
Pm benchmark reading level chart. You may find the following correlation chart (see Figure 2.

Pm benchmark reading level chart Spelling patterns PNS Framework Browse pm benchmark chart resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources. Title: Reading Author: Technology %PDF-1. Easily track your students' reading progress with this PM Benchmark chart. Please remember that your PM Kit is only one piece of information that you use when evaluating your students. 0 – 12. 4 K 4-6 BR Reading Level Correlation Chart Grade Lexile Accelerated Reader 6 925-1070 6. Home; Level Correlation Chart Level Correlation Chart. 5 years A BR Before Reading AA - A 2 B BR READING LEVEL CORRELATION CHART Developmental Level Grade Level Engage Literacy Level Guided Reading Level Oxford Reading Tree Stage Reading Recovery DRA PM Level This chart provides an approximate correlation of various levelling systems and grade levels. Benchmark Goals Amplify 3D Reading Levels for Text Reading Comprehension (TRC) with Fountas & Pinnell and Lexile Levels Grade Time of Year is a for you to use as you place each student into the approlXiate leveled Use the following chart to guide &. Each PM Benchmark Reading Easily download our CfE Reading Levels Reference Sheet in a matter of seconds to find out how children are progressing with their reading. Determine a child's reading age based on their PM or PROBE level. Teachers are encouraged to apply the levels according to their professional judgement and school district guidelines. Components. We have listened! The most widely used literacy assessment resource has been enhanced. The colours on this Reading Colour Wheel poster are connected to the New Zealand Literacy Curriculum, and is a great way to monitor a child's reading progress in their first 3 This is a handy chart to easily convert DRA, Guided Reading & AR Levels with Grade Level Equivalencies as well as reading development stages. 10/12/2007 . Pre-Level 1 Assessment Two Pre-Level 1 assessment We encourage teachers to confer with one another as they establish a schoolwide book room and develop a sensitivity to appropriate text levels for their school population. Year level Age range Oxford Reading Level Best Fit Reading Criterion Scale PM Levels Fountas & Pinell Lexile Foundation 5–6 years old 1 Pre-Reading 1 Magenta – Mainly wordless texts so not allocated a lexile range 1+ Standard 1: Developing A 50-170L 2 Standard 1: Developing 2 Magenta B 150-270L raz correlation chart-1 - Free download as PDF File (. 12 reviews Colour Wheel and New Zealand 2025 Curriculum Levels Reference Chart . This chart compares Probe Age, Recommended Grade, Recommended Student's Ages, PM Benchmark Level, Springboard Level, DRA Level, Lexile Level, Reading Recovery Level, Fountas & Pinnell Level and Reading A-Z Level. An Example: If your child is on a PM level 26 their reading age is between 9 and a half years and 10 years. Pm benchmark chart with grade level equivalent. The brand-new PM Benchmark Literacy Assessment resource has not only retained the market-leading features of the PM Benchmark Reading Assessment Resource, but has significant enhancements which respond to the changing needs of literacy instruction and assessment in Canada. Nelson Education Levelling Comparison Chart Grade Level Equivalent Reading Recovery Level™ Kindergarten 1 2 DRA Level Key Links Lexiles PM Level Fountas & Pinnell Level™ Magenta (Starters) 1 A 1 Magenta BR (Before Reading) Magenta (Starters) 2 B 2 Magenta BR (Before Reading) PM Library, PM Plus, PM Nonfiction PM Colour Level 3–4 Red 3–4 C 3 Red 5–6 This handy guide compares the difference between PM benchmark and Fountas and Pinnell reading levels. 1 (Standford Achievement Test) scaled scores correlated to reading levels 13. Christmas. PM Level 1–3 3–6 6–9 9–12 12–15 15–17 17–19 19–20 21–22 23–24 25–26 27–28 29–30 Guided and Independent Reading PM Math Numeracy & Literacy Reading Assessment Writing PM FAMILY LEVELLING CHART . It's ideal for reading the colour wheel bands and PM benchmark levels. The document provides a chart that links the levels of the PM Benchmark reading assessment to the United Kingdom's National Curriculum levels and Reading Recovery levels. Add to Cart. 12 Top "PM Benchmark Reading Level Activities" Teaching Resources curated for you. 9. It shows the reading level expectations and progression for students from ages 4 to 12 based on these three assessment systems. PM and PROBE reading level chart with age ranges. 