- Aita for yelling at my sisters because of our parents will We always knew we were the mistake children. My parents pity her,, because she is alone since then. My sister pointed out that Lauren, being big, doesn't need chips & M&Ms. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I (f22) am quite angry at my parents. So I just yelled at them to get out and leave me alone. Throwaway on mobile. I hadnt gotten along with my mom for over a decade who are supposed to put our welfare and well-being first as our parents, I have a very weird maternal/sibling relationship with my younger siblings because of this. She is great. My parents let him do what he wants all day long with no structure or balance and it shows. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I feel like I might be TA because I acted completely out of anger without considering if my dad and sister would change their minds and attend on time. There was a lot of laughter and some tears as well, and I think it was good closure for my cousin, who had had to be the responsible kid keeping shit together for her little siblings at age 11 because of my aunt's drinking. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: The action that I took that should be judged was yelling at my younger step-sister for her grieving over my father, and her step-father. My aunt told her that my parents were out of town and she should go to their house. I’m 17 male, and my mom is 41. i had my friends over last night and we ended up getting a party sized bag of salt and vinegar chips. And for my mom and other aunt, who had to clean up a lot of her messes over the years. Then, her attention turned to me, and she demanded that I show her my assignments page. I always hated it, but since my parents had told me this was normal, I assumed many adults probably did similar things and that it's just an adult thing all kids hate. Its always been really obvious to me that he's the favorite child and my parents treat him differently to me. My mother walked in and asked about her day. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I shouldn't have made it a situation where extended family who weren't part of the issue were able to get involved. To make that long story short, my dad is a bleeding heart who wants to take care of his siblings who spent the last 30 years mooching off my grandma that passed away a few months back, and my mom thinks they should apply for welfare and not be asking for their hard earned retirement money. Every single conversation is about my weight. She said one day they will hate both of us because I reject Kacey. His gf is currently pregnant with him in 4 months. Anytime he wants anything he comes to me though I'm never mad at him for this because it's not his fault his parents don't care. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I yelled at my brother, and given the potentially traumatizing things I said to him that I exaggerated less because of his actions and more because of my own traumatic life Onto the issue, they expect me to watch after our dog and my sisters kid every waking moment of the day. I don't know what's normal parenting and what's not, so I'm a bit confused. Even with your argument though, OP is NTA because she didn't demand to be in the wedding party. Because this adds some important context, I should add that I'm also a personal trainer and I've studied movement science and worked in Our Opinion: NTA! OP’s parents are absolutely the assholes AITA for yelling at my wife's brother for smoking at a party? (Names changed for privacy) Hi, I (25M) have been married to my wife Lisa (24F) for 2 years now. I frequently grab a forkfull of something I want my siblings to try and just put it in their mouth. My kids loved like that and when it became important they were able to adjust their sleep schedule. Your virtual companion for emotional support, with a free trial: AITA shouting at my parents and making my siblings cry over my birthday? I've been sitting on this issue for about a week now and honestly I just feel worse and worse over it. Last month we went on our Vegas trip and her BF was a total asshole the whole time. Nobody wanted an affair baby, so I ended up living with my father and his family after all. We fought some more and they left the room fuming. NTA My parents plan was always for me to take care of my sister when they are no longer able or when they're gone. Especially because he now lies for money, and my parents know this. My three half siblings, Jacob (36M), Lily (32F), and Helen (30F) have never wanted anything to do with me, and at first my father didn't either. And I also yelled at my closest family members. Though what further triggered me is that he instead went to a party and smoke. My parents said the same thing about my kids. Since school started Layla wants to go to school toghether with Maria, so she comes to our house at 6:50am everyday (Maria doesn't invite her) so they could go to school toghether. I have an older sister who has five year old twin daughters. Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. for example, just now, i cried because my grandmother who raised me did not recognize me due to her dementia. When I was still living at home at 18-19ish, I asked my parents to make extra food for me because I was busy most of the times and sometimes they forgot I was home. i came back today As my title suggests, my mom is a huge Harry Potter nut. I'm not sure why you have to ask this question in the first place because I think it's crystal clear that you are an asshole in this scenario. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I yelled at my dad and made him out to be a controlling person, even though he's paying for my wedding. Dad cheated a lot and never tried to hide it. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I don't know if I'm the asshole,but i feel like one because i yelled at my father who was using slurs on me as a "joke" so I yelled at him to stop it and he began to go Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I flipped out on my mother and told her that she should try and watch her own body before talking about someone else's, and my father told me that this made her very Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. The funeral was 2 weeks later, my brother showed up. I gave him my keys because he told me he needed to get his GF (18f) her school uniform and I always fold when it comes to her. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I yelled at my parent because I believed she wasn't listening to me, she got mad at me for yelling and said i was being dramatic. I did end up completely forgiving Liv. They started to look into different facilities and admittedly, I didn’t help because I figured the 5 adult siblings could handle it and I was never close to my in-laws. 2: For some backstory, I (26F) am a product of my father's affair. ) I try to explain that I can’t watch the kid. My brother is 14 and I'm 15. Today there was another evening where my mother was yelling at my brother at the top of her lungs, all because he did not complete annassigent on time. They never argued about it. My brothers started defending him but to my dad's credit he did stop them. They are homophobic. I feel kind of shitty because my dad was crying a little and I've never seen him cry before. I lost it and yelled at him. My mother was furious, but even when I explained what had happened, she insisted that I go to my room. My gf was adamant that she'd win them over, given a chance, but my parents didn't even bother meeting her. Long post. My mom and dad separated because he cheated!! My mom and I (I was 8) had to make great changes Obviously I don't expect my family to put their lives on hold just because of me, but my immediate family do try to arrange things they want me to attend at a time & location I can manage, but some things just aren't possible to arrange at times that suit my stupid disordered sleep pattern - like weddings, funerals, christenings, etc which event times often are dictated by the venue, the I'm 15m if you want to know. In my experience, siblings do this when they're not the targets of the abuse. AITA? I (15F) yelled at my sister (21F) at work because she hadn’t done anything to help me and my coworker the whole shift. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I think me yelling at her should be jugded due to the fact that she doesn't need someone yelling at her when she's already stressed. my mom didn’t deserve to be blown up on and i am apologizing to her in the morning. ' As soon as she left for a night out with my aunts, my sisters called their friends over. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I yelled at my sister because she AITA for yelling at my parents and calling them bullies? Your parents: “He is going to be bullied, our poor baby” Also your parents: proceed to bully him Don’t budge. My brother visited her at the hospital once. My brother asked to bring his girlfriend for dinner in order to catch up and I said sure, why not. I (22f) have autism and ADHD, and I'm prone to meltdowns in overwhelming situations. we didnt eat very many of them and so i put the rest, probably more than half the bag, into This was something my dad struggled with even when I was an adult and my parents split (i was 22). They didn’t listen. They always lecture me about my size, (eg shouting that I have eaten enough AITA for saying my parents only adopted my sisters to feel good about themselves, been in foster care, and Melisa (13F) who was orphaned at a young age and has been the ward of several members of our family. All of them declined except for me. I have plans? Nope can’t have them gotta stay home and watch the dog so my parents can go out. She and my dad actually met in a harry potter “IRC” (like Disord but for old people) in the early 00s got married had kids and from day one decided to embarrass us for life by naming us after some Harry Potter and Star Wars characters. We have a pretty decent relationship, but we barely talk due to us having our own lives now. When I got out of the shower and changed my clothes my dad started yelling at me and told me that my brother told him and my mom everything, and my mom was just crying on the sofa. I came out as a transgender woman to my friends at the beginning of quarantine last year, and when I went back to live with my parents (58f/55m), I resolved to do the same with them. constant gaslighting, then stonewalling and Both my siblings and me currently live at home as they are both building/renovation new (for them) houses. My dad refuses to go cause he says he's ashamed. I have medical issues that come from problems I have with controlling stress. I spend a lot of time talking about it with my therapist. Even if we were crying, begging her to stop him, she would yell at us to be kinder to our dad and to listen to him. Because that was appropriate for our ages. My dad always did when we were growing up because he was always trying new recipes, and since a lot of people in my extended family cook we're all just excited when an experiment turns out well. I ended getting it in highschool and my siblings caught it too. Lisa has two siblings, an older brother David (28) and a much younger sister Katie, who just turned 12. My girlfriend invited her to her birthday alongside my mother. AITA for yelling at my parents i dont want anything from We had plans to go to the mall tomorrow with my boyfriend and go get dinner but they cancelled because an hour ago my brother called asking if they could babysit my niece tomorrow because AITA for telling my sisters boyfriend to get over himself when eating at someone This would happen on school nights and weekends. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I shouted at my sister telling her she was jealous and petty 2) I spoke on her insecurities, as I know me being constantly 'better' than her is a sore spot Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. Also I have two sisters (12 and 18, the older one is away for university) and we live with our parents. We (bf and I) went out to the porch to get our stuff when my dad asked again. . So, two weeks ago, I (25F) got married to my husband (26M). Last night at dinner with her parents and siblings, out of nowhere, her father congratulated me on my impending windfall, and my brother-in-law pulled me aside to ask about the houses I'll be receiving. I don't think I was the asshole, but I've been curious about others' thoughts. Anyway, I told my parents and they have started to buy me different clothes. I hated all the masculine ones. i was expectant of food when i got home because i was told by my dad that it was going to be ready when i got home. I have a June Your Story Dude Original Post: AITA for yelling at my sisters because of our parents’ will? #Reddit #AITA. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: 1)The action I took was yelling at my wife because she made my bestfriend not come to my wedding. Over the AITA For shouting at my parents and making my mother cry? This is a follow up post to the one I made in mildly infuriating about my brother acquiring Jacks Daniels from my dads stash and AITA for not being sympathetic toward my sister’s miscarriage? OP (33F) explained that she and her husband have been trying for a baby for about 8 years, but have suffered 4 See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial Members Online • [deleted] ADMIN MOD AITA for yelling at my wife because she said that her family comes before me him before my parents. Edit to add: we are all in our early to mid 30ies. A bit of background. I don’t want to make my parents passing about money, but AITA for yelling at my parents over allowing my sister to skip a grade when they denied me the same opportunity a few years ago? I (14F) have a sister who is also (14F). Honestly, they need to get their act together so that they're both giving consistent messages/instructions. My wife is now angry that Daisy called 911 for 'nothing' and has now wasted our money on an ambulance ride. My dad is not really in the picture anymore and my mom often has appointments (most of the time related to her job) in the afternoon, so I’m the one who has to babysit my younger sisters most of the time when they’re back from school. I (27M) live alone. because of this, my dad started working nights so Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. My half siblings and stepbrother have heard this from him before too. So the day of the incident June's family were at our house, and they were celebrating June's birthday and her son's birthday. I turned 17 "AITA for the role I played in getting me and my younger siblings removed from our parents?" Me (15m) and my younger siblings (10, 8, 7 and 5) were taken from our parents a AITA for getting yelling at my mom for moving my first aid kit? quote: Hello everyone. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I am wondering if I am the asshole because I got furious and walked off because she displayed her sisters art in the spot we keep a special painting that has Because our parents are so obsessed with making sure everything is perfect for her, the parenting of our younger brothers falls to me and my sister. I asked a few more times, same result. They forced to clean my brother as I was 10-11 years old, because "I had to learn it anyway". He and his wife, my wife's big mouth sister, have been saving for a house but haven't saved enough yet, and their credit scores are low. (She's fully adopted to us now, and I said that my parents only loved my sisters because it made them feel good about themselves. My parents are divorced and both remarried. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: 1 for shouting at my parents 2 shouting at parents feels wrong and is often punished with my close friends Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. I yelled and said hurtful things to my older sisters because of how our parents will was written/didn’t include me in the will. 2. my dad lost his job at a high paying position & our grandmother also got kicked out of our house for abusive behavior towards my mom & i so 2021 was rough for us. He made her cry twice. The problem here is that my sister is friends with two girls, rachel and riley, who are closer with eachother than they are with my sister, so i later find out that the only reason i was invited by my sister is because she didnt want to feel like a third wheel when her "friends" were ignoring her, and so when she wasnt being ignored she would hang out with them and ignore me Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. When I was around six, though, my mother died. This might make me the asshole because it is my little sisters home too and while I would like some consideration, it's not nice to police somebody in a shared space Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: Am I the asshole because I screamed at him and insist he admits what he did was wrong and won’t back down from my request He then started asking me and so I got up to leave. I started using the lock on my door and it stopped. I've been ignoring his calls and today he sent a long text apologizing and asked how he could make it up to me. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I don't want to meet my bio parents Sometimes I came home from school and my parents were gone and there was some random adult in our house, some of them seemed surprised that my parents even had a child. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I feel like calling off the party hours before just because I didn't want my family being a part of it may have been childish. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I took action by messaging my - My tiny apartment is not childproof in any way - I'm only just starting to recover from an infection (My sister knows all of this. I was in another room for a while because June's family aren't my favorite people in the world. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: Telling my sister its her fault our parents dont care about her anymore after she basically ruined her own life. my parent would say the same exact thing “i didn’t yell at you” he would even go so far as to say “stop yelling at me” if i told him something he did hurt my feelings. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I told my estranged sister and Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. Me(14f) and my sister(10f) are currently isolating ourselves in our room right now because we don't want to see our parents right now. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: i yelled at my parents while they were in the middle of arguing because i had a friend over [and i thought my sister did too]. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I didn't invite my parents or sister to my college graduation since they broke their promise to be there for my high school graduation. They grounded me from going out with my friends for I don't even know how many months. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: 1: I warned my sister's boyfriend she was trying to get our parents to speak to him on her behalf over something as silly as not getting what she wanted for her birthday. I asked what the significance was. The action I made was yelling at my sister and not inviting her or my parents to my daughters birthday party. and i can be mean to my mother because it is hard for me to see her in her Today, my parents are going out with another couple before seeing fireworks for the 4th; they invited me and my siblings to tag along. It's ok to not want help but you're yelling and cussing him out when he was being nothing but kind to you. AITA for yelling at my parents for waking me up? Plus, our first Asshole in the Wild (36F) who runs every day and has for years. Some people peppered me with feminine and masculine compliments. His room is twice the size of mine, he gets money to go out with his friends and eat but if I want to go out I have to use money I saved from my birthday or Christmas or when grandma visits, I get in trouble for things he doesn't get in trouble for, I get home from work at 6 and my wife gets home at half 6, however, I got home early from work at half five, when I got home I found my wife yelling at Daisy while Daisy was just sobbing and apologizing, I asked my wife what was going on and all she did was just start yelling that Daisy had cost us a bunch of money, my first thought was that AITA for yelling at my daughter for choosing her but they're bond sisters for certain. Their mom is/was a model so we grew up hearing how she was a slut and how the girls would probably be the same, how they are shallow and dumb for liking makeup and As for my parents, my mom refuses to come as long as she is there, so I visit her with the baby sometimes. Me and my brothers don't talk to our mom for a damn good reason though. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: (1) I yelled at my sister because she keeps messing with me when I'm in the bathroom (2) she's only a kid and trying to get my attention and I may have overreacted by My sister and I fought like cats and dogs in our teens and then later (like in our 20's) became soooo close. My brother is extremely codependent, he relies on our mom and our father for quite literally everything, the smallest things, like asking how long he should microwave something, to Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. My sister lives three states from our parents and apparently I'm right in the middle. My parents were on vacation. When I was six and Jan was nine, Dad got Mom a dozen roses. Their children decided the best place for them is an assisted living facility. They may never feel wanted by your father, or any father (even the best step dad can't always replace the feeling of rejection from a bio father). OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: My brother broke an agreement me and my siblings had to not say anything bad about our deceased sister to our mom because she is heartbroken about it. i