Pua dashboard pa The only thing that updated for me was the end date to 9/4/21 last Sunday. Once I received an ineligibility letter from regular Unemployment (which, after months of waiting, was coincidentally shortly thereafter) and uploaded it onto my PUA dashboard, I began calling PUA reps. ME process, and have an email saying I completed it successfully on Friday evening. Once an Employer has logged into their account through the Unemployment Compensation Management System (this page) for access to their Unemployment Compensation (UC) Tax account information and additional online UC Tax services, the employer must log in and set up their I had the same outstanding claim issue placed on my account. If approved, will be added to their accounts. Members Online • susinpgh I got an email and a message on my PUA dashboard that said the same thing. Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry (L&I) Secretary Jerry Oleksiak today announced eligible self-employed, independent contractors, gig workers and others not normally eligible for regular unemployment compensation (UC) can begin filing backdated claims in the new Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) website. Check your UC Dashboard to make sure that (1) the payment has been released by the Department of Labor & Industry and (2) your bank account information and/or payment We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Physical Address: Pennsylvania Judicial Center. I applied for both unemployment and pua. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Respiratory Virus Dashboard. The HealthChoices website hosts data books and provides historical data about the HealthChoices program in Pennsylvania. Step 1: FILE AN APPEAL. The PUA - Eligibility is still on my dashboard, but apparently that doesn't matter. PUA benefits ceased on September 4, 2021. Exit Site. Here is a user guide which provides information and instructions for certifying weeks online with earnings. PUA Claimants: Dashboard Login Change Due to an influx of failed hacking attempts to log in to our PUA system, L&I has added an additional security measure. You can manage everything through your PUA dashboard – check on your claim status, upload documents, see payment information, etc. Received a pay date for 11/18, trans numbers, everything on 11/18. [Pennsylvania] PUA & STILL HAVE ICSIS ISSUE AFTER THE IP LEFT, NO PAY DATE STILL Called about back weeks Rep noticed I had no documents uploaded so gave me an PUA - Eligibility issue and Said I had to upload documents and call back. Phila, PA 19102 North Philadelphia Law Center: 1410 W. I had to verify my address by uploading to dashboard and emailing DLI. me button. L&I may request to see your work search activities at any time for two years from the effective date of your claim. I also backdated my claim through their link which then stopped me from making a claim for this week. The issues were 2 ones that had to do with my ID(which I solved through ID. Required fields are marked * Comment * Name * Email * Website. Due to more then one person in the household claiming pua. Should I expect this to still happen even with the exhaustion notice I received today? As part of our commitment to serve you better, the PA Careerlink and CWDS websites will undergo system maintenance and be unavailable Friday, April 4th, 2025, at 4:00 PM to approximately 6:00 PM. WTF, I hope The application will be effective the week you were first unemployed, and is not based on the day you submit your PUA application. Hover over the green icircles to see a popup Posted by u/dwbman81 - No votes and 16 comments As i said, after i was approved for PUA i never signed back into my regular unemployment account. This issue on your PUA claim has been resolved. The Pennsylvania UCR Program serves as the state repository for the collection of crime statistics and its primary objective is to generate reliable information for use in law enforcement administration, operation, and management. I did, however, receive a pay date and transaction numbers. me is our trusted and federally-certified technology partner for secure digital identity verification. Below we've outlined the current issue and provided information on the resolution or an update on what corrective action we're taking. I randomly wasn't paid for 3 weeks in September and then started getting paid like nothing ever happened (those 3 weeks are still in progress). Clear search I recently got verified with Id. [Pennsylvania] After 3 weeks of having an IP issue and countless phone calls to PUA reps I finally woke up this morning to pay dates that had been in progress for weeks! Today the only thing that has changed in my case is that the The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission regulates the many essential utility services that Commonwealth residents and businesses rely on every day. he’s been receiving it since the beginning with 0 problems. It is recommended you do the online career workshops here you get a certificate that they can verify. Pennsylvania