What breaks wudu salafi. Uttering the intention is an innovation (bid'ah).

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What breaks wudu salafi. You must be logged in to post a comment.

What breaks wudu salafi Shaykh Rabīʾ: A Reviver of the Sunnah Does laughing in salah break one’s wudu? Answer. The purpose of the prayer is the remembrance of Allah. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. Friday 21 Ramadan 1446 - 21 March 2025 The scholars (رحمهم الله) differed as to whether sleep invalidates wudoo’ or not, and there are several points of view . Answer In response to your question; The method of performing wudhu in If wudu breaks during Ghusl, is The Hanbalis believe that sleep breaks wudu, except for light sleep, when a person is sitting or standing. However, sometimes I have thoughts of intimacy or just a thought of being with my husband and I feel that maybe there is some discharge. The other things that break the fast were mentioned by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in his Sunnah. [Shurunbulali, Nur al-Idah] This is because remaining in this position despite sleeping is a clear sign that you were not relaxed enough to break your wudu inadvertently. By following the guidelines of wudu, you can ensure that your prayers are performed with a state of purity. Search for: Click To View. Any discharge from private parts, i. Understa The following are matters that invalidate prayer: 1- that which invalidates Wudu, 2- uncovering the `Awrah, 3- turning away from the Qiblah, 4- excessive continuous movement during the prayer, 5- omitting one of the pillars of the prayer, 6- saying the Salam before completing the prayer, 7- laughing out loud, 8- eating and drinking. Assalamu Alaikum i would like to ask, does ones wudhu break if he falls into a light sleep for a brief moment, whilst making dua, whereby the elbows are resting on the thighs, with the buttocks firmly seated on the sofa? Answer: In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful. I was told that the hadith pertaining to the Prophet ﷺ touching A'isha(ra) during salaah was probably through a blanket and other hadiths are not necessarily authentic according to the Shafi'is. However, some people may not understand Wudu-related things, including things that can break it. That is sleep should overcome you whilst you are in the state of Wudhu. (Bahar-e JazkAllah Khair Answer It is Mustahabb to sleep in the condition of Wudhu. Anything that exits from the private parts, even if it not customary such as a worm or stones. Does this break my wudu? Answer: Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah, Ritual impurity is what breaks wudu' in itself, like urine, and causes are things which do not break wudu' in themselves but leads to ritual impurity, like loss of sanity, touching someone with desire and touching the penis. Bismi-llâh, wa-l-hamdu lillâh, wa-s-salâtu wa-s-salâmu `alâ rasûli-llâhConditions for the Validity of Wudû' 1. The Wudhu' for Salaat Steps of Wudhu' (Ablution) 1-Intention: The intention is in the heart. The flowing of any ritually impure substance (f: such as blood or pus) from a wound (f: or other opening) to any place that requires cleaning (f: i. Controversial. This is the conclusion reached following discussions with some of the scholars and consulting references. However, Praise be to Allah. However, if a person vomitsa mouthful or more,itwill nullifythe Wudhu. Sayyidina Anas Ibn Maalik. He studied under renowned scholars globally for ten years, beginning in Damascus and continuing The former does not break wudu, while the latter might necessitate wudu renewal depending on the intensity of arousal. The things that invalidate wudu are defined and limited, and have been explained in the answer to question no. This is essential to remember, not whether the substance is pure or impure. I never held any paper without wudu. The third view states that touching a woman does not break one’s wudoo in does urinating nullify the wudhu? also, what happens to the salaat of previous years if our wudhu was not done correctly, or we read namaz without proper wudhu? Answer Eight things break If it happens during salah, you need to break off the salah and go and repeat your wudu. Does hijamah break fast? The fuqaha differed as to whether cupping breaks the fast of the fasting person or not. The scholars also agreed that laughing when praying invalidates the prayer but does not invalidate Wudu. Leave a Comment Cancel reply. Shaykh Faraz Rabbani, a distinguished scholar in the Islamic sciences, is the Founder and Executive Director of SeekersGuidance. Just as performing wudu’ is an act of worship by Allah, it is also an act of physical purification. Clear or white discharge (madhi) typically does not break wudu. What to do if wudu breaks during prayer. Please could you explain what level of bleeding will break wudhu? ie What is meant exactly by "flowing" blood ie Will the blood which spreads just outside the wound be considered flowing and therefore break the wudhu or will the blood need to flow more profusely beyond the immediate area of the wound? Answer. [Ibn Juzayy states that apostasy Praise be to Allah. The milk is not impure hence wudhu will not break by breastfeeding the child. Sneezing in wudu doesnt break wudu. 2- Circumambulation of Ka’bah. Bookshop. 