Nikon 200mm f2 flickr 8, which is also the most expensive 80-200 f/2. 8 + 1. Civil War Days, Huntington Beach. Group Rules Please add your best photos taken with the Nikon Z 70-200mm lens. Could any D700 or D3 users let me know what the current version of this lens is like. The Print Shop Prints & Wall Art Photo Books Get Pro Pro Plans Stats Dashboard today i received my Nikon 80-200mm F/2. This is the deepest I've ever been into photographic equipment. Bought a D90 just 2 months ago. Flickr Galleries; World Map; Camera Finder; Flickr Blog; Prints. If you can't get focus at those extreme settings, move on to the next. 8G. I will be using this lens for everything, including sports, so bear that in mike_romeo_kilo: I bought a used Nikon 80-200mm couple of days back. 6. I hear this lens has very fast focus speed and good sharp optics and color. jb aranez: Hi guys, its my first time posting here and i have a dilemma. My Beast i LOEVEEEEE it~~ ihasa: I got hold of a two ring AF-D version a few days ago - was a good price because the AF MF switch was missing. It's ability for me to shoot in low light is a godsend. It will be very If you want to use a Nikon teleconverter you will need the AF-S 80-200 f/2. 8 VR S read more read less. So I send it to Nippon Photo Service in NYC and they just called to say that they estimate that it will cost $300 to repair and also mention that parts are no longer available for this now ancient version of the lens so EyeSwim: I've noticed that from 80 to 135 I can shoot pretty much wide open and the it's pretty tack, but from then onward to 200 I need to stop it down to maybe a f/5 or more to get equal results. 5 its great! IS this normal for this lens or do I have a duff one? Thanks eric. 24x Lens Images taken with the various versions of the Nikon 80-200mm f2. 8E FL: Furcletta 1: Paul Whalen 7 years ago User Manual 70-200mm VRII f2. But I am wondering what IQ will I get with Kenko Pro 300 DG 2X TC. 8D AFS seems to have vignetting problems on FX. It improves significantly if you stop down to f4 then. 8 lens. Explore What’s New New! Recent Photos; Trending Flickr Galleries; Flickr Blog; The Print Shop Prints & Wall Art Photo Books Get Pro Nikkor 70-200mm f/2. Market Street. Thanks, M. 8G VRll nor do I really need VR for what I shoot. However, the Nikkor lens has a crack on the af/m switch(ive read that it was the lens' common flaw) but Bobs Images: I have a two ring AF-D, and I noticed recently when shifting from the horizontal to vertical (like to take photographs of aircraft) I hear a clonking noise from the lens, and can feel something knock through the lens and camera body. 8 VR II lens with my D90. Here my options: 1) 80-200 f/2. I read a few negative reviews about the sharpness of the lens, and backfocus issues. When I set this lens at 200 mm and take picture with AF on, the sharpness is less as compared to image taken by focusing the lens manually. 8 # D7000+50mm Sigma Macro EX # Nikon D7000 + Nikon 300mm F4 AF & AF-S # D7000+11-16mm Tokina # D7000+17-50mm OS HSM Je suis le feu: I have both lenses. Flickr photos, groups, and tags related to the "Nikkor 70-200 F2. # D7000+Sigma 50mm F1. So 3 months has past and it pisses me off. IMHO. its the two ring version AF Nikkor 80-200mm f/2. Feel free to add this when you comment on images Flickr photos, groups, and tags related to the "nikonf2" Flickr tag. The Print Shop Prints & Wall Art Photo Books Get Pro Pro Plans Stats Dashboard Get Auto-Uploadr Log In; Sign Up; Log In Explore Trending Nikon 80-200mm f2. Type Lens Features Score ----------------------------------------------------------- AF 80-200/2. See all public content on Flickr tagged with f2? The safest and most inclusive global community of photography enthusiasts. I'll use it on a D600. I read comments about it being heavy. Auto focus is bang on but when I zoom to 180mm + the image is so This site uses cookies to improve your experience and to help show content that is more relevant to your interests. The price difference isnt much as the nikkor being a bit higher about $150 more. 8 DX Lens Nikon AF-S 70-200mm f/2. ) Is there any back element present on this lens 4. The Print Shop Prints & Wall Art Photo Books Get Pro Pro Plans Stats Dashboard Get Auto-Uploadr Nikon AF-S Nikkor 70-200mm f/2. This difference is not observed at other focal lengths i. Comments (0) Loading comments Add comment. e at 80mm, 105mm, 135mm or in between. 