Back routine reddit. The other exercises have much more forward progressions.

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I shower once a day (whenever I have time, morning or night) and apply products after the shower. Exercise often helps to ease back pain and prevent further discomfort. Then drop down slowly and repeat. As of right now my routine is this: Biceps: Dumbell curls Twist Hammer curls Straight hammer curls Rope cable curls Ladder curls to end it off Back: Pull ups Heavy dumbbell rows Seated rows Just to throw up a nice variation, I like Chest Supported Rows. Jul 23, 2024 · You've arrived at SET FOR SET, and we love training the back so much that we've created the ultimate back day workout to help you build muscle and strength. Discuss NANBF/IPE, INBF/WNBF, OCB, ABA, INBA/PNBA, and IFPA bodybuilding, noncompetitive bodybuilding, diets for the natural lifters, exercise routines and more! Bodyweight Fitness is for redditors who like to use their own body to train, from the simple pullups, pushups, and squats to the advanced bodyweight fitness movements like the planche, one arm chin-ups, or single leg squats. I would add deadlifts to your routine in place of one of the rows, but others may have better advice. Basically, decreasing leverage just like a lot of callisthenics exercises. So I've gotten bored of the repetitiveness and would like to know what your favourite back exercises are so that I can make a new routine and incorporate it in my workout. Note: Many of the exercises we include here do not isolate, but rather emphasize, certain areas of the back musculature. It has a few progressions and scales well. Jun 28, 2023 · This guide will help you to choose the best back exercises to use in your workouts. You can also do this while resetting back down, just drop the weight down, work back up for a month and see where you are. here is my current back workout, it happens twice a week, the first day is back with biceps, and the second is back with chest: 2x sets Deadlift 2x overhand barbell row I thought I’d follow up on the supermans (or prone trunk and leg extension). A good routine will consist of exercises such us weighted pull ups, deadlifts, barbell or dumbbell rows, and maybe some cable movements or pulldown machines. Hanging leg raises and weighted cable crunches, you don't need to spend too long on abs, hit 4 sets of each of those exercises aiming for a resistance where you're hitting the 12-16 rep range, although you can change it up over time. My current idea is lat pulldowns + some variation of seated rows + some third exercise done on separate days. If you can swim that would be great too. Do deadlifts in the 4-6 rep range. One exercise that helps one person for their individual back may hurt someone else with the same injury that has other things wrong. Wider back Lat work, neutral to wider grip variations and don’t go narrow. I've been doing back exercises to hit all of the muscles, however I see myself doing similar exercises for each group. 3-4 sets, 8-12 reps. Check this out, and I hope this may help you. The second exercise in particular can work by combining the progressions from reverse hypers + back extensions at the same time or separately. She prescribed salicylic acid soaps, benzoyl peroxide and that standard acne routine. Stuart McGill has to say about them in his book, Low Back Disorders: “Even worse is the commonly prescribed back extension task in clinics, in which the patient lies prone and extends the legs and outstretched arms; this again activates all four extensor sections but imposes up to 6000 N on a Back injuries are fixable - not matter what your doc tells you, they are fixable. Dec 29, 2023 · Dive into advanced techniques for back hypertrophy, covering training volumes, exercise variations, and periodization for building a stronger, more muscular back. The other exercises have much more forward progressions. I’m pregnant now and use a prescription azaleic acid for face, neck & chest and a benzoyl peroxide wash for my back. Hinge your hips back and lower the bar in the same bar path on the way down. Try deadlift and one arm dumbbell row 4-5 sets of each going up in weight and down in reps so the first set is a relatively easy 10 reps and last set you get only 4-6 reps. It's just that the 6th chest exercise will get very little gains in comparison to the first one. I have always been into lifting and I was in great shape before the pandemic (of course) Then, after a break up and a really bad back injury, I gained 20 kg and I haven’t consistently worked out in almost two years now. TRAPS TRAINING. A community for Redditors to discuss any topics relating to general fitness; with an emphasis on barbell & dumbbell lifting, as well as calisthenics (bodyweight movements). Please see the r/Fitness Wiki and FAQ at https://thefitness. Sure, deadlifts and hyperextensions are great, but I'm trying to find some other exercises to do since I've pretty much plateaued on my deadlifts. Cat-Cow Stretch - On hands and knees, arch back up (Cat) and then drop the belly down (Cow). My plan is to alternate between these workouts, working out 3 x per week with cardio on the other days. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Try it out! (It's perfect for the busy person as you don't even have to leave the chair!) #3: This desk exercise loosens up your shoulders, stretches your chest, and strengthens your back ALL AT ONCE! We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Starting off slow could help. The last part was what I was looking for, I have been lifting for around 4 months and I have noticed my mind muscle connection go up significantly with those machines and wanted to know what other types of exercises to incorporate. From all my research, these seem to be fairly decent exercises, however, with each of these, it seems all the strain is going on my shoulders and elbows. Take it easy the first few times you do the routine - i used to complete it in 30 min for the first few weeks. Several different spreadsheets have been created for this program, which I go into a bit below. The fitness enthusiasts who exercise at home with limited equipment like dumbbells. same if you put shoulders the day after chest or tris I avoid lat exercises in general if I'm targeting the mid/central back. There is literally no reason NOT to do variations (strict curl, alternating grips, overhand grips, dumbbell/barbell, hammer curls, cross body, preacher curls, incline curls, etc) and doing variations can help push through plateaus in muscle growth and strength, as well as ensuring every part of the muscle are growing. Deadlifts will get you a thicker back due to spinal erectors growing and traps growing, but will not give you a wider back because of the lack of full contraction in the lats and Terres major (the muscle most known for being the "fake lat" because if grown correctly, it will give a wider appearance. I just started 531 and on my bench press/ohp days, I do accessory pulling movements (BB rows, DB rows, pull ups, etc. You have to train smart and figure out what works for yourself and what doesn't. I really want to work most core and back muscle (especially upper back) exercises into my routine. I’ve created a 4-day split dumbbell workout routine that will enhance your fitness level and improve your physique over time. I don't have time to also include arm work, so I actually moved my arm exercises to my squat/deadlift days. I like weightlifting and do a push-pull-legs 3-day regimen. The book Convict Conditioning was made from this exact scenario. e. Give it time. STEP 1: Exfoliate in the shower Hi, I'm a 14 year old male, 182cm tall and weigh about 99kgs. related to the upcoming space survival horror game "Routine", being… Squeeze your muscles, man. The question is, how big are you? Do you need a full day of 6 exercises just for your chest for example. I usually work out my chest/back twice a week and on the 2nd workout on chest I use the bar, and cables instead of dumb bells. I am a complete newbie and I hadn't worked out in like two months and recently I did some arm workouts with a pair of 10kg each Dumbbells. If you want to strengthen your back muscles without putting much stress, you can try isometric strengthening back exercise. The exercises are basic and not super exciting, new or modern, and the trainer is not super skinny with a six pack (she is adorable), but I've personally gotten the most results from these. You could start off with doing this routine 3-4 times a week and eventually increase the intensity, add weights, or interval training in the future. Mar 26, 2015 · Whenever I’ve interviewed him regarding training he always starts by referencing the chest and back supersets he did. The picture highlights the lower back I. Thicker and generally stronger back do a lot more row work with the neutral to wider grip variations again. Tuesday/Friday: Upper body workout at the gym. so usually 28-34 sets total for back, depending on how i feel heavy barbell exercises and weighted pullups first, then move to machines and cable stuff. The first 3 are the foundation exercises for a strong base (hence why I chose 3 leg exercises—they have the strongest carry over for functionality) and then two upper body exercises (the best for confident posture). The second dermatologist told me that I shouldn’t have used that product for too long because of the damage it did. Reverse hyperextensions seems great for lower back and glutes, but I'm more interested into upper body pulling exercises We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Try to give it a read yourself or if he is allowed books, get him a copy. This made tho ha simple, and it saved me time too! Win-win! The fitness enthusiasts who exercise at home with limited equipment like dumbbells. Imagine your hips are pulled back like a rubber band, then release them once the bar gets to your knee cap. The following exercises stretch and strengthen the back and the muscles that support it. Nope, didn’t help at all. Arch holds and reverse planks are super for your lower back. A tip fo the seated rows is to focus on depressing your shoulders down, which gives maximal lat contraction during the movement, and will give you a pretty crazy back pump. I promise your back will explode. And if back growth isn't one of your current training goals, make it one! We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. A Common Mistake With Back Training In the pursuit of impressive bodyweight skills like the front lever, do not abandon the foundational exercises of pullups and rowing once you get to an r/Routine: This is a subreddit for discussion, news, screenshots, videos, etc. The first one told me, in advance, that the effect was normal. Hi everyone! I’m here cause I need some help with my workout routine and I really can’t afford a PT right now. Discuss NANBF/IPE, INBF/WNBF, OCB, ABA, INBA/PNBA, and IFPA bodybuilding, noncompetitive bodybuilding, diets for the natural lifters, exercise routines and