7 Things invalidate your fast. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Allah knows Best! Mufti Sahib, I was just wondering whether or not breastfeeding breaks one’s wudhu? ANSWER: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As for praying Salah without wudhu with the intention to mock or believing that it is allowed, then he is considered a disbeliever. Therefore, it is preferable to repeat the Wudhu in order to attain the reward. Remembrance of Allah. Conclusion. 1) Ritual impurities, of which there Vaginal discharge invalidates or breaks wudu. Top. it flowed beyond its point of exit), or if it came out The wind that comes from the back passage has no substance, but it still invalidates wudu. Islamic law (the shari’ah) teaches us about the physical ways we Why does it break our wudu when we touch our wives skin? Refer to a brilliant piece that also touches on the issues of contradiction, the Shafi‘ī madhhab and hadith; and leaving the bounds of the madhhab by our Shaykh, ash-Shāfi‘ī a s – S agīr 1 Taha Karaan, here. The first category involves things breaking wudu are those exiting the human body. " A state that continues all the time and that breaks wudu is called an excuse. Imam al-Shafi`i was of the view that vomiting does not break wudu and this is the correct view because there is no sound evidence to show that vomiting breaks wudu. Old. Uttering the intention is an innovation (bid'ah). The one who loses his Wudu during the prayer, by passing wind or otherwise, should go and do Wudu, then come back and start the prayer from the beginning all over again, according to the more correct of the two scholarly opinions. Here is the Takhreej of the Hadith if you're interested (OG is in Arabic, the link is google translated one) . But the discharge is always Praise be to Allah. And Only Allah. Darul Ifta Birmingham. and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best Rulings Related to Taking Breaks When Performing Tarāwīḥ The Salaf Contemporary Scholars The Companions Latest Content . Itis best to sit on a raised or high place when making Wudbu in order to beout of reach of water splashing. The Death of Imām al-Bukhāri. We bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave Does breast feeding break the wudhu? After breast feeding are we allowed to pray salah or read the Holy Qur'an? Answer BismillahAl-jawab billahi at-taufeeq (the answer with Allah's guidance) Breastfeeding will not break the Wudhu. [Tahtawi, Sharh ‘ala Maraqi al-Falah] In conclusion, understanding what breaks wudu and how to maintain it is essential for Muslims. (The only exception to this is orgasmic sexual fluid; it is Answered by Shaykh Ilyas Patel Does dosing off break your wudu? For example, if I were sitting in class and I started dosing off, would that break my wudu? Answer: In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate Light dosing, which means to be able to hear most of what is being said around one, does not. Sunday 23 Ramadan 1446 - 23 March 2025 The Shafi'is have responses to all of the arguments to the contrary of touching non-mahram women breaking your wudu. ) 3. [ 30/09/2021 ] Advice for those who have turned to the way of the Salaf (eBook). And for those eager to delve even deeper, our Fiqh course on Islamic Jurisprudence is an excellent Understanding the actions that invalidate your wudu is just as important as performing it correctly. However, other types of discharge might 4 – Mustahab (encouraged) – when Wudhu breaks [even if none of the above needs has arisen]. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Al-ʿAllāmah Aḥmad b. Laughing out loud breaks the wudu. For instance, being unable to hold one's urine, passing wind all the time If a person is not sure whether he fell asleep or dozed off, but one of the two happened, his wudu is not invalidated. If it happens during salah, you need to break off the salah and go and repeat your wudu. The person making Wudhu will be referred to as mutawad-dhi. This is the view of the Hanbalis and a number of the early generations (salaf). I normally get clear/white vaginal discharge everyday for which I do not make wudu for. What is the proof that touching the private part doesn’t break ones wudu in the hanafi madhab, I read in Fiqh Us Sunnah that the hadith they use is weak to establish that it doesn’t break wudu, but when seeking a ruling like that it can’t be based on weak hadith am I right? Answered by Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat Question: Assalamu alaykum If a nosebleed occurs when blowing water in your nose, should you stop blowing water into your nose? Also your nose wont be able to First of all, you are correct when you say that you learned that one’s wudu breaks when something exits the private parts. Remember, we said that we can imagine minor hadath to be green paint. (A child reaches the stage of mumayyiz (discerning) when he can eat, drink and clean himself after using the toilet unassisted. 1. For example, if gas exits the private parts, it is pure but does invalidate the wudu. Answered by Ustadh Tabraze Azam Question: Assalaamu ‘alaykum Could you please explain the proof for the Hanafi ruling for the fact that bleeding breaks one’s wudu? What do scholars say of the narrations where companions praying while having bleeding wounds? Answer: Wa alaikum assalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, I Even less does a spouse’s su’r (saliva) in itself break one’s wudu‘, and in the Shafii madhhab the things that invalidate wudu‘ are four — period: (1) passing something from the front or rear end; (2) unconsciousness; (3) touching genitals directly; and (4) skin contact with a non-mahram of the opposite sex. Imam Hulwani said, "We attained this level in science due to the respect we showed to science. “That sleep which is caused by leaning breaks wudhu, but buy sitting and sleeping or falling asleep in sajdah does not nullify wudhu” (Fatawa Darul Uloom Deoband p110-111 v. There are seven things that break the fast, as follows: Intercourse If the Wudu that we perform turns out to be incorrect or has been broken, then the worship we perform becomes invalid and will not be rewarded. Just smiling doesn’t breaks the wudu. On this basis, everything that comes out of a woman is impure and necessitates wudu. What Nullifies or Breaks Wudu? Now that we have mastered the steps of Wudu, let’s discuss the things that can break your Wudu. LINK: Nothing else breaks our wudu other than these four things. Acts of worship should be based on sound reports, so no one is permitted to say that any act of worship is prescribed by Islam unless he has evidence. Wudu’ also erases past sins and results in forgiveness for them. Does a bit of urine remaining inside the penis after urination break wudhu? Mufti Saheb, can you please What Breaks Wudu Hanafi? In this informative video, we will discuss the essential aspects of Wudu, or ablution, within the Hanafi school of thought. `Al al Din Ibn `Abidin states in his Hadiyyah al Ala’iyyah, “and filth that flows past the wound [invalidates ablution The maniy is pure; apart from that every other substance that comes out of the two passages is impure and breaks wudu. Thus, one has the choice either to remake wudu’ or not to do that as you are in a state of wudu’ based on the opinion of the majority of Muslim scholars and madhhabs. Once you’ve done wudu’ you are in a state of wudu’ until you break it. Answer: salamu `alaykum . New. When you break your wudu, you get minor hadath on you. 2. What are the different categories of things which break wudu'? There are seventeen things which break wudu'. Below are the key factors that break the ⁃ An individual must cover all of the limbs when performing wudhu ⁃ ‘Woe’ - a wording of warning ⁃ ‘The heels’ - by missing the heels during wudhu could be a reason for you to enter the hell fire due to the fact that you have not completed the wudhu ⁃ ‘From the fire’ - the hellfire in the akhirah What to Do If Wudu Breaks During Prayer? If you break your Wudu during the prayer, whether by passing wind or any other reason, you should leave the prayer, perform Wudu again, and then restart the prayer from the beginning. But I am still not entirely sure The Hadith quoted is weak, not authentic. Best. 1- As-Salah (Prayers) Allah (exalted be He) said: “O you who believe, when you intend to offer As-Salah (prayers), wash your faces and your hands up to the elbows, rub your heads, and wash your feet up to (and including) the ankles. Cookie Duration Description; cookielawinfo-checkbox-analytics: 11 months: This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. However, his wudu’ does not become Discover whether removing your headscarf after prayer nullifies ablution in Islam. 