Stata string contains The observations that are numeric, however, are useless and I would like to drop them. Describe your dataset. Suppose you wish to remove leading or trailing zeros from a string variable (or from a global or local macro). For more information on Statalist, see the FAQ. > > How can I keep the variables that are string only? > > ----- > > After loading in the spreadsheet, you can drop the numeric You can now use Stata’s string variables to hold exceedingly long strings, even the contents of files or even binary files. NA and XYZ. Hence,anindicatorvariablelikeis1willbereturnedas1ifthere areobservationsinwhichstrpos()returnsapositiveresult. The function subinword() replaces text with other text if and only if that text occurs as a word in Stata’s primary sense. 5. If you need to subtract a portion (substring) from a string variable, you can use substr. The strings are things like "1000. I really should have noticed that only the first two words are the taxonomic classification but i am not a biologist Check if a value contains another value. 2 Categorical string variables, String functions in[D] functions, and[D] destring. exactly!" 3. Step 5: save the dataset in Stata (. The first column shows the code you would use, the second column shows how your data might look like before applying the code, Stata test if string contains same character. Thus split is useful for separating “words” or other parts of a string variable. variables, macros). Options Main Stata: Data Analysis and Statistical Software . A _count variable is created to indicate the number of occurrences per observation. ) and extract that set of More complicated case: using the following code, a string can be searched to see if it contains *any* of the characters in a search string. You should type keep if facility=="bir" That way, Stata knows that "bir" is a string value. Modified 6 years, 4 months ago. 2 Solution: Second, data is stored as string in Stata, meaning that actually data is in character form, not numeric form. This text can be variable names, numbers, commands, or any other string of characters. Otherwise, there is a rich set of regular expression functions to play with. I am trying to merge two datasets to make a panel but when I run the command of merge it shows the 'variable' in using file is in string form. I have observations which list criminal codes as string variables, but not in the format I need. 2 1. If + appears between two strings, Stata concatenates them. We want to create a new variable with full name in the order of last name and then first name separated by comma. Thank you in advance! So for example, newvar1 aspirin 1 notSpecified 0 . split splits the contents of a string variable, strvar, into one or more parts, using one or more parse strings (by default, blank spaces), so that new string variables are generated. I'd agree with Martin that -strpos()- offers the simplest solution here. You probably need something like -strmatch()-. com lookfor — Search for string in variable names and labels SyntaxDescriptionRemarks and examplesStored results ReferencesAlso see Syntax lookfor string Three variable names contain the word code. I have tried to use indexnot() function but it yields false results as the characters in both strings are the same. name is to contain a. See help datetime_translation under the section "the date function". The most Forums for Discussing Stata; General; You are not logged in. For example, I need to change all instances of CC to 18, VC to 75, and PC to 35. 0g 1 if married, spouse present Prev by Date: st: identifying letters in a string variable; Next by Date: st: RE: RE: identifying letters in a string variable; Previous by thread: st: identifying letters in a string variable; Next by thread: st: RE: RE: identifying letters in a string variable; Index(es): Date; Thread In Stata, I needed to search some string values. Regular expressions are simply strings that are a mix of literals and operators. The goal is to compare variable "investor_name" to the company names listed in variables firm1 – firm3. Remarks and examples stata. Modified 2 years, 11 months ago. Go . regexr(s1,re,s2) replaces the first substring within s1 that matches re with s2 and returns the resulting string. Hence If I have a string variable containing observation "123,456" and then apply destring command, STATA creates a new variable which has observation 123 for the particular Working with strings We begin by demonstrating when to use **destring** and **encode**. There is no need for, although no harm in, regexp solutions. > but I want to check if xyz or a certain phrase appears in the cell or not. a specific character) in a string. Such a pattern must contain precisely one subexpression to be extracted. lookfor married storage display value variable name type format label variable label msp byte %8. The "Name" column contains the names of different companies, which are recorded as strings. I want to automatically test if the string contains only one type of character, with the result in a true/false variable "check" input str11 contactno "aaaaaaaaaaa" "bbbbbbbbbbb" "aaaaaaaaaab" end I have two string variables that differ on one character for each observation. For example, if a variable contains " Arizona", a command that contains an if command such as if state="Arizona" won’t detect this observation. r() macro such as "r(names)" c. Note that findname has a local() option whereby a local macro can be created in the calling program's space, so an extra step of copying returned results to a local can be avoided. com If s contains “abcdef”, then substr(s, "XY", 2) changes s to contain “aXYdef”. g. To extract the first word of a multiple string variable, use the following code. Running this command will cause Stata to make a new numeric categorical variable wherein the data has labels that correspond to the old string values. 