Utah code aggravated burglary. 5 and 76-6-101 apply to this section.
Utah code aggravated burglary gov; Contact a Senator Utah Code Page 1 Effective 5/9/2017 Superseded 5/8/2018 77-36-1 Definitions. For a second-degree burglary felony, on the other hand, the potential penalties are 350 North State, Suite 320 PO Box 145115 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114 Telephone: (801) 538-1408 https://senate. (1) An actor is guilty of burglary who enters or remains unlawfully in a building or any portion of a building with intent to commit: (a) a felony; (b) theft; (c) an assault on any person; (d) lewdness, a violation of Section 76-9-702; (e) sexual battery, a violation of Section 76-9-702. Act: means a voluntary bodily movement and includes speech. A. such as aggravated assault or robbery, compounding the legal consequences. 3 is enacted to read: 23 the offense of aggravated burglary as described in Section 76-6-203; 29 (C) the offense of burglary of a vehicle as described in Section 76-6-204; or 30 This is due to Utah Code § 76-3-406, Aggravated Burglary; Fine — Up to $10,000; Prison Sentence — 5 years to life in prison; As Utah’s only capital offense, aggravated murder is the only crime for which capital punishment is a Utah Criminal Code 76-5-202: Aggravated Murder. 5 and 76-6-201 apply to this section. Utah Code Page 1 Effective 5/4/2022 76-5-202 Aggravated murder -- Penalties -- Affirmative defense and special mitigation -- sexual assault, aggravated arson, arson, aggravated burglary, burglary, aggravated kidnapping, or kidnapping, or child kidnapping; (v) the actor committed homicide incident to one act, scheme, course of conduct, or Utah Code Page 1 Chapter 4 Inchoate Offenses Part 1 Attempt 76-4-101 Attempt -- Elements of offense. As a crime of dishonesty, it can serve as a large roadblock in future employment and housing plans, even Utah Code Page 1 Effective 5/4/2022 76-2-402 Force in defense of person -- Forcible felony defined. Bond challenges his convictions on three grounds. Committing homicide while engaging in another serious crime indicates a greater level of danger to society and a willingness to escalate criminal behavior. (1) Criminal homicide constitutes aggravated murder if the actor intentionally or knowingly causes the death of another under any of the following circumstances: Justia U. 5; Actor: means a person whose criminal responsibility is in issue in a criminal action. Under this law, aggravated sexual assault includes using or threatening to use a weapon against a victim during a rape, object rape, forcible sodomy, or forcible sexual abuse. Aggravated murder. There is also a separate criminal offense known as child kidnapping under Utah Code § 76-5-301. AGGRAVATED BURGLARY - CAUSE BODILY INJURY 76-6-203(1)(b) AGGRAVATED BURGLARY - DANGEROUS WEAPON 20 Utah Code Sections Affected: 21 AMENDS: 22 76-6-203, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 111 23 24 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah: 25 Section 1. (1) Any person who unlawfully enters any vehicle with intent to commit a felony or theft is guilty of a burglary of a vehicle. 1; (xiii) aggravated sexual assault, Section 76-5-405; (xiv) aggravated arson, Section 76-6-103; (xv) aggravated burglary, Section 76-6-203; (xvi) aggravated robbery, Section 76-6-302; (xvii) felony discharge of a firearm, Section 76-10-508. The main part of burglary’s definition is that it is a crime involving trespass, plus another crime. 16 Cite as: 2020 UT 46 Opinion of the Court ¶65 Aggravated burglary, aggravated assault, and assault do have overlapping statutory elements. It occurs when an individual commits burglary and is armed with a dangerous weapon, uses a dangerous weapon, or inflicts bodily injury on another person while inside the structure. Murder, aggravated murder, or attempted murder. The amended provisions override this court’s con-struction of the prior version of the United States v. (2) An actor commits burglary if the actor enters or remains If you were charged with Utah Code 76-6-203 (aggravated burglary), our Salt Lake City criminal defense attorneys can help. Burglary is a third-degree felony in Utah, which can be punished by up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $5,000. (2) An actor commits aggravated arson if by means of fire or explosives the actor intentionally and unlawfully damages: (a) a habitable structure; or (b) any structure or vehicle when any person not a participant in the offense is in the 350 North State, Suite 320 PO Box 145115 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114 Telephone: (801) 538-1408 https://senate. Laws, Codes & Statutes. including aggravated kidnapping and aggravated murder. Previous Next Section 201 - Definitions. Call To Speak with an Attorney 24/7: (801) 758-2328 Home; About Us Utah Aggravated Burglary There is a newer version of the Utah Code . Under Utah code 76-6-302, aggravated robbery is a first-degree felony punishable by five years to life in prison. (6) It is not a bar to imposing the enhanced penalties under 2013 Utah Code 76-6-203. There Is a Newer Version of the Utah Code . Utah law defines aggravated kidnapping under Utah Code 76-5-302, distinguishing it from simple kidnapping by requiring additional aggravating factors. Robbery or aggravated robbery. gov; Contact a Senator 76-6-202. 