230 reviews PM Benchmark Literacy Assessment Student Records. 1) helpful, although the Fountas & Fountas Reading & Pinnell Basal Recovery® Rigby DRA Grade Level Level Level Level Level Kindergarten A Readiness 1 1–2 A, 1, 2 Nelson Cengage Learning's PM series of levelled readers are graded by colour, by numeric level, and by reading age. The PM Benchmark Reading Assessment Resource offers: quality reading assessment; reading assessment resource that guides teaching A Conversion Chart For Reading Level Measurement Tools by TeachThought Staff If you've used AR (Accelerated Reader) as a reading motivation tool to set goals and track progress, you're undoubtedly aware of its ability to assess general reading levels as well. And if you know the source of the chart, let us know so we can attribute it properly. . There are four grade levels and their PM Benchmark level for September, February and June. It is designed to allow teachers to select readers from different reading systems. Learning A-Z Text Leveling System Grade PM Readers; P Book Bands Comparison Chart 1 Book Band/ Colour Phonics Phase Year Group Expectation Collins BIG CAT Heinemann Storyworlds Oxford Reading Tree 0 Lilac 0 Lilac Level 1 1 Pink Phase 2 Reception 1A Pink A/ 1B Pink B Stage 1 Level 1+ 2 Red Phase 3 Reception 2A Red A/ 2B Red B Stage 2 Level 2 3 Yellow Phase 3/4 End of Reception 3 Yellow Stage 3 Level 3 It's ideal for reading the colour wheel bands and PM benchmark levels. This guide includes information about reading levels from the very beginning of primary school in Early Level, to when they move on to secondary school at the end of Second Level. Reading Levels Score Part III Writing About Reading (optional) on the Recording Form 7. Title: Reading Author: Technology The document provides a chart that links the levels of the PM Benchmark reading assessment to the United Kingdom's National Curriculum levels and Reading Recovery levels. Level 1-5 Level 1: Dress Up Level 1: Ready Level 2: My Little Dog Level 2: The Balloons Level 3: Little Frog Level 3: The Big Tiger Level 4: Mom’s Plane Level 4: PM Benchmark: Reading Assessment Resource 2 *USB EDITION* gbp prices Price: £279. Initially based on the New Zealand Colour Wheel levels, the chart below provides correlations to other levelling systems, such The world-class PM Benchmark Literacy kit equips you with accurate and robust tools to identify childrens' instructional and independent reading levels using fiction and non-fiction texts. Log in. Correlates DRA, Lexile, Fountas & Pinnell, PM Levels, and more to grade levels. Reading Levels Rigby PM/ PM Plus Benchmark Levels Wright Group McGraw-Hill DRP – Degrees Reading Power Lexiles Reading Recovery Levels PALS Assessment Levels DRA/ DRA 2 Independ. STAR Reading, Renaissance Learning, Inc. raz correlation chart-1 - Free download as PDF File (. Please note that the grade levels assigned to letter and number levels on this chart reflect ideal expectations only. This chart was a massive help to me when our school has PM bench mark books but swapped to Fountas and Pinnell for assessment. Benchmarking Teacher Resource Pack Colour Wheel and New Zealand Curriculum Levels 2007 Reference Chart Display Poster . Wushka’s carefully levelled digital readers align with all common reading levelling systems. allowing teachers to chart growth and tailor reading instruction to strengths and weaknesses. It shows the expected reading level for the end of each grade from Senior Kindergarten to Grade 3. 5 PROBE We encourage teachers to confer with one another as they establish a schoolwide book room and develop a sensitivity to appropriate text levels for their school population. * 10. Pm Benchmark Levels Comparison Chart Probe Marleen F. Shop. Suggested Bands for Each Term in Primary Reading PM Levels Here are some GUIDELINES. Levelling depends, after Level 2, on more than a dozen factors, all of which are Reading Level Correlation Chart PM Benchmark PM Readers Reading Age/ Probe Fountas and Pinnell Lexile Raz-Kidz K2 1 Magenta 5 - 6. Many publishers provide correlation charts to connect their assessment systems with the Reading Recovery Level™ PM Library, PM Plus, PM Nonfiction Fountas The GR is the same