14321. The following is an explanation regarding the things that can break Wudu in Islamic Teachings: 1. (Shurunbulali, Maraqi al Falah). You must be logged in to post a comment. Yaḥyá al-Najmī . Some scholars, including Malik and as reported in one narration from Ahmad, hold the view that a significant amount of sleep invalidates wudu regardless of the situation, unlike a small amount of sleep, which does not. There are two types of things that break wudu (ablution). When you make wudu, you wash that minor hadath from your face, arms, head and feet. If this happens while you are still performing wudu”, then you need to re-start the wudu” (over again). Al-Shaafa’i said in al-Umm: To be on the safe side, he should do wudu then he said: If he is certain that he slept, but he is not sure whether he was sitting firmly on his backside or not, he does not have to do wudu. A great deal of sleep means if it is such that the sleeper does not feel it if he breaks his wudoo’. 2-Recitation of the Basmallah (Say: Bismillaah upon commencing the wudhu') 3-Washing the hands three times: 4-al-Madhmadhah (Gargling: washing the mouth and moving the water around Therefore, if someone touches their private parts without a barrier, their ablution will be nullified. 14th Century. This is the view of the Malikis, Shafa`is and Hanbalis, unlike the Hanafis Laughing in wudu. Evidence The Nawaqid of Wudu' (The Things which break wudu') What is a Naqid? It is what breaks wudu' in itself (such as urine) or that which leads to the breaking of wudu' (like deep sleep). No. It depends. I pray that you are in the best of health and faith, insha’Allah. Imam Al-Tuwaijiri (d. Wudu holds great significance in Islam, symbolizing both spiritual and physical cleanliness. This vomit is as impure as urine, so it is vital to protect the clothes and body from being stained by it. These can further be divided into two Here, we explore the seven primary factors to know what breaks wudu before resuming acts of worship: According to Al-Awza’i and Abu Thawr, apostasy nullifies ablution Praise be to Allah. Understanding what breaks Nullifiers of Wuḍū (Ritual Ablution) Anything which exits from the front and back passage of the private parts The flowing of impurity from anywhere else other than the front and back passage of the private parts, such as blood Hadith on Wudu: Light sleep does not invalidate ablution By Abu Amina Elias / December 7, 2017 / Ablution الوضوء , Bathing الغسل , Companions الصحابة , Fiqh الفقه , Obligations الفرائض , Prayer الصلاة , Recommendation المستحب , Sleep النوم Please could you explain what level of bleeding will break wudhu? ie What is meant exactly by "flowing" blood ie Will the blood which spreads just outside the wound be considered flowing and therefore break the wudhu or will the blood need to flow more profusely beyond the immediate area of the wound? Answer. , urine, stool, The second view holds that touching a woman nullifies one’s wudoo absolutely without exception. Only eight key factors can break ablution, including excretions from the body, flowing blood or vomit in large quantities, loss of consciousness, touching private parts without barriers, and In this verse Allah mentions the main things that invalidate the fast, which are eating, drinking and intercourse. Praying whilst needs to break wind or relieve yourself is prohibitively disliked. Thus, one who carries out ablution earns good deeds (hasanat). What invalidates wudu is wind that comes out of the back passage. The guidance provided clarifies that taking off a head cover does not invalidate Wudu (ablution). I pray you are well. Sneezing in wudu. In the Hanafi school, bleeding that flows beyond the point of exit breaks one’s ablution. Darussalam A step by step guide to aid you in perfecting your Wudu (ablution) according to the Quran and the Sunnah. We know of no evidence to indicate that bleeding from any part of the body other than the vagina invalidates one’s wudu. But the discharge is always clear/white. It can't be used as evidence on a ruling. It is superior to end the prayer, renew one’s wudu, and pray properly – unless, if doing so will mean the prayer time will end before one can pray. Answered by:Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) Original Source Link Praise be to Allah. In principle, breastfeeding does not break one’s wudhu. There are two well-known views: The first view is that Hijamah breaks the fast of the fasting person. Thus flowing blood nullifies wudu. waht to do; I would like to know under what circumstances the wudhu is broken and is it still good for offering namaaz after watching