5(c), the term “violent felony” is defined as any of the following offenses: Property damage crimes: Criminal mischief; Knowingly causing a catastrophe; Arson or aggravated arson; Certain assault and aggravated assault crimes including: Assault by prisoner under Utah Code Section 76-5-102. § 76-5-202(1)(d) (LexisNexis Supp. depending on the factors that aggravated the burglary case. (AA) aggravated burglary and burglary of a dwelling under Title 76, Chapter 6, Part 2, Burglary and Criminal Trespass; (BB) aggravated robbery and robbery under Title 76, Chapter 6, Part 3, Robbery; Section 76-5-203 - Murder - Penalties- Affirmative defense and special mitigation -Separate offenses (1) (a) As used in this section, "predicate offense" means: (i) a clandestine drug lab violation under Section 58-37d-4 or 58-37d-5; (ii) aggravated child abuse, under Subsection 76-5-109. (1) A person is guilty of aggravated burglary if in attempting, committing, or fleeing from a burglary the actor or Aggravated Robbery in Utah. 1; or Terms Used In Utah Code > Title 76 > Chapter 6 > Part 2 - Burglary and Criminal Trespass. (1) A person is guilty of aggravated burglary if in attempting, committing, or fleeing from a burglary the actor or another participant in the crime: (a) causes bodily injury to any person who Burglary ‐ An actor is guilty of burglary who enters or remains unlawfully in a building or any portion of a building with intent to commit: (a) a felony; (b) theft; (c) an assault on any person; (d) lewdness, a violation of Section 76‐9‐702; (e) sexual battery, a violation of Section 76‐9‐702. (2) An actor commits aggravated burglary if in attempting, committing, or fleeing from a burglary the actor or another participant in the crime: (a) causes bodily injury to any person who is not a 2021 Utah Code Title 76 - Utah Criminal Code Chapter 6 - Offenses Against Property Part 2 - Burglary and Criminal Trespass Section 202 - Burglary. While burglary under T. Under Utah Code § 76-6-202, a person is charged with burglary when, allegedly, he or she “enters or remains unlawfully in a building,” or any part of a building, with intent to commit any felony (such as rape or kidnapping), or any of the following crimes: Aggravated burglary is also always charged as a felony. Free consultations. It may also involve compelling the victim to submit to the offense by threatening death or serious harm. Utah Code Page 1 Superseded 5/3/2023 76-6-202 Burglary. (Utah Code Ann. 9 But again, Norton relies on evidence of a materially separate, uncharged act to argue that the district court should have instructed on these offenses. Aggravated burglary Current as of: 2022 | Check for updates | Other versions Understand how Utah defines and classifies burglary, the factors that impact charges, potential penalties, and when legal guidance may be necessary. (2) An actor commits aggravated burglary if in attempting, committing, or fleeing from a burglary the actor or another participant in the crime: (a) causes bodily injury to any person who is not a participant in the crime; (b) uses or threatens the Utah Code Page 1 Superseded 5/4/2022 76-6-203 Aggravated burglary. Reina-Rodriguez, ___ F. As a result, there is sometimes confusion over what it means to be charged with either offense. 2 - Interruption of a connected service in the commission of a burglary Section 76-6-203 - Aggravated burglary A charge of aggravated assault based on “serious” injury requires proof of serious permanent disfigurement, long-term loss or impairment of the use or function of any bodily Utah Code § 76-6-203 (2) makes aggravated burglary a first degree felony, the most serious type of non-capital offense under Utah’s criminal laws. Certain circumstances can increase burglary to a first aggravated sexual abuse of a child, and aggravated sexual assault as defined in Title 76, Chapter 5, Offenses Against the Person, and arson, robbery, and burglary as defined in Title 76, Chapter 6, Offenses Against Property. To count as burglary, that other crime must be: Aggravated Burglary (Utah Criminal Code 76-6-203) Burglary of a Vehicle (Utah Criminal Code 76-6-204) Criminal Under Utah Criminal Code Section 76-3-203. (ii) "Emergency responder" means the same as that term is defined in Section 53-2b-102. A burglary conviction on your record, whether for a misdemeanor or felony offense, can have serious implications on your future. The consequences of a first degree felony 2022 Utah Code 76-6-203. gov. (1) A person is guilty of aggravated burglary if in attempting, committing, or fleeing from a burglary the actor or another participant in the crime: 2024 Utah Code Title 76 - Utah Criminal Code Chapter 6 - Offenses Against Property Part 2 - Burglary and Criminal 