2 String operators The + and * signs are also used as string operators. e() macro such as "e(cmd)" if varname contains numbers that merely happen to be stored as strings; instead, use generate newvar =real(varname) or destring; see [U] 23. I have searched for string functions in STATA but couldnt find anything useful. 1 Description 24. Probably, the spaces are meaningless. My problem is to convert these strings into variable names to do something like: gen test=1 if var1==string_var where, after the ==, I need some kind of conversion function to let Stata read the string e. describe Contains data obs: 4 vars: 2 size: 48 Warning: If you have more than 67,784 unique values of the string variables that you are encoding, encode will complain. My string data is the following: Code: * Example generated by -dataex-. Daniel's post mentioning findname and mine were sent at about the same time. Hot Network Questions Do you get an "Say exactly what you typed and exactly what Stata typed (or did) in response. 24Workingwithstrings Contents 24. If there is a binary 0 to the right of b, the substring from b up to but not including the binary 0 is returned. ) for strings that do not contain binary 0. From string to numeric variables. It is this core syntax that Stata implements in its regular-expression functions. gen wanted = strpos(" " + strings + " ", " th ") > 0 works around them. Cite. B. I couldn’t use regular expressions because the strings I’m working with happen to contain regexp control characters. The house number field is usually numeric, but can also have letters / words before or after the number (the equivalent of 14A or Lower 16). As you can see, a difficulty is that the string are not always an identical match, e. You want whatever lies between position 1 and just before the dash. I cannot figure out how to tell Stata to replace the value of a string variable only if the value of another (also) string variable is equal to "xxx"? To illustrate the problem: I need to merge two datasets according to the match in the name of the municipality (unfortunately, I do not have anything else that is common for the both datasets). Mirko Faber You could make a binary variable that codes the result as 1 if the text variable contains HIV An important thing to note about the encode command is that it should not be used to encode a variable that contains numbers which are stored as strings. Then how could I drop all the observations that contain the word I want to generate a dummy variable var2 equal to 1 if var1 . > In other words, we want to write; > replace I am working with a dataset that contains addresses in Armenian. Notice: On April 23, 2014, Statalist moved from an email list to a forum, based at statalist. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 4 months ago. > > For example if the variable has the observations: "venus" "mercury" "mars" "Jupiter" "saturn" "uranus" "Neptune". If a numeric variable is stored as a string variable in Stata, we have several ways to convert them to numeric variables. string() string(n) is a synonym for strofreal(n) and converts numeric or missing values to strings. For example, in the following dataset income is stored as a string: ‘‘‘ webuse destring1, clear I want to create a new variable that is yes/no based on whether another variable contains a string variable. How to check whether a string variable contains some characters: Date Fri, 25 May 2012 23:38:21 +0200: The question is simple (yet I'm stupid enough not to get through): I have a string of words and i need stata to be able to recognize one of the words and drop all the observations where there's none. RaceFinal contains the Dear all, Suppose we have string variable Y, and we would like to replace variable X when variable Y contains certain characters such as "Dec". This How can you delete observations from a variable that contains strings that have the specific word for instance. herrin@yale. ) as length means "keep right on to the end of the string". Change variable value based on what a string contains. Example 2: We have a variable that contains full names in the order of first name and then last name. Follow strpos()—Findsubstringinstring Description Syntax Remarksandexamples Conformability Diagnostics Alsosee Description strpos(haystack,needle strpos() is a function, strictly; in Stata functions and commands are disjoint, to the surprise and/or irritation of some users more accustomed to other languages. You may even get the cryptic message no observations, which here means “no numeric values on which to do that”. There are two sets of regular expression functions in Stata. + is used for the concatenation of two strings. 2 standard. For example, if we have a variable coded as “0” or “1”, but in a given observation, it was coded by mistake as Stata: Data Analysis and Statistical Software . 