8/2/IS L and other topics of interest to all Canon and Nikon users, beginners to experienced and everyone in between. It's on -10. csouers: In the middle of a partial tear down of my 80-200 two-ring for focus ring freewheeling repair. 8D This stays on my camera most of the time. and hece i am confused. 8G and want a nice tele to somewhat match its performance but don't have the cash for the 70-200mm F2. 8D ED (that's how it's listed on their website) B&H calls it Nikon Zoom Telephoto Zoom-Nikkor 80-200mm f/2. Flickr Blog; Prints. me/cameralabs These Flickr Blog; Prints. Anyone compare this lens to a pro grade afs by any chance? I'm only asking because I've shot 3k pictures only Kommie: I am considering buying the current version of this lens, the 2. However after returning from taking some pics of my niece playing in the snow I was disappointed to find some images soft. 8 that was a little cheaper than the Nikon 70-200 f/2. Nikon D800 Photographs of a Beautiful Sandy-Blonde Swimsuit Bikini Model shot with the brand new Nikon D800 and Nikon 70-200mm f/2. JMichaelSullivan: I've been using this wonderful (version 2) 8-200mm lens for years without any problems, then suddenly something inside disintegrates and it won't focus. i thought i had decided on a sigma prime that seems to receive high praise (the Sigma 150mm f/2. 14TheAlbum: Hi all, received my shiny new 80-200 af-d with collar yesterday . 5 D Nikon AF 28-105mm f3. Good day! -Chris Please only add photos taken with the Nikkor 200mm F/2. Khanolkar: I have 80-200 mm nikkor f2. The 2-ring is apparently faster focusing due to a different gearing to the push-pull. This one is noticeably softer. Despite the airglow and light pollution near the horizon, a glimpse of the Zodiacal Band and Gegenschein can be seen. 2. 8 AF-D. 8 ED Nikon AF 80-200mm f2. 8 lenses made by Nikon over the years. The Print Shop Prints & Wall Art Photo Books Get Pro Pro Plans Stats Dashboard Nikon 200mm F2 VR II on D850 Done. Tokina 80-200. Orbmiser: Made up for flickr from this source. I was surprised that at f2. 4 teleconverter on D90, D300 o D7000 (the fov is like feyip: I use my 80-200 mainly for shooting indoor events, often without the aid of a tripod/monopod, usually with lots of people in attendance, and have been switching between the various modes the camera has to offer to best capture the image without resulting in too much noise or with out using flash. etc, using AP. 8 D ED, two ring version Nikon D800 + Nikkor 200mm f2 Ai-s + LR3 High key portrait - available light + speedlight I was a teaching a 1-2-1 photography class today at my Coventry studio and the other photographer was using his Canon 70-200mm lens so I thought I would dig out my old Nikkor 200mm f2 Ai-s lens. I think the above combo works pretty well. The Print Shop Prints & Wall Art Nikon NIKKOR Z 70-200mm f2. 8E FL ED VR and they MUST have the EXIF information - at least which lens used - included. All images displayed in this group should be tagged with Saad Sarfraz Sheikh: I have the Af 80-200 for portraits and street photography & the 70-300 VR for sports and bird photography. Do you guys think it would be a good idea to sell both and get the AF-S 80-200 which has faster autofocus and works with regular Nikon Well just a tryout on the Nikon 17-55 f2. The Print Shop Prints & Wall Art Photo Books Get Pro Pro Plans Stats Dashboard Photo uniquement faite au NIKON AF-S 200mm f/2G ED VRII Only pictures made with the NIKON AF-S 200mm f/2G ED VRII Additional Info. I had a lot of projects lined up that would've been perfect for the 200/2L IS. Here's mine: Nikon D90 (See below with various lenses) Nikon D40x I often borrow this from my Fiance. 0 G VR I -- Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 200mm f/2. 8 lens (IFED). 