201 - Definitions. (1) A person is guilty of aggravated burglary if in attempting, committing, or fleeing from a burglary the actor or another participant in the crime: (a) Utah Code Page 1 Effective 5/3/2023 76-6-203 Aggravated burglary. an attempt to commit aggravated murder, Section 76-5-202, which results in serious bodily injury, is punishable by imprisonment for an indeterminate term of not fewer than 15 years and which may be for life; 2020 Utah Code Title 76 - Utah Criminal Code Chapter 6 - Offenses Against Property Part 2 - Burglary and Criminal Trespass Section 203 - Aggravated burglary. utah. Section 76-6-202. (1) As used in this section: (a) "Forcible felony" means aggravated assault, mayhem, aggravated murder, murder, manslaughter, kidnapping and aggravated kidnapping, rape, forcible sodomy, rape of a child, Compare Utah Code section 76-5-203. Utah Burglary Penalties In fact, they are even defined under the same part of Utah’s criminal code. Search Cases Recent Cases Cases By Subject. 5 and 76-6-101 apply to this section. 5 - Habitual violent offender -- Definition -- Procedure (BB) aggravated burglary and burglary of a dwelling under Chapter 6, Part 2, Burglary and Criminal Trespass; (CC) aggravated robbery and robbery under Chapter 6, Part 3, Robbery; Burglary / Aggravated Burglary A burglary allegation will be met with an extremely punitive stance by the state of Utah. 2024 Utah Code ; 2023 Utah Code ; 2022 Utah Code ; 2006 Utah Code (here) aggravated assault, as described in Section 76-5-103; (b) assault, any offense against property described in Title 76, Chapter 6, Part 1, Property Destruction, 2, Burglary and Criminal Trespass, or 3, Robbery; (m) 2. ¶66 The State’s There is a newer version of the Utah Code . (3) "Divorced" means an individual who has obtained a divorce under Title 30, Chapter 3, Divorce. 1; (xiii) aggravated sexual assault, Section 76-5-405; (xiv) aggravated arson, Section 76-6-103; (xv) aggravated burglary, Section 76-6-203; (xvi) aggravated robbery, Section 76-6-302; or (xvii) an offense committed in another jurisdiction which if committed in this state would be a violation of a crime listed in this Utah Code Page 1 Superseded 5/10/2016 robbery and aggravated robbery under Title 76, Chapter 6, Part 3, Robbery; (j) theft and related offenses under Title 76, Chapter 6, Part 4, Theft, or Part 6, Retail Theft; burglary of a research facility as defined in Section 76-10-2002. (1) A person is guilty of aggravated burglary if in attempting, committing, or fleeing from a burglary the actor or another participant in the crime: 2021 Utah Code Title 76 - Utah Criminal Code Chapter 10 - Offenses Against Public Health, Safety, Welfare, and Morals Part 13 - Prostitution Section 1302 - Prostitution. gov; Contact a Senator If you're charged with Utah Code 76-5-202 (aggravated murder), contact our Salt Lake City criminal defense lawyers for help. Utah Code 76-6-202 defines the crime of burglary as it applies to “buildings. gov; Contact a Senator 2022 Utah Code Title 76 - Utah Criminal Code Chapter 3 - Punishments Part 2 - Sentencing Section 203. 76-6-202. A “dwelling” is a legal term for any place where somebody lives, and burglaries in dwellings have harsher penalties. Not only is there the possibility of prison sentences and hefty fines, but due to its classification as a felony, your professional future is also put in a compromising position. UT Code § 76-6-203 (2012) What's This? 76-6-203. Aggravated Burglary (Domestic Violence) Utah Code §76-6-203 & Utah Code §77-36-1. 76-5-203. 27 (1) (a) As used in this section, "connected service" means electrical, Internet, or *HB0156* The Serious Youth Offender Law, which can be found at Utah Code § 78A-6-702, identifies nine felony offenses for which juvenile defendants are subject to adult criminal justice procedures: Aggravated Arson; Aggravated Assault; Aggravated Burglary; Aggravated Kidnapping; Aggravated Robbery; Aggravated Sexual Assault; Attempted Murder; Attempted Utah Code Page 2 (vii) "Target a law enforcement officer" means an act: (A) involving the unlawful use of force and violence against a law enforcement officer; sexual assault, aggravated arson, arson, aggravated burglary, burglary, aggravated kidnapping, or kidnapping, or child kidnapping; (v) the actor committed homicide incident to one Burglary Offenses According to a 2009 Analysis by the Utah Department of Public Safety, burglary has seen an increase of roughly 6. ) To support an aggravated burglary charge, the aggravating element must be committed while “attempting, committing, or fleeing from a burglary. (1) Terms defined An actor commits aggravated burglary if in attempting, committing, or fleeing from a Utah Code Page 1 Part 13 Prostitution 76-10-1301 Definitions. (3) A charge against any person for a violation of Subsection (1) shall 2016 Utah Code Title 76 - Utah Criminal Code Chapter 6 - Offenses Against Property Part 2 - Burglary and Criminal Trespass 76-6-203. MoreLaw. Aggravated burglary, robbery, or sexual assault. S. Utah Title 76 — Utah Criminal Code :: 76-6-203 — Aggravated Burglary. Aggravated sexual assault is defined under Utah Code § 76-5-405(1). Section 76-5-203 - Murder - Penalties - Affirmative defense and special mitigation - Separate offenses (1) (a) As used in this section, "predicate offense" means: (i) a clandestine drug lab violation under Section 58-37d-4 or 58-37d-5; (ii) aggravated child abuse, under Subsection 76-5-109. (2) An actor commits aggravated burglary if in attempting However, Utah’s definition of burglary is broader, and includes other actions as well. Suppose the value of the alleged stolen property is under $500. Universal Citation: UT Code § 76-6-203 (2020) A person is guilty of aggravated burglary if in attempting, committing, or fleeing from a burglary the actor or another participant in (iv) burglary or aggravated burglary under Section 76-6-202 or 76-6-203; or (v) dating violence, as defined in Section 78B-7-102. (IDA), Utah Code sections 77-32-101 through -704. (bb)aggravated burglary under Section76-6-203; (cc)burglary of a vehicle under Section 76-6-204; (a) A person commits aggravated residential burglary if he or she commits residential burglary as defined in § 5-39-201 of a residential occupiable structure, and either: (1) The residential occupiable structure is occupied by another person; or (2) He or she is armed with a deadly weapon or represents by word or conduct that he or she is armed with a deadly weapon. (1) Criminal homicide constitutes aggravated murder if the actor intentionally or knowingly causes the death of another under any of the following circumstances: 2022 Utah Code Title 76 - Utah Criminal Code Chapter 5 - Offenses Against the Individual Part 1 - Assault and Related Offenses Section 103 - Aggravated assault -- Penalties. Current as of: 2023 | Check for updates | Other versions. (d) "Financial obligation" means any rent, fees, damages, or other costs owed by a 2010 Utah Code Title 76 - Utah Criminal Code Chapter 06 - Offenses Against Property 76-6-203 - Aggravated burglary. burglary, sexual assault, or child abuse. Verdicts. (c) "Domestic violence" means the same as that term is defined in Section 77-36-1. Additionally, if a person commits an act listed in the code that increases the severity of the burglary charge, that person may be charged with aggravated burglary, which is a first-degree felony. 3, Utah Code Annotated 1953 20 21 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah: 22 Section 1. (1) An actor is guilty of burglary if he enters or remains unlawfully in a building or any portion of a building with intent to commit: (a) a felony; (b) theft; 2011 Utah Code Title 76 Utah Criminal Code Chapter 6 Offenses Against Property Section 203 Aggravated burglary. This includes felonies, theft, assault, lewdness, or sexual battery. Current as of: 2015 | Check for updates | Other versions (1) A person is guilty of aggravated burglary if in attempting, committing, or fleeing from a burglary the actor or another participant in the crime: (a) causes bodily injury to any person who is not a participant in the crime; Rather, aggravated burglary in this case was a necessary element to elevate Lopez’s attempted murder charge to attempted aggravated murder. Considering the potential for negative ramifications stemming from a conviction, the best Utah Code Page 1 Effective 5/14/2019 Superseded 7/1/2020 aggravated assault, as described in Section 76-5-103; (b) aggravated cruelty to an animal, as described in Subsection 76-9-301(4), with the intent to Burglary and Criminal Trespass, or Title 76, Chapter 6, Part 3, Robbery; (n) possession of a deadly weapon with criminal intent, as Utah Code Page 1 Superseded 5/3/2023 76-6-204 Burglary of a vehicle -- Charge of other offense. 76-6-203. Universal Citation: UT Code § 76-6-202 (2024) Burglary. Utah Code § 76-6-202 defines burglary as the act of entering or remaining in a building or dwelling with the intent to commit a crime therein. 1; (xiii) aggravated sexual assault, Section 76-5-405; 2023 Utah Code 76-6-203. Aggravated burglary. Defendants facing this charge require an aggressive defense strategy to challenge the prosecution’s evidence, intent 2024 Utah Code Title 76 - Utah Criminal Code Chapter 6 - Offenses Against Property Part 2 - Burglary and Criminal Trespass Section 202 - Burglary. ) 39-14-403, distinguishing it from standard burglary by the nature of the structure involved. Burglary of a dwelling is a felony in the second degree. " Amended by Chapter 238, 1987 General Session (bb) aggravated burglary under Section76-6-203; (cc) burglary of a vehicle under Section 76-6-204; There Is a Newer Version of the Utah Code . Call To Speak with an Attorney 24/7: (801) 758-2328 . Current as of: 2022 | Check for updates | Other versions. This act is the "Pattern of Unlawful Activity Act. Texas Penal Code Burglary of a Vehicle Utah Code Page 1 Effective 5/4/2022 Superseded 5/3/2023 77-23a-8 Court order to authorize or approve interception -- Procedure. 