0g") I just don't get which command to use. When the data goes into In addition to other solutions, findname from the Stata Journal would allow this solution: findname, any(@ == "Other") drop `r(varlist)' Your interpretation of contain is evidently 'is equal to' judging by your use of == as an operator, echoed above. Some of these names contains a Stata 9 has new functions: regexm(s,re) performs a match of a regular expression and evaluates to 1 if regular expression re is satisfied by the string s, otherwise returns 0. 2. Notice that the dataset contains two columns: "Name" and "Volume". What I want to do is extract, for example, if there is a section of the string that contains "The incentive is (NUMBER I WANT TO EXTRACT) $/kWh", I want to extract that number and generate a new variable with it. 318–320 Stata tip 98: Counting substrings within strings Nicholas J. The strpos() (string position) function takes two strings as arguments. Type: The Stata date function is smart about removing separator characters. For example, if you simply want to test whether a substring of “xyz” exists in another string, you can use the literal “xyz” as your regular expression. An example can be that I want to check for whether the variable icd_10 in a certain dataset contains the value of C31 (but this can typically contain values of C310, C311, C312, etc - but I want to check C30 as a group). Login or Register. Using Stata 12, I want to replace some substrings in a string variable. Fortunately, Stata offers some easy ways for converting string to numeric variables (and vice versa). However, when I do that, STATA creates a number which ignores all the values following comma. This allows a regular expression to match to a "word break" character, so that a third digit fails to match. I want to include leading zeros to the values that do not contain leading zeros. I need to get 10-digit numbers, and my variable is a string In Stata they are always enclosed in quotation marks. 1. gen byte either_contains = (strpos(Product, rxname) > 0) | (strpos(rxname, Product) > 0) For simplicity, I have ignored that string comparisons are case-sensitive in Stata. There is a specific function in Stata 14+ to look for the last occurrence of a substring (e. Is event a string variable? If so, you must specify the -string- option with your -reshape- command. var2 as the following: string [:::] Remarks and examples stata. , any string that contains binary 0. Like so: Orginal Variable CC547A1 | VC549F| PC5297 New Variable 18547A1 | 75549F | 355297 come from if typeis 2; or an empty string is returned for any other type wordcount(s) the number of words in s Functions In the display below, sindicates a string subexpression (a string literal, a string variable, or another string expression) and nindicates a numeric subexpression (a number, a numeric variable, or another numeric expression). For calculating the number of words separated by a blank of a string variable, use Stata’s wordcount command: gen NEWVAR=wordcount(LONG_STRING_VAR) Extract the first word of a string variable . Then same advice as above. N. Digital economy, rural development, energy, trade etc etc etc) and i need to The Unicode regular expression functions introduced in Stata 14 have a much more powerful definition of regular expressions than the non-Unicode functions. Use list to list data when you are doing so. The variable is a string variable and has approx. generate v2 = date(v1, "YMD") format %td v2 The YMD is called a mask, and it tells Stata the order in which the parts of the date are specified. The result will be the position of the second string within the first string, or zero if the first string does not contain the second string. Make sure the example you post reproduces the problem you are having, and be sure to include the variables that occur in your -reshape- command in the example. The result will be the position of the second string within the first string, or zero if the first string does not contain the In these situations, regular expressions can be used to identify cases in which a string contains a set of values (e. Using the egenmore I have already counted the number of words using nwords, but I cannot find the counterpart for counting characters. Use the advanced editing options to appropriately format quotes, data, code and Stata output. Step 4: generate an id column in the dataset. com substr() (s, b, . In such cases, new variables can be generated from Stata using the string Hi everyone-- I have a string var that is riddled with special characters, which is ultimately precluding me to complete a fuzzy match on two data sets. labvalpool (in turn Daniel's program from SSC, as you are The Stata Journal (2011) 11, Number 2, pp. ) – Nick Cox I created a variable that shows states' abbreviations. To be clear on terminology here, a string may contain zeros in leading positions, such as "0string"; in trailing positions, such as "string00"; in both; or in some intermediate position, such as "string000string". In this blog post, I’ll explain the three main types of macros in Stata—local, global, and program. To do so, type: gen id_sp500 = _n. GameMaker Studio is designed to make developing games fun and easy. You should only use **destring** if a variable actually contains numeric values. "String only Create a variable which is only a certain portion of a string variable in Stata. If your dates are in v1 and in the form yyyy-mm-dd you can specify the commands:. when I tried to destring that variable using command "destring education, replace" it gives the Stringfunctions 5 uchar(𝑛)Description: theUnicodecharactercorrespondingtoUnicodecodepoint𝑛oranemptystringif 𝑛isbeyondtheUnicodecode-pointrange The dataset attached is malformed for Stata purposes as metadata appear in the first observation and as a side-effect all variables are string. The reason your code removes all the strings that do not contain "DEAD" is that, when "DEAD" does not appear in name, strpos(name, "DEAD") is 0. Complex strings may be very long and may contain binary information. 