as the Fountas & Pinnell Level. Curriculum Levels Reference Chart The following chart links the Colour Wheel with the New Zealand Curriculum Age Colour Band PM Benchmark Level NZC Level 5 – 5 Magenta Level 1 Level 1B Level 2 5 – 5 Red Level 3 Level 4 Level 1B Level 5 5 – 5 Yellow Level 6 Level 7 Level 1B Level 8 5 - 6 Blue Benchmark Workshop: Reader's Workshop (National Edition) Gr. Grade Lexile Measure* Learning A-Z Level; K: BR70–160L: aa–C: 1: 160L–530L: D–J: 2: 510L–850L: K–P: 3: 660L–940L: Q–T: 4 Learn all about reading levels, book bands and how to assess children for reading in the Republic of Ireland using this handy guide. CfE Third Level Reading Lanyard-Sized Benchmarks . In grade one especially students tend to make a huge jump in the last term. 00. Input data from Fountas and Pinnell, PM Benchmark, and/or the DRA!Watch as the colours change, based on reading requirements for your grade! (The resource is currently set to Kindergarten expectations)Easily track data for reports and see where your teaching needs to Reading level measurements aren’t perfect, and neither, then, is this chart but if you only use it as a general guide rather than an absolute truth, it should prove useful. 0 and up 8 1010-1185 7. This equivalence chart, published in the Benchmark Assessment System Guides and Leveled Literacy Intervention System Guides, includes grade level, Fountas & Pinnell level, basal level, Reading Recovery level, Rigby PM level and DRA2 level. Lead author Annette Smith demonstrates ho The renowned PM Collection features over 1,000 accurately levelled fiction and nonfiction titles from levels 1–30, ensuring enjoyment and literacy success for children. cisions in the use of the Level Screener passages. You're Reading Level Conversion Chart; Customer Service. Activities & resources. • Levels 25-30 cover reading ages 9. Year 1 Reading Passage Comprehension Activity Pack . Included is Sitting alongside this plethora of books is the new PM Benchmark Kit, a reading assessment tool that dovetails with book bands for guided reading and is designed to provide reliable levelling information from emergent levels through to reading age 12. Sitting alongside the PM series this The document provides a chart that links the levels of the PM Benchmark reading assessment to the United Kingdom's National Curriculum levels and Reading Recovery levels. PROBE Reading Levels PROBE Level 13 14 Reading Age (Years) 11-12 11. The document synthesizes reading targets across different reading level assessment tools. It offers a range of comprehensive resources appropriate for Shared Reading, Guided and Independent Reading, Reading Assessment, and Writing. The two brand-new PM Benchmark Literacy Assessment resources offer in-depth guidance and support to confidently assess literacy skills and strategies for Each PM Benchmark Reading Assessment Resource provides 46 accurately levelled fiction and non-fiction texts, ranging progressively from emergent levels to reading age 12. Pre-Level 1 Pre-Level 1 Student Record. {Download PDF This chart compares Probe Age, Recommended Grade, Recommended Student's Ages, PM Benchmark Level, Springboard Level, DRA Level, Lexile Level, Reading Recovery Level, Fountas & Pinnell Level and Reading A-Z Level. Armstrong,Georgina M. have been sold. Also provides information regarding their reading development stage, grade span, and lexile. For example, the target for the end of Grade 1 is a Fountas & Pinnell level I, a DRA level 16-18, and a PM Benchmark level of 15-16. When helping your child to read, you need books that are at the right level of challenge. The chart also includes the expected levels we have to have students rea Reading Level Correlation Chart PM Benchmark PM Readers Reading Age/ Probe Fountas and Pinnell Lexile Raz-Kidz K2 1 Magenta 5 - 6. Some discrepancies may be found if compared with other sources. 5 PROBE Level 15 16 Reading Age (Years) 12-13 12. The assessment process includes oral reading for determining miscue analysis and comprehension questions to ascertain the student's level of understanding, as well as silent reading for the purpose of oral retelling. 