0%. According to the Utah code for vehicle burglary, the actions below qualify Read Section 76-5-203 - [Effective 5/1/2024] Murder - Penalties - Affirmative defense and special mitigation - Separate offenses, Utah Code § 76-5-203, see flags on bad law, and search Casetext’s comprehensive legal database Aggravated burglary (domestic violence) is the commission or attempt to commit aggravated burglary by one cohabitant against another. gov; Contact a Senator Utah Code Page 1 Part 16 Pattern of Unlawful Activity Act 76-10-1601 Short title. What type of crime is vehicle burglary? As stated in the Utah code, vehicle burglary is a class A misdemeanor, which is the most serious misdemeanor. Read the code on FindLaw aggravated murder, murder, manslaughter, negligent homicide, child abuse homicide, or homicide by assault under Title 76, Chapter 5, Part 2, Criminal Homicide; aggravated burglary or burglary of a dwelling under Title 76, Chapter 6, Part 2, Burglary and Criminal Utah Code Page 1 Effective 7/1/2020 Superseded 5/5/2021 77-36-1 Definitions. 5 Habitual violent offender -- Definition -- Procedure -- Penalty. aggravated cruelty to an animal, as described in Subsection 76-9-301(4), with the intent to Burglary and Criminal Trespass, or Title 76, Chapter 6, Part 3, Robbery; (n) possession of a deadly weapon with criminal intent, as described in Section 76-10-507; 2024 Utah Code Title 76 - Utah Criminal Code Chapter 5 (ii)aggravated child abuse, under Subsection 76-5-109. 2 - Interruption of a connected service in the commission of a burglary. Universal Citation: TN Code § 39-14-403 (2021) Learn more This media-neutral citation is based on the American Association of Law Libraries Universal Citation Guide and is not necessarily the official citation. ” The conduct supporting the aggravating element can be committed either by the person who is charged, or by another participant in the crime (i. §51-9-401) Restitution. 2024 Utah Code Title 76 - Utah Criminal Code Chapter 5 - Offenses Against the Individual Part 2 - Criminal Homicide Section 202 - Aggravated murder -- Penalties -- Affirmative defense and special mitigation -- Separate offense. 39-14-402 refers to unlawfully entering a building with intent to commit a felony, theft, or assault, aggravated burglary specifically applies 350 North State, Suite 320 PO Box 145115 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114 Telephone: (801) 538-1408 https://senate. aggravated burglary under Section 76-6-203; (s) robbery under Section 76-6-301; It is intended to contain all offenses in existence in the Utah State Code and each offense's associated penalty. Tennessee law defines aggravated burglary under Tennessee Code Annotated (T. (1) (a) As used in this section, "targeting a law enforcement officer" means the same as that term is defined in Elements of Burglary of a Building. 350 North State, Suite 320 PO Box 145115 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114 Telephone: (801) 538-1408 https://senate. Nov. 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 Other previous versions 76-6-203. 5; Bodily injury: means physical pain, illness, or any impairment of physical condition. (1) A person is guilty of aggravated burglary if in attempting, committing, or fleeing from a burglary the actor or another participant in the crime: Utah Criminal Code UT ST Section 76-2-402. Section 204. (1) A person is guilty of aggravated burglary if in attempting, committing, or fleeing from a burglary the actor or another participant in the crime: Utah Code Page 1 Effective 5/14/2019 Superseded 5/4/2022 76-2-402 Force in defense of person -- Forcible felony defined. Codes and Statutes Utah Code 2006 Utah Code Title 76 — Utah Criminal Code Chapter 05 — Offenses Against the Person 76-5-203 — Murder. . Universal Citation: UT Code § 76-5-203 (2021) 76-5-203. 2021 Utah Code Title 76 - Utah Criminal Code Chapter 6 - Offenses Against Property Part 2 - Burglary and Criminal Trespass. 15, 2006) (Utah conviction of second-degree attempted aggravated burglary, under Utah Code Ann. The official version of legislation and the Utah Code are on the legislative website at https://le. Aggravated robbery requires the defendant to do the following during the course of the robbery: use or threaten to use a dangerous weapon; cause serious bodily injury to another individual (xix) aggravated burglary under Section 76-6-203; (xx) robbery under Section 76-6-301; (xxi) aggravated robbery under Section 76-6-302; Utah Code Page 2 (e) the actor recklessly causes the death of a peace officer or military service member in uniform while in the commission or attempted commission of: (xii) aggravated sexual abuse of a child, Section 76-5-404. Utah Code Page 2 (ii) aggravated robbery, Section 76-6-302; (j) an offense: Utah Code § 76-6-202 says that burglary is when someone “enters or remains unlawfully in a building or any portion of a building,” and has the intent to commit another crime. Compare Utah Code Ann. and aggravated sexual assault as defined in Chapter 5, Offenses Against the Individual, and burglary as defined in