Teleclaims (PAT) is an automated self-service system used by persons with access to a touch-tone telephone to file weekly UC claims, access specific benefit payment How to reopen/reactivate a PUA claim: Log in to your dashboard ; Select “File for Weekly Benefits” Then select “File Your Weekly Certification to Continue Your Claim” You will If an overpayment is eligible for a waiver, there will be a link in your dashboard to file the request. Now it got fixed in 2 days and they just sent a payment for the one week 3/14 - 3/21 of 195. " A rep told me that I needed to upload a copy of an ineligibility letter from regular UC to my dashboard. UC Benefits [pennsylvania] PUA DASHBOARD CLAIM DISAPPEARED FULLY!! Discussion Hey all me and my fiancée have been on PUA since day one and even had both of our claims flagged because multiple people are using the same address to file their claims! Last week a rep actually released the hold on my claim I was waiting on 7weeks. Moving from PUA to UC is especially difficult. Enter your Username and Password, 2. How to submit (choose one): - PUA dashboard's "provide additional documentation" - fax to (855) 728-2359 How to reopen/reactivate a PUA claim:Log in to your dashboard Select “File for Weekly Benefits”Then select “File Your Weekly Certification to Continue Your Claim”You will see the message “You currently have a claim established however it is inactive. · You uploaded identity documents in your dashboard, but PUA did not approve them. Hi folks, I was wondering if anyone had any experience with filing for backdated weeks for PUA in Pennsylvania. Shows line chart of PUA detection and uninstall events. I am extremely low on funds and To people who have the ip investigation on their claim. I got a message from someone from "PHEAA" I think to go to ID. 3 different agencies. 1515 Market Street Suite 1414 Posted by u/Awokenedbrother - 19 votes and 98 comments We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Harrisburg, PA 17106. Then click on Upload a Document •Faxing to 855 728 2329 or 855 PA UC FAX You DL on your computer and you can actually type right in it, save it and then you can upload it in your dashboard profile under Requested Doc. me's The Pennsylvania subreddit is a place to find news and discussion affecting Pennamites in every part of the Commonwealth. In response to your email to the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry regarding your Pandemic Unemployment Assistance/(Unemployment Compensation) application we have taken the following action: Please continue to check your PUA dashboard regularly for updates and messages In the event you continue to experience issues with your How to reopen/reactivate a PUA claim:Log in to your dashboard Select “File for Weekly Benefits”Then select “File Your Weekly Certification to Continue Your Claim”You will see the message “You currently have a claim established however it is inactive. Weekly filing can be done using the following methods: Online: The best way to file your weekly certification is online seven days a week, 24 hours a day. there is an area you can upload docs. Search. I think the email was in my spam folder, which unfortunately keeps happening for unemployment related emails. See below for account logins for UC Benefits, SIDES, WCAIS, UCMS and HandS. Unlike Chrome, DuckDuckGo browsers have privacy built-in with best-in-class tracker blocking that stop cookies & creepy ads that follow you around, & more. So until PUA gets updated, unfortunately we have to play the waiting game. The dashboard has said that since last week. I am an Individual. Existing PUA claimants can now file (via their PUA dashboard) for the additional 11 weeks of PUA payments. Filing a new claim when you already had one prior to 12/26 in 2020 will result in a long painful wait to have your now flagged accounts issues corrected. ”Click The Pennsylvania Treasury Department protects $150+ billion of public funds, returns unclaimed property, manages the PA 529 College and Career Savings Program, and much more. You have to go to I'd. My 5/23 week is still saying “ In Progress”. It has been 3 weeks I have not got a determination from unemployment. Unemployment Compensation (UC) provides an income to individuals who become unemployed through no fault of their own. Before sharing sensitive or personal Two days later I get a msg from pua dashboard and it said the following “Subject: Access Your PA Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) account Dear Jonathan Luna, Thank you for successfully verifying your identity with ID. If you miss this deadline, you will need to email ucpua@pa. Get Directions. Click here to How to reopen/reactivate a PUA claim:Log in to your dashboard Select “File for Weekly Benefits”Then select “File Your Weekly Certification to Continue Your Claim”You will see the message “You currently have a claim established however it is inactive. Welcome to the Crime in Pennsylvania Dashboard. ”Click PUA Fixes and Issues yet somehow am dealing with this. If you need to exit this website quickly, click on the ESCAPE button. [Pennsylvania] I had the IP issues in the start of the week it went away the next day. It's not going to let you get money until you do. This site provides legal information and referrals to free and low-cost legal service providers in Pennsylvania. Its making my stomache hurt wit the stress man As of today Saturday Nov 7 2020 5:13pm still no payment dates or trans numbers. it took 3 months of waiting and filling every week to get IP issue- get it resolved and clear claim for payments. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON ACCESSING THE UC BENEFITS SYSTEM. Unemployment in general. Everyone who gets a disqualifying determination can and should file an appeal. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. me and verify your identity. On Saturday 11/21 , the issue was back on my PUA dashboard. Department of Labor and "Today, Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry (L&I) Acting Secretary Jennifer Berrier announced that payments for the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program in the new federal CARES Claimants in the PEUC and PUA programs had been unable to file for claims ending after December 26 due to the federal government failing to finalize the extension of the federal CARES Act until December 27 and the federal Department of Labor not providing the guidance needed for Pennsylvania to ensure it was complying with federal law when Pua pa Id me Let me just say IT DOES WORK if you are waiting to get you pua and you have a issue that says ip special investigation scheme what you have to do is go onto id me and verify your identity I did not wait for the email from pua to tell me to go ahead to id me I just did it on my own so I filed for 10 weeks uploaded all my documentation on pua then found out from We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. PUA has requested of all filers to submit proof of their self-employment. they clearly stated: If you are a US citizen, upload your current license OR passport and forward an email. To look for the link, sign in to the UC Benefits Dashboard for DUA, MEUC, PEUC, and TRA Today, Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry (L&I) Acting Secretary Jennifer Berrier announced that payments for the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) You should be able to access your PUA-1099G form by using the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry’s Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Portal. it doesn’t explain what it could mean. To access all features and content, go to your browser settings and enable it. Discuss Unemployment Insurance, PUA, CARES ACT, Payroll Protection Program (PPP), PUA, DUA, FPUA, FDUA, a. The following links will allow users to access third-party programs and services. [Pennsylvania] Question Ok so I was on the main dashboard page and clicked File for weekly benefits link and this is what came up (which did not come up before)"We are experiencing an unusually high volume of Update: was able to get my funds released. Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry (L&I) Secretary Jerry Oleksiak announced eligible self-employed, independent contractors, gig workers and others not normally eligible for regular unemployment compensation (UC) can begin filing backdated claims in the new Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) website. To navigate to your 1099-G form, complete the following steps: How to reopen/reactivate a PUA claim:Log in to your dashboard Select “File for Weekly Benefits”Then select “File Your Weekly Certification to Continue Your Claim”You will see the message “You currently have a claim established however it is inactive. (On Dashboard, not ID. When I look at the issues it says IP - Investigation Case Special Project Scheme System . gov. If you’re filing a weekly certification, you’ll scroll down until you locate the File for Weekly Benefits link – it appears The Unemployment Compensation Claims Dashboard lets you see reports from our Unemployment Compensation Activity page. If you've never done it, id. You’ll have to alerts to let you know when your benefits are received. Otherwise stalk your dashboard to see if you get the link. Claimants are asked to this by Jan 29th, 2021 PUA claimants will notice a federally-required change in the weekly claim application for benefits, which was added to Pennsylvania’s PUA According to what I've read if it failed, and you exited the system before filing all the weeks you're owed for PUA, you're screwed. me or unloaded documents on your dashboard then it needs done, not sure it'll help your issues. Not sure, i just checked my dashboard and it still said I haven’t even been paid yet. *Both UC PA and PUA have this option in dashboard*Or you can save them in hard copies and if they request it (up to 2 years) you have to show the proof so You may choose to have federal income tax withheld from your PUA benefit payments at the rate of 10 percent. Medicaid data Harrisburg, PA – Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry (L&I) Secretary Jerry Oleksiak today announced eligible self-employed, independent contractors, gig workers and others not normally eligible for We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The 4 weeks that were certified were the weeks I had filed for in my initial claim when i was denied. I wish somebody can point all of us in the right direction. You will be directed If your PUA effective is in 2020, the applicable tax year is 2019. ” If you see a message that says, “Verify your identity to access your PA Pandemic Unemployment Assistance,” click it, and follow the instructions. Me. [Pennsylvania] PUA [Pennsylvania] Ok so everything went through fine, but the first day of certification for weeks, I was going to do all the back weeks, but after the first week it made me refile my entire claim. You can pick a date when claims end, choose if The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry says unemployment benefits will resume for residents making claims under the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program. LET'S GET YOU TO THE RIGHT PLACE. ID. PA Department of Labor & Industry Attention: PUA 651 Boas St. It took them 4 weeks to finally send it to me. Your email address will not be published. About a week and a half went by and I got hit with four issues, before I got paid at all. ME. You can provide documentation by: •Clicking on “Provide Additional Documentation” under Unemployment Services. I have since logged on to my dashboard and seen that my issues have cleared out and there is an Previous Previous post: File an initial claim for PUA in Pennsylvania. The claims weren't technically just removed for no reason, PUA ended on December 26th, regardless of when you filed. I read that someone got them to do that and now they have 0 issues. 2. ”Click Follow the same process as before to log onto your dashboard and claim the additional weeks, which will be added to your account. If you had the issue for some time, and haven’t received the link yet, don’t panic. Just confirmed on the PA labor and industry live town hall event. An Official Website of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. i received my last approval message from my dashboard from pua on Nov 2 2020Hopefully this comin up Monday or Tuesday ill get payment dates and trans numbers although I do have 1 active issue on my claim which is an eligibility issue after 3 other issues went away I just received 3 checks from the PA Treasury with all my back pay. I also Back Dated my Weekly Certifications and still NOTHING in my Direct Secondly, for the IP - investigation issue, you’ll have to verify your identity with ID. Haven’t even gotten a dime yet from PUA because of my active issues which was the benefit control audit and Applications are open from Jan. This determination may cover one or more weeks, or total ability for PUA benefits. After doing some research, I understand it means that my claim You can see my employer from 2019 at the bottom of my pua dashboard and all quarters I also payed taxes 2016 2017 2018! I also filed my birth certificate Social security card and proof of my pua eligible paper I got last year. - copy of tax return including any applicable schedule C, K-1, shareholder W-2. I then proceeded to apply for PUA. com. Do not send your work search record How to reopen/reactivate a PUA claim:Log in to your dashboard Select “File for Weekly Benefits”Then select “File Your Weekly Certification to Continue Your Claim”You will see the message “You currently have a claim established however it is inactive. If you were sent a notification email through your PUA dashboard, click the link in that message to visit the website, then click the green Verify with ID. A lot of us had our claims actually disappear which is very frustrating because it leaves us furthermore in the dark. I would call PUA see if you can get them to send you the idme link. Again DuckDuckGo is a private alternative to Google search, as well as free browsers for mobile & desktop devices. People who filed for PUA last year can expect to start receiving payments by as early as Tuesday, Jan. Now i have another issue which is the "PUA-OTHER PROGRAM ELIGIBILITY" I already did my reseach on that topic and find out HOW it means that I may be elegible for regular UC which im not and I already replied to that email saying so and I also uploaded my Denied UC letter to my PUA dashboard. يسر جامعة فاروس بالإسكندرية أن تعلن لطلابها عن توفّر إمكانية الدفع الإلكتروني لمصروفات التسجيل (من خلال نظام التسجيل) وذلك بدون أي رسوم إضافية. This was in Thursday night, 11/12/2020. You CAN manage everything through your PUA dashboard - check on your claim status, upload documents, see payment information, etc. Now when logging on to your PUA dashboard, you will need to: 1. PUA. You should receive a link to do so in your PUA dashboard. If you are in danger, call 911. me), “PUA eligibility”, and the Benefit Payment Control Audit. Esta aplicación requiere I received a notice of this claim issue in my PUA dashboard this past Saturday, 11/28. Yea I've had a PUA eligibility issue lately that's left me in limbo. The PA Department of Labor and PUA is an utter joke imo. It depends I just did the request backdate on my PUA dashboard And I received this message while trying to claim this week “Your backdate request is being processed you’re not able to certify weekly claims until we make a decision” So it’s up to you, I PUA is a shithole for us in PA. me helps make sure you're you — and not someone pretending to be you — when you request access to your benefits. will he still be able to get paid with this on his account or does he need to someone solve this issue? and does anyone know what it could mean? thanks! 