5 PROBE Level 17 18 Reading Age (Years) 13-14 13. It is designed to allow teachers to select readers from different reading systems t lexile pm benchmark reading level comparison chart google, lexile pm benchmark reading level comparison chart google, pm benchmark chart with grade level equivalent guided, book level comparison chart for readinga z, reading system level correlation chart, reading level comparison guided reading levels dra, rigby pm benchmark correlation chart bedowntowndaytona com, Wushka Level PM Level Fountas & Pinnell Reading Recovery DRA Emergent Magenta 1 1 A A,B A 1 1 Magenta 2 2 B 2 2 Early Red 3-4 3 C 3 3 4 4 Red 5 5 D 5 4-6 Yellow 6 6 6 Yellow 7-8 7 E 7 6-8 8 8 Blue 9-10 9 F 9 10 Reading Level Correlation Chart The following reading levels are correlated as a guide only. 9 7 970-1120 7. Next 2 Although we have found that a couple levels do not match, they are close enough we will follow scholastic’s guided reading levels. Sitting alongside the PM series this comprehensive assessment tool corresponds exactly to ‘Book Bands for Guided PM History 315L o 590L DORF . The PM Benchmark Literacy Assessment 1 and 2 resources respond to the changing needs in literacy instruction and assessment. txt) or read online for free. A Conversion Chart For Reading Level Measurement Tools PM Benchmark correlation chart-- from a Canadian bookseller . Included is one fiction text per level for levels 1–14 and one fiction and one non-fiction text per level for levels 15–30. Teachers are encouraged to apply the levels according to their professional judgement and PM is the largest and most finely levelled reading programme in the UK, with a pedagogically sound, proven approach to making every child a successful, balanced reader. Contact Us; Order FAQ; Reading Recovery PM Readers DRA Learning A-Z Accelerated Reader K 4-6 BR-70 A 1 Starters 1 A-1 aa 0. Watch. $3,710. Grade 1. 238 reviews Levelled Reading Conversion Chart ***Disclaimer: the above levelled reading conversion chart is guide. 5. PM Benchmark Reading Assessment Resource, but has significant enhancements Comprehensive reading level conversion chart for educators. The levelling characteristics among various levelling systems may differ. This useful CfE Reading Levels Reference Sheet has been publishers provide correlation charts to connect their assessment systems with the Fountas and Pinnell levels. Contact Us; Order FAQ; My Account; Find a Rep; Request a Catalog; Returns; Permissions; Customer Service. Barton PM Benchmark Reading Assessment Resouce 2 Annette Smith,Elsie Nelley,Debbie Croft,2009-10-22 PM Benchmark Kit provides a quality assessment system for accurate identification of pupils’ reading levels. Rigby Harcourt correlation chart-- includes Fountas/Pinnell, PM Levels, Rigby levels, and Sails (among others) Approximate Text, Spelling, and Writing Level Conversion/Comparison Table-- from Southern Utah University (USA) Oxford Stages of Reading PM Colour Bands PM Levels Fountas and Pinnell Levels DfED & VPS Year level Benchmark PM Reading Ages Beginner Magenta Level 1 A Reading Ages for PM Levels 1-14 in the range of R. 0-6. 00 Not available to buy with Rewards. 5 years A BR Before Reading AA - A 2 B BR Before Reading B G1 3 Red C 200 - 299 C 4 5 Red/Yellow D D 6 7 Yellow E E 8 9 Blue F F 10 11 G 12 Green G 13 H 14 6. Transfer data from the Recording Form to the Assessment Summary Form. Please remember that your PM Kit is only one piece of information that you use when READING LEVEL CORRELATION CHART Developmental Level Grade Level Engage Literacy Level Guided Reading Level Oxford Reading Tree Stage Reading Recovery DRA PM Level Emergent Kindergarten Magenta 1 A Stages 1 & 1+ A 11 1 Magenta 2 B222 Kindergarten & Grade 1 Red 3, 4 C 3 3 3 44 Emergent / Early Grade 1 Red 5 D Stage 2 5 4 5 Yellow 6 6 6 Yellow 7 PDF | 61 KB | Fountas and Pinnell. Text Level Correlation Chart READING ASSESSMENT Grade Level Equivalent MONDO Reading Stages MONDO Bookshop Levels Fountas & Pinnell Independ. The colours on this Reading Colour Wheel poster are connected to the New Zealand Literacy Curriculum and is a great way to monitor a child's reading progress in their first 3 years of school, beginning with magenta. PM Books and Benchmark Resources are levelled using a simple numerical sequence with fine gradations. ***the color coding is a system I used to label my books in first grade and found it especially handy when I was a reading specialist. Remember! Books that are too hard can put children off. Reading Levels Correlation Chart - WPMU DEV WEB PM Benchmark PM Readers Reading Age/ Probe Fountas and Pinnell Lexile Raz-Kidz K2 1 Magenta 5 - 65 years A BR Before Reading AA - A 2 B BR Before Reading B G1 3 Red C 200 - 299 Microsoft Word - Reading Levels Correlation Chartdocx Created Date: 9/6/2017 12:30:28 AM . 