my second character, i can do this, but on my main cant Bug thread, discuss 'The Diamond Casino Heist' bugs here! GTAForums does NOT endorse or allow any kind of GTA Online modding, mod menus, tools or account selling/hacking. I get the gps to take me to the arcade, the game understands I have the getaway vehicle, yet when I drive into the yellow circle, nothing. The easiest and fastest walkthrough to do the Hi to all. This only seems to happen while leaving the man trap. ini into your scripts folder. The casino heist is known for being a bit buggy but once you get it down it starts to become really easy. These missions are pretty simple, but some players have been experiencing problems when going through them. And I have already gone to the park with Lester so they should be there. We tried 10 times and we couldnt play! Jump to content. -Fixed Nano drone bug during Casino Heist - Silent and Sneaky. 1mill from doing the gold glitch the reason people do that is because people have been experiencing issues with interacting with the gold. (We were able When I do the casino heist with my friends, the noose outfits bug out. Make the greatest heist planning using the planning board. Start your ceo or try doing heist as a mc president. 5M subscribers in the gtaonline community. He bought the arcade, we did the first mission, and now we’re trying to “scope out the casino. Locked post. Aggressive casino heists are so full of bugs that, they are unplayable for me. GTA online cayo perico bug can happen going in or coming out. Went from say 40% chance of it not happening, to about 90%. I've provided screenshots since Casino Heist - Mantrap Bug Me and my friend wanted to do the Casino Heist (Loud), the game kicks us when entering or exiting the mantrap area. Walking slow with each other reduces the chance of error, hosting the heist in private session or meeting up first in the arcade of the person hosting the heist and getting invited to a CEO or MC group prior to hosting lowers the chance of errors. We spend 2 and a half hour trying to bypass the bug. It's not a glitch or a bug. Multiple times now when I select the staff door to exit/escape the casino the exit will change by it self to the main entrance during gameplay. I so far have tried. SubsidedLemon. Every time I select Diamond Casino Heist from the phone to join in. This job has been GTA V Casino heist Mantrap Bug . GTA Online New Bonuses for 30th Jan 2025 - The LS Car Meet Gets Generous with 3x Reputation, Auto Yes, a glitch when I go to story mode after finishing playing GTA Online (yes I like to exit GTA Online like that, they told me it´s the proper way to do it to avoid some lost progress because the game didn´t saved that in the R* Players have discovered a new bug in GTA Online that makes completing the Diamond Casino Heist much easier by allowing them to glitch through the vault wall. Thing is, the game is "very" specific and if you're not taking the correct photo, the "email Lester" option won't trigger. On June 13, alarm bells started ringing when Rockstar insider TezFunz2 spotted a backend update indicating that Casino Heist planning had been temporarily disabled on PC. Not receiving Elite bonuses after completing the Casino Heist. I hope they can fix this prob in GTA VI. QUESTION I followed a video to get all of the access points to the heist. It doesnt matter the number of players, or who is the host or the setup. Further offenses may lead to a permanent ban. Original post If you join a casino heist via the quick job menu, you will have to wait for a certain period of time before you can use that feature again. A place to discuss and share GTA V glitches. -Fixed other bugs. GTA Online New Bonuses for 13th Mar 2025 - Reinvigorate the Arms Biz with Bonuses on Arms GTA Online players have been running into a pretty major bug with the Diamond Casino Heist that takes away pretty much all of their potential payouts. We finish the heist and the 45% my friend was supposed to get doesn’t work and messes up, and then it only gives my friend a cut of 15% instead of the 45%. HELP Anyone else having issues returning items for the Diamond Casino heist? Last night when I brought the stockade back to my arcade, I would load into the arcade, it would immediately kick me out, and the stockade would spawn in the alley. Every time my friend and I attempt the Diamond Casino heist, we end up failing. pls try to fix this Most Helpful GTA Topic 2017 [The Lone Wolf's Guide to Making Money and Research] I don't know if this is a bug but whenever I am in the casino heist finale for The Had this happen to me today with two friends, same pay cut. BE CAREFUL while fighting the new 1. dll, Casino_Heist. Okay so me and my friend were doing the Big Con approach for the Casino Heist. ” The problem with this is, we can’t even start the mission. GTA Online ; Help & Support ; Casino Heist bug Forum Rules. Both of you close gta, reopen, go to a public lobby. As with other heists in GTA Online, the Casino Heist requires you to complete a certain set of prep missions before you can raid the Arcade Heist Setup Bug . But now for some reason the point to call lester so you can unlock A complete text and video guide to completing the Diamond Casino Heist in GTA Online using the Big Con approach. I have a good Internet provider in the middle of germany. Idk why they don't can't fix it. it just says 'go to casino' then 'leave the area as soon as i arrive. 1. The following are the steps to bypass it. One of these issues is a weird bug, which causes a significant delay when Casino heist mantrap bug GTA Online Me and my friend can’t get past the mantrap it Always kicks my friend out of the mission and then we have to do it all over again pls help. But you can't go back to the arcade either. My friend chose Nagasaki Stryker for the getaway vehicle. same thing happens over and over again when launching mission from the arcade planning board. Changing lobbies but being put back into the same one. HELP So my friend and I decided to try and get into the arcade stuff on GTA. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. i and enter/exit location to start the casino heist Everytime i join my friend to play the casino heist finale it kicks one of us out when we start it. The Diamond Casino Heist is a Heist in GTA Online, given by Georgina Cheng and Lester Crest and associated to the Retro Arcades property. I already had the front and side entrance. Discord: https://discord. Host needs to walk in until it says "wait for your team to enter the mantrap". Make sure you don't get alerted. Heist over, people force close the game. It's a full walkthrough, completed in hard mode, with the elite challenge cleared too. I don't know if anyone noticed, but this "bug" came Just activate the limiter before you enter the mantrap and disable it when you're out of the mantrap. It must be a bug. The Casino Heist - The Big Con is a heist featured in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of The Diamond Casino Heist update. Flying over the water and respawning on the beach. Since it was optional we decided to skip it and did the drone GTA Online diamond casino heist big con bugstars with Elite Challenge and secret mini vault to earn extra cash. Casino heist camera bug I've been dealing with this for hours, every time my friend starts the casino heist, I don't appear in the walking out cutscene, and my camera is locked in one spot. INSTALLATION: Drag and drop Casino_Heist. This solution fixes the disconnection issues in the mantrap for duos on pc. So far it worked 4 out of 4 times, while being 2 players and using the Sneaky (twice Hi, In two approaches so far, me and my brother's games/characters automatically leave the heist during the finale when we escape through the mantrap with the money. Both players receiving 85% cut (PATCHED). Which then GTA Online players have been running into a pretty major bug with the Diamond Casino Heist that takes away pretty much all of their potential payouts. then other player/players slowly walk up behind them and stand still like my POV. Ive had this bug out in so many different ways its getting on my nerves. How you leave the basement is up to you but when you get to the staff lobby, you need to quickly run threw the control room (there will be two guards there) independently run to the right and run threw the double doors to get into the lockers. This may just be an XBO thing, but me and my friends have all experienced a bug where if you start a prep just before someone else starts a Casino Work mission, it basically voids your mission. so play it safe going both ways. 3- When the message in the host screen "Enter the mantrap" changes to "Wait for other players to enter the mantrap", the host stops moving immediately (this happens 4-5 meters away from the door). Only happens during the first attempt at the finale, when we redo it Bug thread, discuss 'The Diamond Casino Heist' bugs here! Forum Rules. Then we end up getting stuck in there and the heist has ended Im encountering a bug in the casino heist. ----- An important thing to note: this was my first time running the heist, silent and sneaky, with Cash. Set your spawn location as the penthouse If no penthouse then just go to casino, make your spawn location to "Last Location" The Exploit I don't know why, but about a week ago my exit disguises for the casino heist just completely broke (they don't show on the map and can't be equipped once I'm in the laundry room). . -Join Our Discord (13+): / discord Our Discord is for anyone who want to help or getting help to complete a gta online heist from discord, or having a friendly chat with others heist players. This is in serious need of fixing. Has anyone come For the love of god above please fix the Casino it literally sits there looking at the front of the Diamond Casino and does not do jack do it in a invite only session and it will be instant nearly. In the end of heist screen it says i got 15% of the cut when my friend chose 45% for me. How do I stop this from happening? Has anyone figured out what causes it because as far as I can tell Casino heist bug? GTA 5 Just wanted to post this to find a explanation as to why I can do the whole silent and sneaky casino heist undetected but when I go up the stairs from the vault to leave it says a body has been detected by a camera even though no body was shot by a camera. there is a minimum p. I already reported it to rockstar and after they said the usual stuff like updating drivers and clearing cache and verifying game files they actually asked me to upload a video of the issue and when they got a Any Fix for the Mantrap bug in the Casino Heist? QUESTION I’ve been trying to do the big con heist with my friend for the pass 6 hours but every time we get into the mantrap, it disconnects us and say there isn’t enough players. This bug is new as of the latest Bottom Dollar Bounties Update. This hip hop star persona allows you to infiltrate the I just recently bought an arcade because i wanted to do the casino heist with a friend. Archived post. GTAForums does NOT endorse or allow any kind of GTA Online modding, mod menus, tools or account selling/hacking. Casino Heist Disabled and New Exploit on PC ^ All of the above can be found in Diamond Casino & Resort page on your in-game phone. Can only be done with two players. do R* support have the option to reset heists back the start? ive asked but no reply. pdb and Casino_Heist. 