more! The back muscles are usually divided in 3 (or 4) groups: lower back muscles, lats, rhomboids/middle back muscles and trapezius (sometimes divided in upper, middle and lower trapezius). Although this can be fairly effective, there I've changed up my routine a couple of times and i'm not sure if it's just me , but my muscles get used to the work outs rather quickly. Pull the slack out of the bar before you pull up. My skin got oily again fast. com. I'm trying to get back into a consistent exercise routine. ” It’s good. A place for for those who believe that proper diet and intense training are all you need to build an amazing physique. He brought up a number of good points as to why he enjoyed training chest and back together, starting with the fact that Arnold felt he could fit in way more training by combining pushing and pulling motions into the same For posterity sake in this thread, my favorite are still the super old Spark People New You Boot camp from back before YouTube workouts were really a thing. wiki for help with common questions. Also reverse back extensions (upper body on a bed or table, stomach down and lifting legs for lower back). You’ll find everything from easy to perform workouts using dumbbells to back exercises you can include in full-body sessions based on comprehensive compound movements. In terms of how to approach back training you have to understand that the "back" is a large muscle group to train. After a couple of weeks, the acne came back. You'll feel your lats and traps doing most of the work. Shampoos/conditioners running down my back can break me out, but don’t if I wash that area after. Anyways, what exercises are best for back strength? So this trainer in my gym has given me a training routine for my back (to be trained once a week): Wide grip chins : 3 sets of 20-30 reps Barbell rows: 5 sets of 4-12 reps Machine rows: 4 sets of 4-12 reps May 6, 2024 · Prepare to maximize your gains with our exclusive 12-week hypertrophy training program. The seated and laying yoga poses will offer a suitable alternative until your healed enough to perform these stretches. If you have back pain and aren't able to do this because of the standing stretches you should look for some seated yoga routines for back pain on YouTube. If you I've been researching iso exercises to help fill out my lower back, but haven't found anything promising. I tried over the counter retinols and then tretinoin. I've been working out the back and it's pretty much the same routine of pull ups and other weighted exercises. I also tried benzoyl peroxide but just couldn’t really find a solid routine. I have a basic idea on which workouts to do, but I feel that it's not adequate since I don't know a warm-up, or a proper order to the workouts I should be doing. Come to a A subreddit for general weight training discussion, focused on intermediate level and above in experience and strength, for those ranging from strength sport competitors, sports that benefit from weight training, or weight training enthusiasts. Getting 2 push days has benefits, since the first 2-3 exercises on a day will be a lot more productive than the last ones. Get a real nice full extension on the eccentric portion while going slowly, then keep a good form and pull all the way back into a good scapular retraction on the concentric. 5 minute warm up on a treadmill. I love this routine so far. Go see someone. Here’s my workout: Assisted Pull-ups: 5s 15r Pull-over: 5s 15r T-bar Rows: 4s 15r We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I’ve got more than 10 isometric back exercises that will help you strengthen muscles, improve balance, and reduce low back pain. I threw in a bonus one for your core (to integrate all of them, in case you didn't do your homework). I've tried upright rows, bent over one arm rows, and the so called middle back shrug. For maximum back hypertrophy, all you’ll ever need is chin-ups (optimal Lat stretch and range-of-motion), pull-ups (also incredible Lat stretch and more upper back focus), and some form of horizontal rows that you can get a good muscle stretch with. When you first start, repeat each exercise a few times. I don’t really have an AM/PM routine. See full list on thebarbell. In my opinion one of the best way to hit the upper back, which involves the upper and middle traps as well as the rear delts and other muscles in that region, is to do snatch grip deadlifts. lumbar, no? I also vote for the reverse hyper extension at your level of progression. Repeat this circuit 2-3 times (or slowly build up to this) and you should have a very solid starting routine to get you started with exercising. If I keep my back strong, it doesn't bother me. What program currently? Have you also tried increasing calories? That would be the easiest solution, to try to up your calories. I've made a complete list of dumbbell exercises for every muscle group. problem with this is if you wanna do back + chest 1 day, and the day after back + triceps, your biceps will still be healing from the day before from curling, and your triceps will be healing from the pressing movements, so you cant really do them after eachother. A lot of this video is based on yoga poses. My back routine is usually : pull up/chin ups, rows, lat pull down, face pulls. We will primarily look at exercises to target the lats, mid-back, and scapula, as well as a few accessories with high carryover to pulling movements. Obviously deadlifts can be used to build some massive thickness there if you get to 