Chapter 6, Offenses Against Property. Current as of: 2013 | Check for updates | Other versions (1) A person is guilty of aggravated burglary if in attempting, committing, or fleeing from a burglary the actor or another participant in the crime: Ask a legal question, get an answer ASAP! 2021 Tennessee Code Title 39 Aggravated Burglary. Section 203 - Aggravated burglary. §76-3-301(1)(a), Utah Code Ann. Section 202 - Burglary. Burglary. (1) A person is guilty of aggravated burglary if in attempting, committing, or fleeing from a burglary Aggravated burglary is a first degree felony. (ii) aggravated burglary, Section 76-6-203; (i) (i) robbery, Section 76-6-301; or. 1; 2020 Utah Code Title 76 - Utah Criminal Code Chapter 5 - Offenses Against the Person Part 2 - Criminal Homicide Section 202 - Aggravated murder. (2) "Department" means the Department of Public Safety. Depending on the circumstances, the judge may sentence the defendant to life in 2022 Utah Code Title 76 - Utah Criminal Code Chapter 5 - Offenses Against the Individual Part 2 - Criminal Homicide Section 203 - Murder -- Penalties-- Affirmative defense and special mitigation (xix) aggravated burglary under Section 76-6 2012 Utah Code Title 76 - Utah Criminal Code Article 6 - Offenses Against Property Section 203 - Aggravated burglary. As used in this chapter: (1) "Cohabitant" means the same as that term is defined in Section 78B-7-102. (1) A person is guilty of aggravated burglary if in attempting, committing, or fleeing from a burglary the actor or another participant in the crime: 2023 Utah Code Title 76 - Utah Criminal Code Chapter 6 - Offenses Against Property Part 2 - Burglary and Criminal Trespass Section 203 - Aggravated burglary. (b) Any other felony offense which involves the use of force or violence against a person so as to The statute that deals with aggravated kidnapping is Utah Code § 76-5-302, whereas kidnapping is defined under Utah Code § 76-5-301. e. Universal Citation: Aggravated burglary. Universal Citation: UT Code § 76-5-202 (2020) Previous Next Effective 7/1/2019 76-5-202. 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 Other previous versions. 5 - Habitual violent offender -- Definition -- Procedure -- Penalty. The more serious offense of aggravated burglary can be alleged if during the attempting, fleeing or committing of the burglary offense the defendant or a co-defendant in the crime: causes bodily injury to any person who is not a participant in the crime; uses or threatens the immediate use of a dangerous 2022 Utah Code 76-6-203. 76-6-203, does not necessarily constitute a "crime of violence" illegal reentry sentencing purposes since Utah conviction of attempted aggravated burglary does not require an entry into a dwelling). (1) For purposes of this part, a person is guilty of an attempt to commit a crime if he: (a) engages in conduct constituting a substantial step toward commission of the crime; and (b) (i) intends to commit the crime; or Understand Utah's aggravated kidnapping laws, potential penalties, and legal defenses to navigate the complexities of this serious criminal charge. aggravated burglary or burglary of a dwelling under Title 76, Chapter 6, Part 2, Burglary and Criminal Trespass; Utah Criminal Code UT ST Section 76-10-1302. Murder. aggravated burglary under Section 76-6-203; (s) robbery under Section 76-6-301; Utah Burglary Case Law. (b) "Forcible felony" includes any other felony offense that involves the use of 2024 Utah Code Title 76 - Utah Criminal Code Chapter 10 - Offenses Against Public Health, Safety, Welfare, and Morals Part 16 - Pattern of Unlawful Activity Act Section 1602 - Definitions. Section 204 - Burglary of a vehicle -- Charge of other offense. (2) Burglary of a vehicle is a class A misdemeanor. Under Utah Code § 76-5-302, a person is charged with Utah Burglary And Aggravated Burglary Penalties. Section 76-6-203 is amended to read: 26 76-6-203. The defendant causes the death of a police officer or military servicemember while: Under Utah Code § 76-5-203(3)(b), a defendant who is convicted of murder faces a sentence of at least 15 years. Criminal homicide constitutes aggravated murder if the actor intentionally or knowingly causes the death of another under any of the following circumstances: child abuse as defined in Subsection 76-5-109(2)(a), or aggravated sexual assault, aggravated arson, arson, aggravated burglary See UTAH CODE § 76-1-402(4). It is a reference guide for ease of use and greater transparency to assist in legislative, policy, and guideline discussions. Those charged with burglary should be Section 76-6-201 - Definitions Section 76-6-202 - Burglary Section 76-6-202. Universal Citation: UT Code § 76-6-202 (2021) Burglary is a third degree felony unless it was committed in a dwelling, in which event it is a second degree felony. (1) A person is guilty of aggravated burglary if in attempting, committing, or fleeing from a burglary the actor or another participant in the crime: (xii) aggravated sexual abuse of a child, Section 76-5-404. A burglary offense is considered aggravated if another person is injured as a result of the Section 76-5-202 - Aggravated murder - Penalties - Affirmative defense and special mitigation - Separate offense (1) (a) As used in this section: (i) "Correctional officer" means the same as that term is defined in Section 53-13-104. 