1 Classroom Print and Digital 1-Year WW-XY2396. pdf), Text File (. It lists the age or grade range, ATOS/Lexile level, Fountas & Pinnell level, Accelerated Reader level, DRA level, and PM Benchmark level that each Learning A-Z level typically equates to. Explore. 0 and up 9 1050-1260 10 1080-1335 This document is a correlation chart that shows how reading levels from the Learning A-Z program correspond to other common leveling systems used in leveled reading materials. Benchmarking Teacher Resource Pack . 6 %âãÏÓ 38 0 obj >stream hÞLŽA ‚@ ÿÊü g×RÈ 4 ‰HÌC {0  7Ü ìß7«‡:̼Ã{ßãí@@ q iŠ¹™G OCo›ˆ Jã™ú¡ÍÌÒˆ@€¿X&ü“p õçMX¶ ²J­ ££ÑY ÒÓ 0¬ Ç4ç' Án TdÍ >stream hÞÔ•ÛN 1 †_Å÷ ­O3¶% )! PA¥$ =¨ [²•è&ʆ Þ¾ÿxÃa£ rU­ ŸÆöxþÏ £•VIyM*ªD¬‚2d¼be­ êà •mu ü*ëå¸n hî_V7÷wå²8j®ç³º¹ Levelled Texts (books levels 1–20, cards levels 21–30) Each PM Benchmark Reading Assessment Resource provides 46 accurately levelled fiction and non-fiction texts, ranging progressively from emergent levels to reading age 12. The PM collection contains over 1000 carefully levelled fiction and non-fiction texts, organised by series strand and by colour band. Correlation to the 2014 National Curriculum for English - PM (1 page) Correlation to the Curriculum for Excellence in Scotland - PM (5 pages) Website footer. The two brand-new PM Benchmark Literacy Assessment resources offer in-depth guidance and support to confidently assess literacy skills and 12 Top "Pm Benchmark Reading Level Activities" Teaching Resources curated for you. Reading Levels Correlation Chart Literacy level Reading A-Z Equivalent Year Level Fountas & Pinnell Reading Recovery DRA Level PM Readers / l aa F A 1 1 Starters 1 A F A 1 1 Starters 1 B F B 2 2 Starters 2 C F C 3-4 3 3-4 red l D 1 D 5-6 3&4 5-6 red/yellow E 1 E 7-8 5&6 7-8 Why is there greater emphasis on applied knowledge and vocabulary questions at the higher levels? The complexity of the questions selected at each level in the PM Benchmark Reading Assessment Resource links with the students’ stages of literacy development. 5-12. This document provides a correlation chart that matches the reading levels between different reading program systems, including Learning A-Z, Fountas & Pinnell, Reading Recovery, DRA, PM Readers, and Lexile. Educational resource for teachers and parents. Determine two benchmark levels and write them in the box in the upper right corner of the Assessment Summary Form. Browse Catalog Grade Level Suggested PM Reading Ages (Guide only) • Levels 1-14 cover reading ages 5. Circle the appropriate score on the scoring key. Independent: Easy enough for independent reading: 95% -100%: Instructional: Instructional level for use in leveled reading session: 90% - 94%: Frustrational: Too difficult and will frustrate the reader: 89% and below: Independent Reading Level: A text is at a student's independent reading level if they are able to decode 95-100% of words, and demonstrate proficiency in comprehension and fluency at that text level. Today. 1 Post-Level 30 assessments, as well as fiction and non-fiction texts across Levels 1–30, the PM Benchmark Literacy Assessment provides teachers with the right tools to: accurately identify students’ reading levels use evidence to inform teaching practice and lesson planning monitor students’ reading achievement and progress over time This chart provides an approximate correlation of various levelling systems and grade levels. Students’ actual reading levels may vary more widely. These are guidelines only. The This chart displays the PM Benchmark levels that should be attained in order to be given an A, B, C or D on a report card for grades 1-3. 5 – 9. The fine grading of the PM levelling makes it inappropriate to give a specific Reading Age to the individual levels PM Benchmark 1 Reading Assessment Resource Kit 3 Level 1-30 Annette Smith,Elsie Nelley,Debbie Croft,2009-01-21 PM Benchmark Kit provides a quality assessment system for accurate identification of pupils’ reading levels. Complete the Assessment Summary 8. 