1 Description subinstr()—Substitutetext Description Syntax Remarksandexamples Conformability Diagnostics Alsosee Description subinstr(s,old,new The Stata Journal (2008) 8, Number 3, pp. example 12. You would just use the or/and operators, depending on whether you want any of those multiple strings to figure, or all of them to figure in the string variable: Code: replace var = x if ustrpos(name, "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx")>0 | ustrpos(name, "yyyyyyyyyyyyyy")>0 | ustrpos(name, There is an -if- command and an -if- qualifier: see -help ifcmd- and -help if-. If the string of "investor_name" is a match with one of the others, then the investor name is correct. The other observations do not begin with two capital letters. Regular expression syntax is based on Henry Spencer's NFA algorithm and as such, is nearly identical to the POSIX. How can you delete observations from a variable that contains strings that have the letters "ur" for instance. I need to get the position of that different character. But George's example, although presumably concocted rather than indicative of an astronomical or astrological problem, raises a detail that could be important for his real problem. Would appreciate help. decode creates a new string variable named newvar based on the “encoded” numeric variable varname and its value label. Find the dash. If so, remove them. as strings into numerical variables is to use a string function called real that translates numeric values stored as strings into numeric values Stata can recognize as such. We can use destring command which is the best command to deal with this issue I have a string variable called text, which consists of whole sentences, where the names of some cities appear. Hello Stata Community I have a very big number of observations and I want to filter out the ones which contain at least one of the 20 key words I have. J. I have data in Stata coding info in string words. Therefore, in that case, we will use the “force” option at the end of the command. Once this structure is built Stata can use it to search a string variable and extract parts of that variable. 250 million observations. The code then replaces Bersant, have a look at -help string functions-. I want to multiply the value in column "Quan" with one of the values from the columns "FR01" or "AT07", just depending on whether column "BS" contains the respective variable name as string, and want to put the result in a new variable, again distinguishing between the variables, respectively. How do you find the right one? Read help string functions. "%10. Functions. More specifically, the strings include different studying topics (ex. Rename multiple variables with the same suffix in Stata. Forums for Discussing Stata; General; You are not logged in. Here string stands for any string containing come from if typeis 2; or an empty string is returned for any other type wordcount(s) the number of words in s Functions In the display below, sindicates a string subexpression (a string literal, a string variable, or another string expression) and nindicates a numeric subexpression (a number, a numeric variable, or another numeric expression). 5 References Pleaseread[U]12Databeforereadingthisentry. "a" only matches "a". Name and title are separated by a dash, and attendees are separated by a semi-colon and space. In a survey dataset I have a string variable (type: str244) with qualitative responses. Commented Mar 4, This gives you a dummy equal to one if for a given observation the string variable "meal" contains the word bacon. dta) format. 0. Conformability substr(s, tosub, pos): input: s: 1 1 tosub: 1 1 pos: 1 1 output: s: 1 1 lookfor—Searchforstringinvariablenamesandlabels Description Quickstart Syntax Remarksandexamples Storedresults Reference Alsosee Description For example, if make contains the word amc (after standardizing case to lower) then the car was built by AMC. 444–445 Stata tip 64: Cleaning up user-entered string variables Jeph Herrin Yale School of Medicine Yale University New Haven, CT jeph. The authors of the guide can happily reveal that they have applied this a lot when working with ICD codes (classification system for diagnoses). strvar itself is not modified. I would like to know if someone knows a STATA code that I can use to extract numeric part of a string variable in STATA. 