8 Tamron 17-50 2. Please post only pictures shot with the amazing Nikkor AF-S 70-200 2. Might replace it for a mid range zoom, a 17-50 or something for everday use and continue using my 50 f/1. In fact, for the zoom range of 80-150mm, shooting closer than 6feet can produce very sharp images at f2. e. paypal. Just check out the prices and specs of these lenses for Canon, Nikon and Fuji below: 1. Used to have an 18-200 which I still enjoy, when travelling, but the 80-200 is the best lens I have owned. 8 VR S lens. ) Is there any weather sealing present on this lens 3. 8 Vr II. The main reason for this is the size, I like to take my camera most places i go and the 80-200mm does not fit the bill for that. What about you guys? My current setup as such: D90 w/battery grip D60 (backup) Nikon 35 1. Explore Recent Photos; Trending; Events; The Commons; Flickr Galleries; Nikon Z6. I was interested in purchasing a good quality zoom lens and was looking at 80-200, 70-200 and . 8 and little distortion is definitely a strong contender though. Here's one that was shot at 200mm and a link to the full-size shot at the bottom. 8D. A group for users of the Nikon 70-200mm f/2. 8 VRii. The Print Shop Prints & Wall Art Photo Books Get Pro Pro Plans Stats Dashboard Nikon AF FX NIKKOR 80-200mm f/2. 8 G VR I and VR II lenses. 8, two rings and AF-D. His attention to detail was very impressive. Explore Recent Photos; Trending; Events; The Commons; Flickr Galleries; World Map; Camera Finder; Flickr Blog; Prints. ) Does this lens support any teleconverter 2. I've been selling off my older camera bodies and consumer glass to make these moves. I do have a chance to purchse in VGC 80-200AFS for 1100 USD. The seller claims this lens just returned form Nikon after a tune up. 8 Z-Nikkor 50mm f/1. Can folks here post pics taken with this combo to help me make up my mind. 8 3,568 Members Flickr photos, groups, and tags related to the "nikon 80-200mm" Flickr tag. by Khun P. All other lenses focus on my d610 and the sigma works on my other body fine. Explore Recent Photos; Trending; Events; The Commons; Flickr Sebastiano Rametta (Seba_F80): Hi all, I'm considering to buy an used 80-200 f/2. Norwegian winter by Steffen Østli 230 14 Cadmeus: hey all, ive been researching for a sharp, fast telephoto for weddings and other general use lately, and im on a tight budget. The Print Shop Prints & Wall Art Photo Books Get Pro Pro Plans Stats Sample images taken with a Nikon Z 70-200mm f2. I've owned two copies of the two ring version, one never worked even after being serviced by Nikon, the other is much, much better, not perfect, like you pointed out, occasionally just doesn't nail it, but at least it works as expected most of time. 8 EX APO Macro EX DG HSM) but then i saw a version of this lens on craigslist. Any thoughts? Flickr Galleries; World Map; Camera Finder; Flickr Blog; Prints. Photoworks67: I am looking for a portrait lens, should I take a 85mm f1. How does the focus speed and accuracy compare between the d5 and z9? I have a 200 f2 vr I used with my older nikon dslr bodies but I'm wondering how well it works with the z7ii and z9. 5-4. The Commons; Flickr Galleries; World Map; Camera Finder; Flickr Blog; Prints. 4 faves. 8D ED lens shortly & i have few question for which am not able to get proper asnwer. perhaps a 70-300. 8 for portraits. The Print Shop Prints & Wall Art Photo Books Nikon 80-200mm f2. 8, which I love. 8 push-pull, as it can be had for $300-450 used. 4 G Lens. Nikon's official name for #5 in your list is AF Zoom- NIKKOR 80-200mm f/2. Am using D 300. 8 is very soft if you foucus to a subject closer than 6feet. 8 SB-600 Shooting style: 1) Lots of pro bono work for event photography (i. conferences, diplomats, speeches, scholars, etc) 2) Lots of family/friends/travel (maybe photos taken with Nikon NIKKOR Z 70-200mm f/2. 8 (first version) until I found a Nikkor 80-200 f2. Drag to set position! Overview; Discussions; Photos; Members; Map; Share Flickr Galleries; World Map; Camera Finder; Flickr Blog; Prints. Nikon NIKKOR Z 70–200mm f/2. The creamy bokeh of the f/2. Only in the range about 150-200mm the produced image at f2. This is the most convincing Civil War reenactor I have ever seen. The inconveniently large size and heavy weight is the other. Is it? I mean, from what I've heard, the lens has a reputation for back/front focusing at 200mm, i've tested a sample on my D80 and indeed it back-focused, but i hear it's different from sample to sample, so i just gotta find a sample that works well with my Flickr Galleries; World Map; Camera Finder; Flickr Blog; Prints. so far it is a good lensno focus or zoom issues. 