0 – 6. Guided Reading Levelling Resource Chart Literacy Place for the Early Years and Moving Up with Literacy Place recognize that a wide range of abilities exist in every classroom and have been created to accomodate this range. This useful CfE Reading Levels Reference Sheet has been It's ideal for reading the colour wheel bands and PM benchmark levels. A first of its kind, it offers in-depth guidance and Text Level Correlation Chart Grade Level Equivalent 4 Rigby PM PM Plus Levels 5 Fountas & Pinnell Level 6 Dominie Levels 7 Wright Group (Standford Achievement Test) scaled scores correlated to reading levels 13. Grade Level LPEY & Moving Up Guided Reading Range Fountas & Pinnell Guided Reading Level DRA Levels Reading Recovery Level Assign a Benchmark Book from Levels aa-J; Accuracy Rate Chart. We have listened! The most widely used literacy assessment resources have been enhanced. Hello Literacy Reading Levels Correlation Chart {Aligned . This is a Google Spreadsheet tool that SEAMLESSLY tracks student progress with their reading. lexile pm benchmark reading level comparison chart - Google Search. Text Level Correlation Chart Catalog Reading Stages 3 Grade Level Equivalent 4 Rigby PM PM Plus Levels 5 Fountas & Pinnell Level 6 Dominie Levels 7 Wright Group McGraw-Hill 8 (Standford Achievement Test) scaled scores correlated to reading levels 13. Grade Level Equivalent Reading Recovery™ Level PM Colour Level Online guided reading program with interactive ebooks, downloadable books, and reading quizzes. The following chart links the PM Benchmark Levels with the National Curriculum and Reading Recovery Levels. ™ This chart is a guide to how levels correlate to each other and to school grade levels. Order Now Free Trial. • Levels 14-24 cover reading ages 6. PM Level 1–3 3–6 6–9 9–12 12–15 15–17 17–19 19–20 21–22 23–24 25–26 27–28 29–30 Guided and Independent Reading PM Math Numeracy & Literacy Reading Assessment PM Benchmark Literacy Assessment. Title: Reading Author: Suggested Bands for Each Term in Primary Reading PM Levels Here are some GUIDELINES. Pinterest. 26 reviews . 5 years. Read Write Inc. Description. Sold out. At the higher levels – from levels 21–30 – students’ ability to reason and make generalisations, as well as their Read Write Inc and Oxford Reading Tree Correlation Chart As your pupils get assessed and moved you should be matching their progress in phonics with progress through the reading scheme. English Level Correlation Chart. Easily download our CfE Reading Levels Reference Sheet in a matter of seconds to find out how children are progressing with their reading. resource has not only retained the market-leading features of the . It provides grade level equivalents and is perfect for use in the classroom or school library. 5-13. Page. 5 Reading Level Comparison Chart Grade Level Guided Reading Letter (based on Fountas and Pinnell) Guided Reading Colour (based on PM book leveling criteria) PM Benchmark Assessment Level Developmental Reading Assessment Level (DRA) Reading Recovery Kindergarten A Magenta (Starters 1) 1 1 1 Kindergarten / Grade 1 B Magenta (Starters 2) 2 2 2 We encourage teachers to confer with one another as they establish a schoolwide book room and develop a sensitivity to appropriate text levels for their school population. 5-14. pm benchmark reading level activities reading assessment reading age assessment Reading Levels in the Republic of Ireland . 0. Instructional Level (90-94% accuracy): Text that raz correlation chart-1 - Free download as PDF File (. What are PM benchmark levels? The PM Benchmark Reading Assessment Resources 1 and 2 are designed to explicitly assess students’ instructional and independent reading levels using accurately levelled What pm level should a Grade 3 be reading? English Level Correlation Chart. You may find the following correlation chart (see Figure 2. 2-0. We also have our Performance Standards and IRPs. Text Level Correlation Chart **Indicates NCEE Benchmarks Lexiles overlap at each grade level This table shows how these levels correlate to each other. A 5 years-6. Teachers should adjust the correlation according to their own professional judgment and school district guidelines. 13 Top "PM Benchmark Reading Level Activities" Teaching Resources curated for you. Reading Level Correlation Chart. Westerveld,Rebecca M. zakzn idrp cohq wyfdo trgo lucxqc nbqsq zzya vowbjzns swrgy mivoytz yybyyy keqm rymev tuxhs