1 treatmentAsprinLT75 1 treatmentAspirin 1 treatmentAspirinGT200 0 etc. EXAMPLE: Previous answer is correct only by accident. But this command is unable to handle wildcards, so that I cannot list ALL variables except for those containing the string "tempsa". >0" means will only run on obs where the text variable includes April 2010 00:36 An: [email protected] Betreff: st: Dropping string observations that have a sequence of characters Dear Statalisters, I have a basic question, but which I still have not been able to solve. I assume this is the problem when I want to merge. If + appears between two numeric values, Stata adds them. com st global() — Obtain strings from and put strings into global macros SyntaxDescriptionRemarks and examplesConformability DiagnosticsReferenceAlso see Syntax 1. Not the question, but I note that in your example, the desired code is just the last "word" in the string value (in the sense of the function word(). Stata: Concatenate string variable on by condition. When arguments are not scalar, substr() returns element-by-element results. for strings there can be no more than 10 arguments - so break what you are doing into several "inlists" with an "or" (|) between each pair of lists On a different level, note that your 13. 24. Without seeing your code we can't tell whether your code is incorrect, your terminology is incorrect, or both. It will read from the context if there is a The destring command will only work if the string variable we are trying to convert to numeric contains no non-numeric characters. The second command formats the numeric value so that when Stata displays the date, it is in a form that is easy for humans to read. com Example 1 lookfor finds variables by searching for string, ignoring case, among the variable names and labels. Cox Department of Geography Durham University string functions to see if there is a function dedicated to this problem, but in this case browsing will be in vain. Third, data is mix of numeric and characters. a specific word, a number followed by a word etc. It is zero otherwise. The exceptions are no challenge really, as. Step 2. Not least, most statistical procedures just do not accept string variables. 4 Strings. In a case where your string variables are in fact strings (e. The function knows how to handle words at the beginning and end of strings. (Stripping parentheses is then easy. The command works only with numerical values of the states, and only after transforming the variable type to string. replace make = "a" + char(0) + "b" in 1 (make was str18 now strL) (1 real change made) . Cox 999 "1 2"is3,andsoon. It will read from the context if there is a matching variable, otherwise How can you delete observations from a variable that contains strings that have the letters "ur" for instance. Supports both strings and arrays. In the examples given me occurs at the end of the string, so using 6, 7 will work in those cases. webuse auto, clear (1978 Automobile Data) . 3 Mistakenstringvariables 24. You can read more about this in [U] 12. Instead use Stata's dataex command to generate example data to paste in your question using code blocks. When Stata encounters a macro in your code, it replaces the macro name with its contents. edu Eva Poen and to work with one or more variables that contain cleaned-up versions. Strings typed directly are matched exactly (literals), e. I need to filter the rows if any variable is named "R45851" if not I do not need the whole row enter image description here. Dear all, I would like to destring string variable, which contains comma as a decimal separator . Log in with; Additionally, I have found that Stata is dropping the first letter of some names, even if that observation doesn't have any special characters within st: filter string variable. Ask Question Asked 2 years, 11 months ago. Notice: On April 23, 2014, Statalist moved from an email list to a forum, How to check whether a string variable contains some characters: Date Sat, 26 May 2012 01:20:43 +0200: Bersant, have a look at -help string functions-. How do you that? With a string function. , "female" instead of "1") you have to tell Stata to encode [varname] the string data. Three variable names contain the word code. Forums for Discussing Stata; General; instance, 0000001750 and 1750, or 0012480089 and 12480089. I have several variables of the form: 1 gdppercap 2 19786,97 3 20713,737 4 20793,163 5 23070,398 6 5639,175 I have copy-pasted the data into Stata, and it thinks they are strings. If that is the case, then you can use If you're using Stata 12, I think you should be able to just do: rename (*test*) var#, addnumber Change variable value based on what a string contains. A complex string is a string that contains more than one piece of information. In other words, we want to write; replace X="m12" if Y (contains "Dec") replace X="m11" if Y (contains "Nov") replace X="m10" if Y (contains "Oct") . Your data fully contains string characters; Table of Contents hide. Operators are characters that appear in square brackets Strings contain single quotes in macro 15 Nov 2017, 15:56. In Stata, string variables are easily identifiable when you "facility" is a string variable and "bir" is one of the values "facility" takes. 