8 ED. Check out the amazing detail in the full resolution photos! Nayan V. 8 IF ED VR Micro Nikon AF-S 14-24mm f2. 8 VR and the 70-200 f2. 0 G VR II Discussions are welcome! Thanks for sharing :) Happy shooting TitoPerezPhoto: - Ross Finnie [20Hz]: I've just picked up the two-ring 80-200 D and the one thing I'm really needing is some kind of soft case to carry it in. Can any one help me out on the below questions: 1. 8 Join. I'd probably be looking at the Tamron 70-200 f/2. 8 3,568 Members Steve, from what I understand there is a speed difference between the push-pull and 2-ring versions of this lens. 8 Z-Nikkor 24mm f/1. can anyone help me about the handheld shot in d90. originally i had Kawonsa: I find myself using my 35mm f/1. I have used the lens for action shots which require fast speeds and also portrait at slow speeds. coz boosting iso in low light will make noise more than d7000. The Print Shop Prints & Wall Art Photo Books Get Pro Pro Plans Stats Dashboard Nikon 80-200mm f2. 8 AF D being sold in the same forum. I was even willing to wait at most 3 months. 8 Vc. I have Sigma 18 - 50 f/2. And had the 55-200vr and 80-200 f4 ais before finally getting the 80-200 f2. Contrary to what most people say, I find this range perfect on a DX sensor for most of what I Amoxtli Photography: I shoot at the San Diego Zoo and Wild Animal Park a lot and have been using a 70-300VR with very good results. 8G ED Nikon AF-S 24-70mm f2. I took the lens to authorized Nikon service center in India and was told that the Nikon AF NIKKOR 80-200mm f/2. I bought it on e-bay. 8 VR, other groups already exist for this lens. Any comments would be much appreciated. If I was looking for a Vr alternative to my 80-200 f/2. If you find my reviews and samples useful, please treat me to a coffee at www. 0 comments. 0 # D7000+35mm Nikkor F1. At 4. in many ways comparable to the Nikon version, but Flickr Galleries; World Map; Camera Finder; Flickr Blog; Prints. 8 G IF-ED VR Lens And I have pre-ordered a Nikon AF-S 50mm f/1. Which Mike Groom Photography: What's a reasonable price to pay for a good condition 80-200 AF-D One Touch? I can't justify the 70-200 VRII, so this would seem a good option. A lot of missed opportunities for the . 8 and 50mm f/1. Share your photos, tips, techniques, or anything related to this pro Nikon glass. I currently own a D70s and I like the field of view of my Nikkor 80-200 AF-D 4. Images taken with the various versions of the Nikon 80-200mm f2. Used to be mine. I can't see any damage to either bits of equipment. I thought of buying a Sigma 70-200 f2. 6 ED DX VR Not sure which one to go for. @Drahul Photography: Hi Guys, Am planning to buy Nikkor 80-200mm F/2. 8. As I am aware of the sharpness and the quality of pictures that the lens offers, I would like to understand the real use of it, meaning, I would like to shoot little bit of everything. Portalén (Porta do Alén=Gate to the Beyond) is an granitic rock formation home of ancient traditions. Z-Nikkor 20mm f/1. Photography JC: I'm interested to see what combos you have put in place to compliment your 70-200. 8 at a third of the price has performed great on a D40,D80 and now is my main on the D90. Am I on the right track here? AC Photography 828: Hi everyone, I have a Nikon D610 and the last couple of days my sigma 70-200 f2. 8 ED AF-D Autofocus Lens with Tripod Collar Most would refer to it as AF 80-200 f/2. The Print Shop Nikon 80-200mm f2. I Photos taken with the Nikon Z-Nikkor 70-200mm f/2. 8, 1/640sec Just a note: the lens has a new Hoya Pro1 UV filter on. I am new to DSLR and Flickr. 8 and is a solid performer. So why do so few photographers own this lens? The near $6K price tag is likely the primary reason. Many Snow Geese by Jeannie Bespoyasny Nikkor AF-S 70-200mm F/2. The sharpness of the images are remarkable. Sigma 70-200mm F2. View allAll Photos Tagged 80-200 f2. I guess I am bit used to getting as close as possible to the objects now. Bring a laptop and check some hand-held shots at 200mm and f/2. 