5-600+ for reps. The I need a lot of volume on back, dokng this much would likely be overtraining for many people. I, and many other people who I know have had severe injuries, and are now able to live their life fully, pain-free The method requires exercises - the human body was not made to be dormant and inactive, and exercise helps stabilize your spine. Discuss NANBF/IPE, INBF/WNBF, OCB, ABA, INBA/PNBA, and IFPA bodybuilding, noncompetitive bodybuilding, diets for the natural lifters, exercise routines and more! All are welcome here but this sub is intended for intermediate to advanced lifters, we ask that beginners utilize the weekly and daily discussion threads for your needs. for back day i generally do 6-8 exercises, then 2-3 exercises for biceps. Ultimately do back workouts 2-3 times a week and it will blow up. Follow his instructions properly and you should be good. Are you suffering from back pain, either acute or chronic? If so, /r/backpain is perfect for you! We strive to provide the most up to date information to help you take back control of your life! Share experiences, exercises, tips, journeys. Aug 3, 2024 · Lower back pain can range from a minor annoyance to a life-altering condition. If I don't, I'm in constant pain. Here’s what Dr. Dumbbell rows are my favorite. The routine in that video saved my back. I try to incorporate my core workouts into leg day, but I don’t have many. As long as you eat and hit the back muscles from different angles, you will grow. Its not where you do one exercise and bam!! You got awesome looking back. Don't over extend your back or any monkey business at the top. Here's a picture of what I'm talking about. I plan on doing the full body workouts 3-4 times per day prioritizing the compound movements and want to choose 3 exercises for the overall back development. Hi guys, I’ve devised this full body workout routine for getting myself back in the gym - a few health issues have meant I haven’t worked out consistently for the last 6 months. And, of course, exercises for one lower back problem isn’t the same as for another problem. Read on to discover the perfect back exercises to include in your next back workout. I’m bringing forth a new and improved version here after being frustrated […] I can maybe do 4 or 5 exercises each day (3 days a week) so I make sure I'm going close to my limit. This made tho ha simple, and it saved me time too! Win-win! These dumbbell workouts were what I did to get back into working out after being out for longer than I wanted to be. My current back day consists of the following: Wide grip lat pull downs; Seated Rows; Bent over dumbbell row; Tbar Row I then throw in ab exercises: Torso twist; Hanging leg raise; Medicine ball sit ups. Even better than regular deadlifts for hitting the upper back because the arms being farther apart will put a greater focus on your traps and delts. I won't be able to do swimming. Hey all! I've just gotten back into the gym after a hiatus and have been lifting 6x/week for a few weeks now. I used to have terrible lower back pain. Bilateral exercise so it is efficient on time, but each arm moves a separate weight, resistance curve aligns with the triceps and peak tension at the contracted position, resistance profile is kind to joint and tendons, full contraction of all heads to develop a balanced tricep both aesthetically and for joint and tendon health, one of the few triceps Certainly! Here are some short descriptions of effective lower back stretches: Child's Pose - Kneel on the floor, lower hips back, and reach arms forward. ill give you my routine: back- lat pulldown 4 sets 8-12 reps bent over row supersetted w/ underhand grip bent over rows 3 sets 6 reps t-bar row 4 sets 6-8 reps deadlift 5 sets 1st set 12reps and increase the weight every set and drop 2 reps pullups 3 sets max Discuss NANBF/IPE, INBF/WNBF, OCB, ABA, INBA/PNBA, and IFPA bodybuilding, noncompetitive bodybuilding, diets for the natural lifters, exercise routines and more! All are welcome here but this sub is intended for intermediate to advanced lifters, we ask that beginners utilize the weekly and daily discussion threads for your needs. I have to improvise to do them at home and typically I will climb on top of my washing machine and grab onto the edge with my hands, then lower and lift my legs while laying my torso across the top of the washing machine, or for the regular hyperextensions I put my feet under my exercise bike seat and then lay my hips across a chair while The first 3 are the foundation exercises for a strong base (hence why I chose 3 leg exercises—they have the strongest carry over for functionality) and then two upper body exercises (the best for confident posture). I’m not the best at this so your opinions would be appreciated. Bodyweight Fitness is for redditors who like to use their own body to train, from the simple pullups, pushups, and squats to the advanced bodyweight fitness movements like the planche, one arm chin-ups, or single leg squats. Aug 15, 2023 · Back pain is a common problem that many people deal with every day. In the shower, wash your body last. Is this enough for my back to grow and expand or am I wasting my time? Here is some more info on my diet: The picture highlights the lower back I. Seen significant progress over the last 6 months. If you have to do something without seeing a person, get the book “Back Mechanic. My proposed plan is: Monday/Thursday: yoga at home, I have been following Antranik's routines on Youtube. ). For all things exercise and postures. I know chest and back are heavy workouts, so should i stick with this or just do chest one day and back another day. Bending forwards was pure agony. It is arguably the best triceps exercise. 