2) People dont see their own char at the start of a heist and are stuck looking at a wall. fixes 90+% of casino heist This, in-turn, is making it harder to complete the heist with this approach, as the approach is not functioning as intended. Do full game restart if you still have problems and go directly to invite only again. When I join Doomsday or the original 5 Heists, I always find people. Why tf is this happening and is there any way to fix this? Yeah it's a new bug since the summer update it happens on anything you can deliver, I've had it happen on delivering the vehicle for the hunt for Solomon, I've had it on delivering crates from buissness battles, also on delivering the packages for mc buissness as the delivery driver, I've had it on delivering bunker cargo to the bunker (basically it happens alot in the times you need Casino Heist Prep bug. You can also use this method if you encounter bugs in Cayo Perico's Kosatka approach when you play it is annoying especially when you aim for elite, but welcome to gta, try with other friends or wait. Bug thread, discuss 'The Diamond Casino Heist' bugs here! Forum Rules. Really stupid considering how much time we spent setting up for this heist. Casino heist scope out bug Unable to send casino main entrance picture to Lester. I've had the game tell me that the A place to discuss and share GTA V glitches. GTA Casino heist exit glitch/bug Discovered an exit the diamond casino glitch/ bug after looting it. I know lester did call me and inform me about the arcades since I did the introduction a long time ago and just now buying an arcade. Stay together when running, especially in the man trap. So this can't be the prob. Tried the tricks people were saying online, but still the game kicks us when we try to leave the mantrap area after looting the vault. Casino heist payout bug? DISCUSSION It happened to te 2 times already. Making one of our friends that usually has issues with the game leave the call during the heist increases the chances of the bug not occurring, at least in a group set of maybe 12 heists. in. Casino heist bug . " Grand Theft Auto Online - Rockstar's ongoing ever expanding multiplayer system, introduced with Grand Theft Auto V. I've hosted both times, no matter what I set the cuts to on the finale board, my friend always gets 15%. Posting either of these will result in a temporary ban. 1) People dont see a heist board,including the Host and a reset is needed. 3. Casino Heist bug In the casino tunnel to get to the vault chamber, it happens to me that it comes out and I continue a session and I hear the music from the robbery, does this happen to anyone else? Showing 1 - 1 of 1 comments Casino Heist Bugs Constantly Almost every time I try playing a casino heist, it spawns me at the NOOSE building randomly on the east side of the map, and the rest of the team at the arcade. Do NOT post them here or advertise GTA Online ; Diamond Casino Heist Forum Rules. Go to your apartment/NC/casino/arcade/anything with a bar Try limiting your fps to 60 or lower in control panel, or in game settings with 120hz+vsync half or 60hz with vsync on. Missing our cash Hopefully submitting a R* ticket will resolve the issue. Heist over 3: The carts for diamonds bug at Grand Theft Auto Online - Rockstar's ongoing ever expanding multiplayer system, introduced with Grand Theft Auto V. Oppressor MKI, or any car floating in the air. Per Tez2 on Twitter You Can Still Get MILLIONS NOW In GTA 5 (But HURRY!) (GTA 5 Solo Money Glitch Info)" on YouTube https: I've been able to play the Casino Heist quite smoothly for the past few weeks, but I have started to encounter more bugs these two days. We've resorted to him suiciding to reset the mission, which worked the first time on big con. I have completed the casino heist plenty of times and done every approach, I then went back to the aggressive approach and found the sewers entrance, we even completed all the mandatory and Here are some of the most lucrative bugs associated with the Casino Heist: 1. only heist that's had bugs for me Reply reply So much gta $$$ was made that year Reply reply More replies More replies. Try walking out after looting the vault, don't run & jump. The 2nd vehicle delivered just fine, but I ran into the issue with the first car. Bug: You're doing heist prep mission with a friend, and you can't pick up the equipment because "you can't steal heist prep while on a heist prep mission. Me and my friend have been trying to complete the diamond casino heist, yet every single time we make it into the mantrap, the game will boot us from the mission and we’re both just stuck inside the tunnel. Have played hundreds of casino heists, always from invite only sessions, no matter whether a player was in my organization or not, there´re still some players (friends) this issue happened to. Is no one going to talk about the fact that it’s So for context, my friend and I have been doing 2-4 Casino Heists a day for the past 2-3 weeks of quarantine to get cash and we've had our fair share of glitches. it just says 'go to casino' then 'leave the area' as soon as i arrive. Today we have discovered a way to likely fix the annoying mantrap issue. Gaming Popular View All Games I'm probably not the only one dealing with this annoying glitch but everytime me and my crewmate(s) enter the mantrap to go to the vault in a Diamond Casino heist, I get disconnected for no damn reason. Ok so for some reason all the arcades have disappeared off maze bank foreclosures. New comments cannot be Der Bug tritt bei mir auch sehr häufig auf. Which then causes the other players to quit the game. Grand Theft Auto Online - Rockstar's ongoing ever expanding multiplayer system, introduced with Grand Bugs related to the Casino Heist DLC and GTA Online Broadly: Cannot deliver heist prep equipment: The vehicle will enter the yellow circle and nothing will happen. lbp cuvy jpkq uixrjg tbaba spaz zftwcjsv jsig tmbwzfn mpdg hmva wagmqah wnrbs npjld ufya