8 VRII" Flickr tag. As I understand going through lots of leading reviews on internet, John Haswell Photography: I just got an old push/pull version of this lens and I did some tests against a cheap 70-300mm lens. Captured in both RAW and JPEG. Post Reply Preview About Chrishtopher@ATL: I'm planning on a second lens. Photos taken with the Nikon Z-Nikkor 70-200mm f/2. (See last image) Nikon AF Zoom-Nikkor 35-70mm f/2. Most of my Flickr photos, groups, and tags related to the "Nikon 70-200 VR" Flickr tag. 70-200 Mk 11 less to no vignettes and sharper edges but a bit fragile. 8D ED Zoom Lens. 8E FL ED VR. 8: eager island: I shoot with a D300 and 17-55 F2. Explore Recent Photos; Trending; Events; The Commons; Flickr Galleries; Taken with a Nikon D700 and a Nikon 80-200mm f2. I've covered the switch with a black rubber wrist band - don't need MF. 70-200 Mk 1; vignettes on FX and is soft at edges. I can't guarantee that focus was dead on for this shot, but I don't see anything fore or aft that looks sharper than the subject. Paolo Dolina: This time around I wanted to help the local shop/economy and do the "right thing" by buying my 200/2L IS through authorized channels in the Philippines. 8 more than anything else. Are the optics comparable? What are the main differences between the Andrei Radu: Hello, lucky owners of this beast! I'm looking to buy this lens and i keep hearing about softness at 200mm wide open. I would just like to know of some opinions on this lens, what do you like, not like, etc. 8G ED VR II . Leaving out the fist, which is hard to find too, and the AF-S, which is expensive and I don't need the internal motor, I'm confused by the push & pull version and the AF-D. 8 3,567 Members Explore this photo album by StudioFuntas on Flickr! Flickr Blog; Prints. 4 # D7000+60mm Tamron Macro F2. 8 it does not seem very sharp. 8 VRII. 8 II EX DG Macro OR Nikkor 55-200 f/4-5. 80-200 old coating prone to flare and missing VR, but sharper than the above everywhere almost no vignetting, tough as old boots and cheap secondhand. Thanks! Flickr Galleries; World Map; Camera Finder; Flickr Blog; Prints. 8 read more read less. Based on your advice, I tried out different apertures at f8, f5. I've searched past topics, but there is little mention of this lens on a D700 (what I am using) or a D3. 8 Z-Nikkor 35mm f/1. Well mine seems lovely and sharp and barely needed tuning. However I would like to have the extra 100mm to get a little closer. Also while I was using about 180 mm FL, I still was quite close at about 5 ft to the objects. 0 G VR Lens!!! VR2 owners of this lens are welcomed, too, as long as it is the 200mm/2 lens. Non os version won't focus on my d610. I know I can't go wrong with a Kenko Pro 300 DG 1. 5x Maximum Aperture f/2. Versions are as follows: - 1982-1988: AI-S (Manual Focus) - 1988-1992: AF - 1993-1997: AF-D - 1997 onwards: AF-D (with tripod collar) - 1999-2004: AF-S Please note that this group is not for the 70-200mm f2. This group will count toward the photo’s limit (60 for Pro klevq (Ken): Hi Everybody As promised, I rented the lens again and retake the butterflies last weekend. The best place for inspiration, connection, and sharing! A group for Nikkor 200mm F/2G VR users worldwide to share your works from this super-fast, super-uber exclusive fine lens. ErBedo: Hi I have a nikon D300, and I'd like to upgrade my set with this wonderful lens, but I'm a bit confused about the 4 different versions. But my Tamron 17-50 f2. 5-5. I find the autofocus on the AF 80-200 too slow and the 70-300 is (obviously) not sharp enough. 4 or the 135mm f2 DC lens? At this moment I have the following lenses: Nikon 50mm f1. Still not decided which gives the most consistant results. The Print Shop Prints & Wall Art Photo Books Get Pro Pro Plans Nikon 80-200mm f2. 8 ED D Nikon AF 18-35mm f3. I have the following:- Nikon D300 (edited, per post below) Nikon AF-S 12-24mm f/4 DX Lens Nikon AF-S 17-55mm f/2. 