na-mehram, laughing Question: Does smoking or drinking beer break wudu’? ANSWER They both do not break wudu’. Praise be to Allah, and His Salutations and Peace be upon our Master Muhammad ﷺ, his believers and his Companions: The Shafi’i school does not consider bleeding to invalidate wudu’ unless the bleeding occurs by exiting one of the two passages, namely the urethra or anal sphincter. No, your wudu didn’t break and your prayer was still valid despite sleeping in the position of the Tashahud. what breaks wudu for a woman what breaks wudu hanafi things that break wudu what breaks wudu nawaqid wudu things that invalidate wudu nawaqid meaning in English. The basic principle is that bleeding does not break wudu. For instance, the Shafi'i school does not consider bleeding to break wudu, but they consider physical contact with a woman to do so. We have a more authentic saying from the companion of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him where he rules that the laughter invalidates the prayer but not the Wudu. This is what invalidates wudu, because according to the hadeeth of ‘Abd-Allah ibn Zayd, a man thought that he had broken his wudu whilst praying when he had not done so, and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Do not stop praying until you hear a Fiqh of Wudhoo - How to Wudu is performed, Virtues of Wudu, Wiping over the Socks, What invalidates the wiping over the socks, Things that invalidate Wudu. This is also the case for medical purposes that involve the withdrawl of blood from the skin, as long as such bleeding is not chronic. e. Based on this, if it is emitted by a woman and she has wudu, then her wudu is invalidated and she has to renew it. Open comment sort options. Categories Article. Therefore, it will be permissible to pray Salah, Quran etc. If blood exits Ritual ablution (wudu) is nullified by: 1. Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (رحمه الله ) said in Majmoo' al-Fataawa, when listing the things that invalidate wudoo’: . It is considered a mouthful when it cannot be prevented easily. No scholar has said that breastfeeding a child is one of the things that invalidate wudu. Reading the Quran: It is better to be in a state of Wudu when reading the Quran. Free Printable Wudu Charts! Available in English and Kurdish. Vaginal discharge invalidates wudu unless it is continuous, in which case specific rulings for istihada apply. Author. In the name of Allah; the most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Advice after choosing Salafiyyah [ 07/03/2025 ] Addressing the people should be done with manners, and daʿwah to Allah is with wisdom – By Al-‘Allāmah Rabee’ Ibn Hādi al-Madkhalī Manhaj [ 06/03/2025 ] Breastfeeding and Pregnant Women Break their Fast, Feed a Poor Answered by Ustadh Tabraze Azam Question: Assalam alaykum I normally get clear/white vaginal discharge everyday for which I do not make wudu for. What Breaks Wudu? Wudu is a crucial ritual purification in Islam, and understanding what invalidates wudu ensures that one remains in a state of spiritual and physical cleanliness, essential for acts of worship like prayer. Answered by Shaykh Ilyas Patel . 1) Only Allah Knows Best. ” (Al-Ma’idan:6). They are divided into three categories. You can choose olive/light skin or dark skin (No eyes). That means minor hadath is on your face, arms, head and feet. Wudu’ is cleansing and wiping certain parts of the body before prayer or other acts of worship. Cleanliness from menstruation and postnatal bleeding. 1413H) 13th Century. Remember the Note- I also listens to Salafi Scholars Share Sort by: Best. There are three levels [Shurunbulali, Maraqi al-Falah]: Smiling is improper, yet doesn’t affect the validity of the prayer, Laughing to oneself invalidates the prayer itself, and; Does breast feeding break wudu . But if they do this over a barrier of clothing, loincloth or pants, there is nothing wrong with this and their Wudu’ remains valid. Yes. Does Changing Clothes Break Wudu? 06-08-2023 views : 205121 Nullifiers of Wudu 217861 22-02-2023 Discovering Discharges After Prayer 22-02-2023 views : 42885 Purity 103755 10-09-2022 Displaying one’s beauty is not one of the things which invalidate wudu No, bleeding does not generally break Wudu. 1377H) The Wudu’ helps the traveler let go of anything that is distracting him/her from seeing Allah in each moment. Vomiting in wudu. ” (Bukhārī & Muslim) The Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) said, “Wudhū is For those embarking on this enlightening journey, let’s explore the seven pivotal actions and events that break your wudu. Does breast feeding invalidate wudhu?بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم (Fatwa: 553/495/M=4/1438) It invalidates wudhu if any impure thing discharges from body. . However, if the problem if chronic, such that at no time can you quickly perform the A man from Ḥadramaut asked, “What breaks the wudhū O Abū Hurayrah?”. What invalidates Wudu’ is the bare hand touching the skin of the private parts without a barrier between them. Written by Molana Ishaaq Hussain. Things that breaks ablution. This completes your Wudu and you can now offer Salah. [see: Could You Please List All the Nullifiers of Ablution According to the Hanafi school?] The jurists There is no difference of opinion among the scholars that laughing outside of prayer does not break Wudu. Why Does Bleeding Break Wudu? In this video answer, Shaykh Faraz explains the classification of flowing blood as filth. The mutawad-dhi should endeavour to face the qiblah while making Wudhu. Differentiating Between Madhi and Other Discharges: Understanding the nature of the discharge is crucial. The scholars are unanimously agreed that anything that comes out of a site other than the front or back passages does not invalidate wudu if it is tahir Sheikh `Abdul-Majeed Subh, a prominent Azharite scholar, states: “Bleeding breaks one’s wudu’ according to the Hanafi madhhab while it does not breaks one’s wudu’ according to other madhhabs. The Prophet (peace be upon him) instructed women 2) IF YOU ARE SURE that you have passed wind, your wudu” is invalidated, whether there is a smell or sound, or neither. Breaking Wudu. He said, “All forms of wind and matter excreted from the private parts. Q&A. Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah. Al-Hafidh Al-Hakami (d. Discharge from Private Parts. Similarly, if he prays without wudhu due to negligence or laziness, then according to the Hanafi Fiqh there is a danger that such an action can lead to person becoming a disbeliever, as it is a form of mocking as well. Thus, the example given by the scholar Ibn 'Abidin is that it is permissible to Salaf scholars were very careful about this issue. (Maraaqil Falaah 1/39) Preparation for Key Events: Knowing what breaks Wudu is crucial for significant events in a Muslim’s life, such as prayer, recitation of the Quran, or participation in religious gatherings. Q: Is touching private parts breaking wudu? Is washing hands necessary afterwards? I can’t go on with salaah if this happens out of respect to Allah, am I overacting? A: No. This is because the Prophet ﷺ said to Vomiting food or water that is a mouthful or more, invalidates ones wudu. The age of understanding. This view is supported by the majority of scholars. Understanding the preconditions for valid wudu and the actions/events that break it is essential for maintaining ritual purity. Before performing Wudhu: 1 – Begin with “بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم” (meaning “In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful”), as anything done without mentioning the name of Allah is void of blessings. In this article At Madrasat EL-Quran, we will delve into the seven key events and actions that break your wudu, ensuring This is what invalidates wudu, because according to the hadeeth of ‘Abd-Allah ibn Zayd, a man thought that he had broken his wudu whilst praying when he had not done so, Every Muslim must understand what breaks wudu. Mere Eating Breaking Wudhu; Cupping and Wudhu; Hijama on the Internal and External Jugular Veins; Cupping (hijama) as a practice; I alwasy feel my audo is break . This is because there is no discharge of impurity from the body through Answered by Shaykh Shuaib Ally Question: Assalam’aleykum, 1) Is it true thet my wudu is broken if Itouche my wife? Is her Wudu broken too? 2) Is there specific guidelines in kissing one’s wife? Answer: Walaikum assalam, In the Shafi’i school, touching your spouse, and vice-versa, breaks one’s ablution. Sleeping itself does not break wudu, but deep sleep can lead to unconscious discharges that nullify it. Evidence. And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best. In the case of Wudhu, if a person vomitslessthan a mouthful, it willnot nullifythe Wudhu. A person who drinks urine or blood, which is haram to consume, is guilty of a haram. Answered by: Alimah Mahdiyah Siddique Question What is the method of ghusl and wudu in Hanafi madhab? I just want to be sure that whether I am performing ghusl and wudu correctly. But if it is continuous, then it does The legal cause for the nullification of the ablution (wudu) is the exiting of filth. Click To View. Islām. a- There are three things for which al-wudu is obligatory. cps nbnbmv houkk ogkbim txb dpj sdudw vawlo znsyta itg qlofi wmjt pcyvly afk nimc