31 votes, 147 comments. I’m currently still on hold so I’ll keep you guys updated. But claim under review-no also no outstanding issues. This help content & information General Help Center experience. I never got a message or email telling me to do I'd. PUA was available from January 27th - December 26th, so that's why everyone's claims are gone, they ended. Because these jobs not hiring and some people are scared of getting the “virus” I uploaded it to my dashboard and now I wait. I'm eligible but nothing has gotten done. So they told me to check my dashboard basically everyday and wait for a message about if they denied it or accepted it. You will NOT receive a confirmation email after submitting your initial PUA claim, you can go into the PUA dashboard to see the claim. The PUC works to ensure safe and reliable electric, natural gas, pipeline, motor carrier, rail, telecommunications, water and wastewater service at reasonable rates. 27, 2020, or to the first week you were unemployed due to COVID-19, whichever of the two dates Important Reminder CARES act has expired, and states are expected to start enforcing work search requirements again. You can't get How many days after it shows as paid til u actually were paid mines been 3 days so far fri sat and sunday and tomorrow is memorial day so im praying by tuesday it comes because it shows as paid on my pua dashboard but my account shiws nothing not even pending. Waiting since then for payment. When they switched over some people were already set to [Pennsylvania] PUA Pennsylvania Open Issue IP Special Project Scheme System? [Pennsylvania] Advice or Tips When you get this issue in your dashboard your going to have to upload it on id. I did the whole ID. Next Next post: How to File an Initial Claim – Pennsylvania. Edit: For context, I uploaded my docs on Jan 25th, it is now Feb 11th. PUA Latest Announcements. IF you have this issue google it like I said previously you will see that mostly all of the issues were cleared by that site on this specific issue The GSI-built PUA system incorrectly paid these claimants instead of identifying that they should have been on UC. Very time consuming, yet PA UC director, who look ks good in a tight shirt, said Harrisburg has more workers and a good chance many open issues will be dealt with Hey I am in Pennsylvania. After you login, navigate to the My Benefits Plan widget for a summary of the issues with your claim. Here's a little summary of my situation: There is a tab within your PUA dashboard where you can submit request to backdate. Then, today (Monday) I received a message from "Postmaster" about my account being fraud Showing this as the latest news update on the PUA Dashboard. The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry held a news briefing to discuss Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation and Pandemic Unemployment Assistance on Tuesday morning. You can also transfer funds from your ReliaCard to your bank account. PUA determinations, redeterminations, appeals, and hearings follow the provisions of state law applicable to claims for and payment of regular Unemployment Compensation (UC). 2 Fees apply for some transactions and PUA Claimants: Dashboard Login Change. I'm on PUA for Pennsylvania, It let me file for the two weeks prior, no pay yet and then my account glitched out for sundays and said "Currently you do not have a Unemployment Insurance claim filed on the system". ID. me last Tuesday and by Thursday it removed the IP - Investigation Case Special Project Scheme System, but my PUA - Eligibility issue remained. PUA benefits are often now stopped when UC base year wages are detected after a quarter change. I uploaded: D/L front back SS Card front back Last Pay stub ( I am a W2 worker that QUIT because of schools shutting down) Login with PUA mail account . Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) Extension – Program Update The PUA Program Extension roll-out on January 22 has alerted L&I of multiple issues with our system that we are working to correct. Login with another mail account -. Claimants who have questions about their enrollment in PUA should email ucpua@pa. On my dashboard, it says a new claim was opened on 05/21/2020, just days after i was approved for pua. As the Program has evolved and the demand for transparency has And if you have a green card, upload high quality pictures of green card, SS card and driver's license to PUA dashboard AND then send email to PUA email with the subject 'US Citizenship Issue' and notifying them the requested docs have been uploaded. I went on and verify myself and within 24 hrs my ip investigation was gone and they sent me mail to my PUA dashboard telling me thanks for verifying and that the ip investigation is over Hover over the red circles to see a popup with PUA detection count and the PUAs detected during that time period. The new PUA system, which When youclick the “Click here to reset your password on Pennsylvania’s UnemploymentCompensation(UC) Benefit System” linkwithin your email, you will see the following password reset screen. 00. I had seen the message on my dashboard and went through the process. Log In; Register; Help; What's New; A white info circle for the blue background Contact the Keystone Login Help Desk for all questions, concerns and issues with Keystone Login. *The update for PA UC & PUA for Work Search & uploading to your dashboard to keep track: From L & I Email updates that we need to start this week 7-11-too: Do I need to track my activities? Yes. [Pennsylvania] PUA REVIEW!!! was good and I basically met the qualifications but I need some insight because she said to keep checking the dashboard for updates on my claim and that they should get back to you as soon as possible. after that they sent out the check for all the filed weeks and It was lost. Mine still says $0 balance, disqualified and benefits exhausted. 202K subscribers in the Unemployment community. Reply reply snugga1999 Navigate to your Pennsylvania PUA Benefits Portal. افطار كلية الدراسات القانونية - يوم الاربعاء 19/3/2025 (Monday, March 17, 2025) علي الطلاب الراغبين في حضور إفطار بالجامعة وذلك يوم So I'm on PUA and my case has been under review since about September of 2020 no payments seems like nobody wants to review it whatever. gov" at the end of the address. The amount of withholding is calculated using the payment amount, after being adjusted for earnings (in any). ”Click I filed for PA-PUA Benefits on 6/29 /2020 and to date July 20,2020 my claim still reflects "IN PROGRES" under Payment date which inhale NOT recieve a PENNY Yet this is Crazy the system allows me to keep filing Weekly Certifications But I am recieving NO Money at All. If you disagree with the Log into your Pennsylvania unemployment dashboard account, where you’ll be prompted to follow the instructions for filing. I first applied PUA and managed to call in about the ID thing. PA Department of Labor & Industry” and all my issues went away. You must file by January 29. Hopefully you get a nice one. All of my friends from other cities are getting paid just fine. ”Click Pandemic is not enough for people to deal with but also with the ridiculous system dealing with PUA, Relaicard and PA Treasury. Reset your password and log in with your updated credentials. PA <--- upload Log on to your online PUA dashboard and go to “My Messages. All over internet as well as on the the PA PUA website it says in bright red to NOT file a new claim and JUST WAIT. Examples of proof: - IRS EIN letter, business license, business lease agreement. Already have uploaded State ID to my PUA dashboard. Username Only: Upon receiving the “ImmediateAlert for Forgotten Username”email We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. ” [Pennsylvania] PA PUA Monetarily Ineligible with 2 open issues . Is anyone still having an issue with the 'OPEN ISSUES' for PA PUA? I filed for two weeks in a row and haven't been paid out yet. I exhausted my benefits in early December and On my dashboard it says I have 2 open issues but when I click on my benefit plan it does not say that I have ay outstanding issues and the amount of Pua I am allowed to collect has been updated as well. Erie Avenue Phila, PA 19140. (PUA) provided up to 79 weeks of unemployment benefits to individuals not eligible for regular unemployment compensation or extended benefits due to COVID-19. Center City Office: 1424 Chestnut St. 26, according to Pa. But I received a email from pua stating I am eligible. Pennsylvania // IP - Investigation Case Special Project Scheme // PA Pua I verified my identity with ID. Additional PUA Updates Backdated PUA Claims and Payments ️ PUA claims can be backdated to Jan. The first two reps didn't do anything for me. It took a week to get a response, but I was denied as expected. me. Is anyone else PUA dashboard I’ve been calling 1-855-284-8545 with no luck at all Is there another number? Is this even the correct one? Thank you 194K subscribers in the Unemployment community. On my pua dashboard it is saying 1 unresolved issue. A place for your unemployment insurance questions. [Pennsylvania] Filing Backdated PUA Claims . Commonwealth of I had an open claim issue on my PUA Dashboard, "PUA - Eligibility. Unbelievable but believable , its like I am a Pennsylvania citizen and have been all my life working and paying . If you did not receive your UC or PUA 1099-G forms in the mail or misplaced them, you can also retrieve your forms online using the UC dashboard or PUA dashboard. gov" or "pa. info. UC benefits are paid, for a limited time, to individuals who are able and available for suitable work but my dad just reactivated his PUA. So PA has recently accepted funds of the FPUC payments (1/8) (information of PA department of labor Twitter) so PUA and other programs are right behind. REGISTERING AND FILING YOUR INITIAL PUA CLAIM . gov to request backdating. It still says disqualified. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania government websites and email systems use "pennsylvania. If your PUA effective date is in 2021, your applicable tax year would be 2020. If an application is denied, a written determination will be issued. AOPC Philadelphia. me) Now they're just So, even though you initiate doing this before contacted TO do so, you, like many, will be back in the queue, until an examiner gets to review documents, via, your PUA dash board. I finally got through the PUA line at 2:58 pm. If you would like to become a fully registered user with Pennsylvania’s Unemployment Compensation (UC) Benefits System and have access to all of our online services, select one of the following account types. I am so confused as to what is going on. Phone: Use the automated PA Teleclaims (PAT) system by calling 888-255-4728, seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Not all reps are friendly and not all are knowledgeable. THEN select the “I’m not a robot” reCAPTCHA to enter the site. The determination explains how to ID me is a verification site that Pua is using for everyone to verify themselves they ask you to take a pic of the front and back of your I'd and social security card then they supposedly sent that info to PUA to verify ya but I've done this now 3x I feel like it's the excuse they give when they do what's going on. Then I kept calling to speak with a rep who fixed it over the phone and 3days later got the money Subreddit for Unemployment Benefits; Get help and advice with your unemployment claim in the era of Covid19 (Coronavirus). System Announcements. According to the “PUA System Guide,” a guided wizard will walk you through the steps to register an account in the system and file an initial PUA claim. "As a fraud-prevention measure, all PA PUA claimants will receive debit cards as a •2 ID'S (Drivers license/state ID and social security card front and back) •2019 tax return (apparently you can request it from the irs, which I personally didn't know until she told me lol) •Birth Certificate front and back •CURRENT utility bill (she stressed it must be most recent) •last 2020 paystub • ID. Now it says 0 open issues but under unresolved issues it says yes. It's all done online and it usually takes me an hour or less to complete a workshop so it shouldn't be a problem doing some every week. The help desk can be reached by phone at 877-328-0995 or by email at KeystoneLoginSupport@randstadusa. I did so, called back, and then rep looked over my file, told me she was processing a claim issue resolve request for me, and that it should take 24-48 hours to remove the This application requires JavaScript to function properly. 601 Commonwealth Avenue Suite 1500 Harrisburg, PA 17120. I had to use my stimulus and tax for bills and now I’m broke. Me 11/17 & the issue was took off the next day. PUA Total Timeline. Local, state, and federal government websites often end in . I did the ID. The dashboard then lists the issue as “other program eligibility. I'm trying to keep my PUA [pennsylvania] [Pennsylvania] Question 5 weeks of not being paid and being stuck in a loop saying it’s inactive. Individuals Receiving PUA Ineligibility The new PUA system is also currently detecting wages in your work history and directing you to file a regular unemployment claim. . 5th Fl Harrisburg, PA 17121 pandemic started because I didn’t have enough credits I was kicked over to Pua my monetary eligible notice is on my Pua dashboard followed by my job info towards the bottom further more my reason for claiming Pua is legitimate as my kids school from I spoke up Pa Pua Rep this morning! She advised me not to do anything says she doesn’t know when payments will begin!! She says she sees it but the system wouldn’t let her go into my dashboard because they’re updating system! She says to keep watching our dashboard & or emails!!!! I held on for 35 minutes before being told absolutely Well at least your claim updated with a new balance. 22 to 29. 27, 2020, or to the first week you were unemployed due to COVID-19, whichever of the two dates [Pennsylvania] PUA Still saying claim inactive and i need to reopen it. Representative said someone will send me a link. The new PUA system, which launched its first My confusion: I was under the impression that I have to "run out" of money in the PUA 2020 effective date claim before a new PUA claim would automatically update within my dashboard. An interactive dashboard around child welfare services is planned for a future release. ysclwnolqaxhebcbwjgbpphxdsexcrufzjkcdtloifjqzrvmunmtkevgwcstxdgshqtlclxnnvfnefdz