8 push-pull Has been manufactured in AF and AF-D models. And can be had for around $900 used. By using this site, you agree to the use of cookies by Flickr and our partners as described in our cookie policy. Canon EF 200mm f/2L IS USM Lens 2. All images displayed in this group should be Testing this baby for the weekend Pictures taken with the amazing NIKKOR 70–200 MM 1:2. Took the lens off the body and just by moving it about it makes this sound, not a rattle but a distinct "Clonk" almost like Save Cancel. The case that comes with it is just too big and bulky to keep in my bag all day, so I was wondering if anyone could recommend any padded bag type cases for carrying the lens around in? Cheers :-) I have tried other brand 70-200mm, but my Nikon 80-200mm do help me to get better results consistently and at an affordable running cost. 4X TC. There have been several 80-200 f/2. 8 ED 1 ring, 3 receptive houses: Hi all, I am a new member here, I am seriously thinking to buy Nikon 70-200mm f2. Explore this photo album by ztnr711014 on Flickr! Explore What’s New New! Recent Photos; Trending; Events The Commons; Flickr Galleries; World Map; Camera Finder; Flickr Blog; Prints. 95 Z Flickr Galleries; World Map; Camera Finder; Flickr Blog; Prints. But the bigger question seems to be where to buy? Assistance of any kind is highly appreciated. mattkarlsson: So, what Nikon stuff do you own and use? Post yours. Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 200mm f/2G ED V Outstanding optics, especially wide-open at f/2 where it's ultra-sharp with minimal spherochromatism (color fringes). I have been offered a used AF-S VR Zoom-Nikkor ED 70-200mm CcreativeImages: Hello everyone, Glad to find this grpup. depaoli: Hello everyone, I've been looking at getting a cheap(er) f/2. Nikkor 80-200mm f/2. 8G ED VR II AF-S Nikkor Zoom Lens. Is having both redundant? Have i just wasted my money? Kamalesh Das Photography: Friends i'm thinking to buy a 80-200 for my Nikon d90. I just ordered a Nikon 80-200 F2. 8D, as the 70-200 2. For flexibility I do want to continue shooting zoom as I can not change my shooting position much of the time. This led me to test the lens on a tripod with remote release and exp delay. Difficult one. 1/200s, 200mm, f2. Uploaded on January 29, 2019 This group is for discussion of the Nikon 200mm F2 VR / Canon 200mm F1. 8, ISO1250. And took some great pics with the cheaper iagphotos: I have had this lens for 3 months now. 525 views. 8 Minimum Aperture f/22 Format FX/35mm Maximum Angle of View (DX-format) 20° Minimum Angle of View (DX-format) 8° Maximum Angle of View (FX-format) 30°10' Minimum Angle of View (FX-format) 12°20' Maximum Reproduction Ratio 0. ) As no Hood A group to discuss and share the Nikon 70-200 f2. Explore Recent Photos; Trending; Events; The Commons; Flickr Galleries; World Map; Camera Finder; Flickr Blog; Nikon D7000 + Nikon 70-200mm f2. I'm really looking forward to owning this lens. I have tried all focus modes and taking it of and reattaching it but nothing. View #MyFlickrYear24. 8 VR S. Incredibly fast autofocus, even on Nikon's cheapest cameras. 8 zoom lens to open up some more photo opportunities, and one of my choices is the Nikon 80-200 f/2. Here are some other groups relating to lenses used on the D7000. ISO 200, 200mm, f. 8 Nikon 85 1. 95 Z Explore this photo album by Khun P on Flickr! Relive your 2024 on Flickr with MyFlickrYear. Nikkor 70-200 2. If we limit ourselves to AF models they are as follows: - 80-200 f/2. . 8 to pick up used. Flickr photos, groups, and tags related to the "nikon 80-200 f2. 5 D macro Nikon AF-S 18 28 shots panorama Nikon D700 Nikkor AIS 20mm f/2,8 @f/4 ISO 20s each ISO 4000. 8 VR S lens sample photos Celebrate World Photography Day with us! Enter our photo contest for a chance to win big, and upgrade to Flickr Pro for 20% off now. The D7000 and the legendary 70-200mm VR. 8 D ED Focal Length Range 80-200mm Zoom Ratio 2. 8 D Nikon AF-S 105mm f2. 8" Flickr tag. This group is to showcase the best photos taken by one of this amazing lenses: -- Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 200mm f/2. Impressed with the feel and build qual. Please see 3 attached shots at my Flickr photos, groups, and tags related to the "80-200 f2. 707d3k: I have a nikkor 24-70mm F2. 8 Z-Nikkor 58mm f/0. 6, expecially when I make street, so I think want the same FOV on Full Frame. katkl sucml gqrwr xhd hitxf molff fcbuf jbwig kwmw jtrwn ysxk bnddcm vlz cjxgae rcvxiz