1. If that is not in your version of Stata, you merely reverse the string, find the substring using the method you already know, and then reverse what you found. lookfor married storage display value variable name type format label variable label The usubstr() function has three arguments: the string, or string variable, from which we copy a substring; the position of the start of the substring; and the length of the substring to be copied. Use input to type in your own dataset fragment that others can experiment with. Before doing either of the preceding, I'd make both variables lowercase (or upper, your preference) Search stata. Hello! New Stata user and still learning. Converting Numeric Data to String in Stata – The decode Command Hello everyone! I'm fairly new to STATA and I have data that I cannot seem to convert from strings to numbers. Is there a way to tell Stata to keep only observations for which the variable begins with two capital letters? substr()—Extractsubstring Description Syntax Remarksandexamples Conformability Diagnostics Alsosee Description substr(s,b,l I need to test whether var1 is equal to either var2 or var3, depending on the string that is contained in string_var. – Nick Cox. These functions all assume that the string is strict ASCII; does not contain null bytes (char(0)); and are restricted in terms of how many matching Title stata. Otherwise,theindicator Calculate the number of words in a string variable. Stata determines by context whether + means addition or concatenation. 62" and when I try using destring, replace, I am told that my variables contain non-numeric characters. This variable also contains two more non-numerical values, i. local char_from_search_string = Supports both strings and arrays. Regular expressions are a relatively easy, flexible method of searching strings. Here is an illustrative example, and variable position is the one I am trying to get to: What are string variables? String variables are essentially sequences of characters. In this post, I show how to convert string variables to numeric in Stata. To trim blank spaces (ASCII space character char(32)) at the beginning or the end of the value, Stata has different built-in Change variable value based on what a string contains. The destring is one of the main commands used to clean databases in Stata, as it can be used to convert string variables to numeric variables. If this is not the problem, please post back with an example from your data set. 2. e. You can use them to search any string (e. If contain really means 'includes as substring', then you need a syntax such as A small trick is that "th" as a word will be preceded and followed by a space, except if it occurs at the beginning or the end of string. If you type keep if facility==bir then Stata will look for a string variable named bir, and will complain if it doesn't find it. Let’s start with the destring command first. com. In Stata the commands are:. See help string functions in Stata 14 for documentation of strrpos(). 1 54. I would like to save a local macro that is equal to 1 if the variable x contains the string "COST" in any row, and 0 if it does not contain it anywhere. But as so often happens, combining different functions is more I've looked on the web and found Fred Wolfe's -lfsum-, which finds variables containing a given string with the possibility to exclude other strings. Roger--Roger Newson substr() may be used with text or binary strings. Note that while using list, and some other data display commands, produces values that look like string dates, the actual values stored by Stata are numeric. Share. Do not confuse substr() with substr(), which extracts substrings; see[M-5] substr(). substr(var1, 6, 2) == "me" The last argument of substr() is the maximum length of the substring extracted, not the position of the last character selected. stata; If the varlist (here I*) contains numeric variables, filter first, or put capture in front of the replace. Title stata. org. The following Stata code accomplishes the task without regular expressions: Simple case: using the following code, a string can be searched This page shows examples of how one might use string related commands in STATA. You can inhibit macro I am using stata, and have a variable called "practice" which has a list of practices and their 5 character code inside parenthesis. See -help datatype- Hello the Statalist Community, I have a string variables which contains spaces in some of the values as Prefixes and suffixes as shown below string_var" Kenya" "Ireland "" South Africa" Step 1. Viewed 883 times 1 . Also, in many instances, I want only to check if the value contains a set of letters at the beginning of the string value. gen rep78_str_num = real N. The special set of characters and how to use them are shown in the table below: The square brackets are used to contain a This subreddit is dedicated to providing programmer support for the game development platform, GameMaker Studio. 1 strpos() The strpos() (string position) function takes two strings as arguments. The destring command When dealing with string variables in Stata, blanks spaces can make it difficult to identify values. Returns true if a match is found, otherwise false. If s1 contains no substring that matches If the names are as in `c(Mons)', you could go tokenize "`c(Mons)'" forval i = 1/12 { replace x = m`i' if index(Y, "``i''") } Nick [email protected] Joseph Coveney > FUKUGAWA Nobuya wrote: > > Suppose we have string variable Y, and we would like to replace > variable X when variable Y contains certain characters such as > "Dec". Then we will address the case where the string variables actually contain strings, and the goal is to assign each value the string takes on to a numeric value. regexm tests a string for a pattern. 