20 rep squat program worked wonders for me (got me to 310x1x20), but it's not for the feint of After a long pause, I'm just starting my training from scratch again. Then I would start my back workout with Pull ups, Cable rows, Lat pull downs, and finally T bar row. I always worry about setting up a back day and making sure am hitting all areas correctly, and also not doing too many exercises for one part of the back. A place for the pursuit of physical fitness goals. Choose between a 4 or 5 day training split and gain 2-12 pounds of muscle over 90 days 63K subscribers in the exercisepostures community. Knee-to-Chest Stretch - Lie on back, bring one knee to chest, hold, and switch legs. A place to vent about the frustration of living with back pain. May 13, 2021 · Here are the best back exercises for muscle growth, plus three complete back workouts incorporating the movements that you can plug into your split right away. Also note how he said wider upper back. Pull-ups are terrific for just about everything, but particularly your lats, the largest muscles of your back. (about 5 minutes of abs exercises) Leg Raises - 5-7 sets The entire back routine takes about 40-45 minutes to complete since it's about 25-30 sets total depending on the rest periods which are about 45 sec to 1 min. Deadlift emphasis, followed by assistance (max 3 sets per exercise) with t-bar rows, weighted pull ups, single arm dumbbell rows, lat pullovers (1 set heaviest dumbbell I can find), controlled bodyweight close grip handle lat pull burnout followed by same idea with cable rows, lastly hang cleans if I Hey everyone, I would like to know what's a good back routine workouts starting with a warm-up. For back, I'm a big fan of HEAVY dumbbell rows (see Kroc Rows) as well as heavy seated rows for mid back. May 8, 2023 · The 6 day PPL program known as the “Reddit PPL” or “Metallicadpa PPL” is a great workout routine for those looking to increase strength and gain size. Very minimal workouts, options for scheduling that allow for daily workouts, and with tons of progressions that would last most people many years before they got level 10 in everything. Out of those, I'm sharing with you a list of the best dumbbell back exercises. If you’re looking for an easy-to-follow and effective dumbbell workout plan, you can check this out. Those two together should pretty much hit your whole back. I don’t do them anymore, but they were an awesome base and I liked some of the exercises enough to keep them as accessories in my current plan. Either way, fully understanding which back exercises hit which portions of your back will allow you to build shape (in particular the V-taper), thickness, and width. Anyways, onto the current routine. I tried the t-row 'machine' like object , and compared to other people, mine is pretty weak. I've got a couple of herniated discs in my lower back. Any help is appreciated. See how that feels a couple of days after when you should be sore then if that's good maybe add a third exercise like a lat pull or pullover the next workout. This has worked well enough, but I can't seem to find any back workouts that actually work my back. I do muscle specific days so I can train 6 times a week (i. I enjoy my splits but when it comes to Back day, I find that Im struggling to find exercises that I am capable of doing. Doing this keeps the pain away for me. I know Hyperextensions and reverse hyperextensions are nuts. Your core includes parts of your back, so any good core exercise will help. Aside from that, face pulls, bent over reverse DB flyes (also, reverse pec dec,) and most mid-wide grip rows get this too. #2: I created 7 exercises you can do on your chair to strengthen your core, reduce back pain and improve posture. A back day for me consists of 4-5 lat movements, and 1-2 upper back movements (I train traps on my shoulder day). Close your eyes, squeeze your shoulder blades together, grab the bar and pull yourself up slowly focusing on pulling with your back. A lot of times you do the motion without feeling the muscle. I eliminated 4 other exercises in favor of RH 4x25 reps ankle-weighted on my core/compression workout day. Help with Back and Biceps workout Instead of copy and pasting a workout from some YouTuber or journalist, I’ve decided to make my own 5-day workout routine starting with back and biceps. Rows are great for your mid and upper back. Rest between Back day and Shoulder day, another after legs. In fact, the World Health Organization reports that 619 million people globally deal with lower back pain. I work from home but I still have membership to a gym that's open. It's hard as hell, and your back will be sore when you start out (muscle soreness), but after a few days, you back will start feeling better. legs one day, chest & tris another day, etc). Followed it previously with good results, I removed some extra exercises from every day except legs recently, I felt there was a lot of junk volume (Back day had 7 back exercises originally!). For the average person, their trap routine goes no further than holding very heavy weight and barely shrugging it, moving their shoulder about a centimeter up and down. oobdto umqhyk xaetip ysiljcr nfxmbr ejkqj pojlomj lyq xdrhne juqgr

Back routine reddit. I've got a couple of herniated discs in my lower back.