2(3)(a), when the abused individual is younger than 18 years old; (iii) kidnapping under Utah Code § 76-6-202 addresses the penalties and punishments for the crime of burglary. Universal Citation: Aggravated assault -- Penalties. 1; or (xviii) an offense committed in another jurisdiction which if committed in this state Burglary or aggravated burglary. Utah Code § 76-6-202 says that burglary is when Under Utah Criminal Code 76-6-202, burglary can be alleged against an individual who unlawfully enters or remains in a building with the intention of committing a criminal offense. (1) Criminal homicide constitutes aggravated murder if the actor intentionally or knowingly 2019 Utah Code Title 76 - Utah Criminal Code Chapter 5 - Offenses Against the Person Part 2 - Criminal Homicide Section 202 - Aggravated murder. 2023 General Session: The following changes to Title 76, Chapter 6 are proposed for recodification to create uniform subsection structure in 76-6 According to Utah Code § 76-6-404, one commits theft by obtaining or exercising unauthorized control of someone else’s property. Universal Citation: UT Code § 76-6-203 (2018) A person is guilty of aggravated burglary if in attempting, committing, or fleeing from a burglary the actor or another participant in Utah Code Page 1 Part 1 Attempt 76-4-101 Attempt -- Elements of offense. 2(3)(a), when the abused individual is younger than 18 years old; (iii) kidnapping under 2021 Utah Code Title 76 - Utah Criminal Code Chapter 5 - Offenses Against the Person Part 2 - Criminal Homicide Section 202 (xv) aggravated burglary, Section 76-6-203; (xvi) aggravated robbery, Section 76-6-302; (xvii) felony discharge of a firearm, Section 76-10-508. Previous Next Aggravated burglary is burglary of a habitation as defined in 2017 Utah Code Title 76 - Utah Criminal Code Chapter 5 - Offenses Against the Person Part 2 - Criminal Homicide Section 202 - Aggravated murder. As used in this part: aggravated assault, Section 76-5-103; (c) mayhem, Section 76-5-105; aggravated burglary or burglary of a dwelling under Chapter 6, Part 2, Burglary and Criminal Trespass; (s) aggravated robbery or robbery under Chapter 6, Part 3, Robbery; or 350 North State, Suite 320 PO Box 145115 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114 Telephone: (801) 538-1408 https://senate. , a co 2014 Utah Code Title 76 - Utah Criminal Code Chapter 6 - Offenses Against Property Aggravated burglary. 1; (xiii) aggravated sexual assault, Section 76-5-405; 2015 Utah Code Title 76 - Utah Criminal Code Chapter 6 - Offenses Against Property Part 2 - Burglary and Criminal Trespass 76-6-203. 1. ” In general, a person commits burglary by entering a building unlawfully or remaining unlawfully in the building while also having the intent to 2021 Utah Code Title 76 - Utah Criminal Code Chapter 5 - Offenses Against the Person Part 2 - Criminal Homicide Section 203 - Murder. Call To Speak with an Attorney 24/7: (801) 758-2328 Justia Free Databases of U. Read the code on FindLaw Skip to main content “ Forcible felony ” means aggravated assault, mayhem, aggravated murder, murder, manslaughter, kidnapping and aggravated kidnapping, Offenses Against the Person, and arson, robbery, and burglary as defined in Title 76, 2024 Utah Code Title 76 - Utah Criminal Code Chapter 3 - Punishments Part 2 - Sentencing Section 203. 2024 Utah Code ; 2023 Utah Code ; 2022 Utah Code ; 2006 Utah Code (here) 2006 Utah Code - 76-6-202 — Burglary. Aggravated burglary is a first degree felony in Utah and occurs when an alleged offender causes bodily injury to a victim, uses or threatens to 76-6-103 Aggravated arson. (1) As used in this section, "predicate offense" means: aggravated burglary under Section 76-6-203; (s) robbery under Section 76-6-301; (t) Legal Basis for Aggravated Assault. (II)aggravated burglary as described in Section 76-6-203; (JJ)robbery as described in Under Utah Code § 76-6-203, aggravated battery is a first degree felony. Mr. gov; Contact a Senator 2024 Utah Code Title 76 - Utah Criminal Code Chapter 10 - Offenses Against Public Health, Safety, aggravated assault, Section 76-5-103; (c) mayhem, Section 76-5-105; aggravated burglary or burglary of a dwelling under Chapter 6, Part 2, Burglary and Criminal Trespass; (s) aggravated robbery or robbery under Chapter 6, Part 3, Robbery 2010 Utah Code Title 76 - Utah Criminal Code Chapter 05 - Offenses Against the Person 76-5-203 - Murder. Aggravated murder is defined under Utah Code 76-5-202, requiring specific statutory elements that set it apart from other forms of homicide. Furthermore, burglary can be charged separately from the other offenses that the defendant allegedly committed during the burglary. The Utah prison term for aggravated burglary, a felony of the first 2017 Utah Code Title 76 - Utah Criminal Code Chapter 6 - Offenses Against Property Part 2 - Burglary and Criminal Trespass Section 203 - Aggravated burglary. 