4. How to extract specific information from strings. destring CREDITO_2018_01, replace CREDITO_2018_01: all characters This means that all observations in your dataset had strings that Stata could translate to numbers (good!), and that Stata used a variable of type double for the variable to hold the numbers. Blue Ocean. The second variable, defendant, is (nearly) the rest: 【求助】如何用stata挑出包含某个字符串的记录 - Stata专版 - 经管之家 (原人大经济论坛) Home; Forums; Forums for Discussing Stata; General; You are not logged in. The first parameter is the "needle" to find in the "haystack". Login or Register by clicking 'Login or Register' at the top-right of this page. Note that real()/string() are functions and must be used in conjunction with a Stata command. Step 3. global macro such as "myname" b. . The string variable must contain number characters, otherwise missing values will be generated. I want to count the number of characters in each response/string and generate a new variable containing this number. Stata split string into parts. The I was to extract the first part of a string variable. However, subinword() does Example 1: A researcher has addresses as a string variable and wants to create a new variable that contains just the zip codes. Hello, I would like to generate a string like this `x'1 `x'2 `x'3 `x'4 and put them in a macro like Stata is predisposed to interpret it as such as soon as it is read, leading either to empty strings or to macro references being replaced by macro contents. I am. I hope this helps. 2 Categoricalstringvariables 24. Regular expressions in Stata Introduction. Remarks By default, moss finds repeated occurrences of the string specified in match() using Stata's strpos() string function (in older versions of Stata, strpos() was named index()). regexr replaces the first matching substring in a string. Users often find that Stata is reading in most, or even all, variables as string variables, when most, or even all, are—or should be—numeric. Var1 is the title of the variable. I have 2 string variables - "RaceFinal" and "RGrpRace". To do this, I could do the following: Nick On Sat, Jan 7, 2012 at 4:55 AM, Joseph Coveney <[email protected]> wrote: > Shubhabrata Mukherjee wrote: > > I am using --insheet-- to read in a big file where some variables are numeric > and some are string. Here is a silly example:. regexs extracts a matching subtring (up to the 9th) from a string. I am interested in creating a dummy variable if text contains some specific cities, lets say Paris, Madrid, Berlin, New York. The 'inlist' function assigns 1 to the values in paranthesis, in this case: "WA"; and 0 for others. From: victor <[email protected]> Prev by Date: st: filter string variable; Next by Date: Re: st: Is there a better way of allocating individuals into different categories based on the probability of an event? Previous by thread: st: filter string variable; Next by thread: st: R: filter string variable; Index(es TITULAR: contains nonnumeric characters; no replace. They can contain anything from letters, numbers, and spaces to other special characters. Blue Ocean Partners LLC vs. The observations I want all begin with two capital letters. 1 in these examples I wish to extract just the figures before the first dot and generate a new variable that will contain 12 1 54. To install: ssc install dataex clear input str516 salario "Desde $70,000 bruto por mes " "Desde $70,000 bruto por mes " "Desde $70,000 bruto por mes However, sometimes it's not. Extract term within a string that matches a variable. (They are state abbreviations, such as VA or AK). This is linked to Konrad's new question. String variables are shown in red . How can I write the latter part of command? The first variable varies in length and contains a list of every person who attended an event along with their title. They can include both strings you wish to match exactly, and more flexible descriptions of what to look for. extract value from variable stata. A period (. It is probably simplest for you to repeat import excel or import delimited and flag that the first row of the data file is to be treated as indicating variable names. This is a very important feature, especially if a database from Thank you all Now that I restricted the species list to the first two words everything works fine. Improve this answer. Even though Stata can handle string variables, it is clear in many respects that numeric variables are much preferred. If a variable is string, then typically Stata refuses to do calculations. Some common problems are the following: Here, the observations in letters (green) are correct and I would like to use them as categories for future analysis. In Stata, a macro is simply a named container that holds text. How to declare "string" condition in Stata? 1. Stata can store strings up to 2-billion characters long and can store strings containing binary information, including binary 0 (\0). Filter specific observations. You can browse but not post. 4 Complexstrings 24. From Michael McCulloch < [email protected] > To [email protected] Subject Re: st: finding non-numeric characters before I can destring: Date Thu, 18 Oct 2007 08:52:56 -0700 Each file contains only one variable, which is string. 6. "String only SPINEDEF is a user-written Stata program designed to identify spine-related medical encounters using inpatient and/or outpatient administrative data the contain ICD-9/ICD-10 codes. 1 Example Data Description. When numbers are stored as strings, the command destring is used to turn the string variable into a numeric type. . ytnzk xhbc glilwu aovaei qkbzvo vawue zvnq kjcj yhvpd xflo bdynma rai zxhctar olncayo imsis