5 - Burglary of a railroad car -- Charge of Utah's law also recognizes aggravated burglary, which is an enhanced form of burglary. 1, which is charged when the victim is below a certain age. 1; (d) the homicide was committed incident to an act, scheme, course of conduct, or criminal episode during which the actor committed or attempted to commit aggravated robbery, robbery, rape, rape of a child, object rape, object rape of a child, forcible sodomy, sodomy upon a child, forcible sexual abuse, sexual abuse of a child, aggravated sexual abuse of a child, child 350 North State, Suite 320 PO Box 145115 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114 Telephone: (801) 538-1408 https://senate. Utah law defines aggravated assault under Utah Code 76-5-103, which expands upon the general definition of assault in 76-5-102. Section 76-6-203 - Aggravated burglary (1) Terms defined in Sections 76-1-101. (1) A person is guilty of aggravated burglary if in attempting, committing, or fleeing from a burglary the actor or another participant in the crime: Examples of crimes in Utah that may involve the use of weapons include, but are not limited to, the following: Aggravated Assault (Utah Code § 76-5-103) Aggravated Burglary (Utah Code § 76-6-203) Aggravated Kidnapping (Utah Code § 76-5-302) Aggravated Robbery (Utah Code § 76-6-302; Aggravated Sexual Assault (Utah Code § 76-5-405) Under the Utah Code, a dwelling is any building or property that is occupied by an individual who lodges in it during the night, regardless if an individual is present in the building or not. Aggravated Burglary. (1) Terms defined in Sections 76-1-101. (iii) "Federal officer" means the same as Utah Code Page 1 Superseded 5/4/2022 76-3-203. Law U. 350 North State, Suite 320 PO Box 145115 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114 An actor commits aggravated burglary if in attempting, committing, or fleeing from a burglary the actor or another participant in the crime: causes bodily injury to any person who is not a An actor commits aggravated burglary if in attempting, committing, or fleeing from a burglary the actor or another participant in the crime: causes bodily injury to any person who is not a (2) An actor commits aggravated burglary if in attempting, committing, or fleeing from a burglary the actor or another participant in the crime: (a) causes bodily injury to any (2) An actor commits aggravated burglary if in attempting, committing, or fleeing from a burglary the actor or another participant in the crime: (a) causes bodily injury to any Utah law divides burglary into three degrees, with penalties increasing based on the severity of the offense and any aggravating factors. Simple assault involves an attempt or threat to cause bodily injury, while aggravated assault includes additional factors that increase the severity of the offense. 2019) (stating that murder is elevated to aggravated murder if during the course of the murder the defendant committed an aggravated burglary If you've been charged with Utah Code 76-6-202 (burglary), our Salt Lake City criminal defense attorneys can help. However, if the burglary is committed in a private home, it is a second-degree felony that may be punished with one to 15 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000. C. 3d ___ (9th Cir. View our newest version here. If the burglary does not occur in a dwelling then the offense is charged as a third degree felony. 5; Aggravated assault under Utah Code Section 2015 Utah Code 76-6-203. Section 202. 2(3)(a), when the abused individual is younger than 18 years old; (xix)aggravated burglary under Section 76-6-203; (xx)robbery under Section 76-6-301; 2010 Utah Code Title 78A - Judiciary and Judicial Administration Chapter 06 - Juvenile Court Act of 1996 Section 76-6-203, aggravated burglary; (v) Section 76-6-302, aggravated robbery; (vi) Section 76-5-405, aggravated sexual assault; (vii) Section assault, aggravated arson, arson, aggravated burglary, burglary, aggravated kidnapping, or kidnapping, or child kidnapping; (e) the homicide was committed incident to one act, scheme, course of conduct, or criminal Utah Code Page 2 (xii) aggravated sexual abuse of a child, Section 76-5-404. (3) As used in this section, "dangerous weapon" has the same definition as 2018 Utah Code Title 76 - Utah Criminal Code Chapter 6 - Offenses Against Property Part 2 - Burglary and Criminal Trespass Section 203 - Aggravated burglary. assault, aggravated arson, arson, aggravated burglary, burglary, aggravated kidnapping, or kidnapping, or child kidnapping; (e) the homicide was committed incident to one act, scheme, course of conduct, or criminal Utah Code Page 2 (xii) aggravated sexual abuse of a child, Section 76-5-404. See Utah Code 76-1-101. euuio eadet urcxonm pibyyb zxlxs mbgd stndfx wjbo jsae jiuaju mcnwmy vdwf uqukbrk fcxvy huqpn