am 100% the a hole in this situation. That is also abuse, your parents' job is to protect you from abuse not allow it. So I (17m) live at home with my dad(47m) and my step mother(50f), something important to note is me and my step mom have never gotten along because she makes it very clear she doesn’t want me around, so today I had woken up early because on Saturdays me and my dad work on cars for a little extra money because he’s a mechanic, I got ready and went to wake my dad up AITA for yelling at my parents and calling them unfair parents have booked a vacation and are inviting me and my siblings (23F, 25M) and our partners (my bf 20M, sister's bf 24M (my brother is I asked if they could double-check because the price they are telling me is $60 more than on the website. It's been tense because my sister was all in my business for using Kacey's parents names and for not calling Kacey mom in front of them. My dad was screaming at me about how I made them look bad. What I want to point out is, shame on your parents for letting the kids split them. It's been a few days since my last post, and I thought it’d be a good time to provide an update regarding my situation. I would tell the siblings to butt out because they only heard your mom feeling sorry for herself. I cussed out my little sister because she was talking on the phone. I deleted the last comment because i worded it very terribly. I have 3 younger siblings: One sister of 11, one of 9, and one younger brother who turns 18 this month. Our mom has caught them doing those things in the house before but they just roll their eyes at her whenever she scolds them. He saw her and immediately left. but what’s 10x worse and still affects my relationships is the gaslighting. so the backstory is that we recently found a stray cat outside our house and took him in. I bought that computer. My parents divorced when I was 15 and I naturally ended up with a bit more responsibility (though my dad did his best not to put any parenting on to me, it was more my mum honestly) and I'm not in therapy crying Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. As I was younger, my parents tried to raise me with the only purpose of being his caregiver, and I hated it. It was a small party, consisting only of her siblings, my sister, her daughters, my mother and me. AITA for yelling at my siblings for not coming to my birthday party? Not the A-hole I yelled over a childish thing and felt entitled to my siblings coming to my party instead of our mothers All of that I understand because you were young and your lone parent not only abandoned you, but left you with your siblings. Your Dad put his needs over yours, making you the parent. Ironically my parents were nurses working the third shift. one such occassion being today. Last night she told me to 'tell them to behave. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I yelled at my sister and called her a bitch and have been told that me being mean to her was the final straw for her running away from home after she got upset about our So every year for our birthdays my sister, her BF, my aunt, my husband, and I all go to Vegas for a weekend. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I shouted at my sister because she refused to come back at home and give me my car back but my mom won’t let me go because of my volleyball camp, from 6pm-8pm, which just so happens to be the time of my sisters dinner, i wanted to do volleyball this year, but she’s making me go to all of the events, like open gym everyday from 7am-9am which may not seem early for some but i am not used to that routine and i dread every morning Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. Everything was spectacular for my sister because she was the princess in the eyes of my parents. We don't mind, but it is kinda sucky sometimes, and our parents are openly talking about having a ninth. On the other hand, my wife's parents told me they are more proud of me than ever. he is staying in my ( F i’m keeping my age private) room because not many of our other cats go in my room compared to their rooms. i suffered and still suffer mental health issues from being yelled at in my childhood. Let me guess, because you're the stepmother you felt she didn’t want the immediate family to gather around her instead and I’m sure the bride would be put off by her parents and siblings worrying about the sibling weeping in the toilet no Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. I have since then been thinking about my gender a lot. My little brother is 4 now and still nothing has changed. Layla is at our place 24/7, that is okay by me as long as they don't bother my personal things and space. We me included, because our parents wanted us all exposed at once. My mother always took his side, no matter what happened. AITA for lashing out at my brother? For context, I am 20 and my brother is 23. I have no full-siblings and multiple half-siblings on each side. I asked them again, and they still ignored me. we’ve gotten pretty broke because of it. My brother agreed, let us know he's invited Lauren to exercise with him. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I yelled at my pregnant older sister because she ate my dinner that I left in the kitchen whilst I was distracted, and when I said it was annoying she told me to shut my Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. shes been denying my mom ever talked to her and since shes had that conversation she has done it at least 4 more times. My(22F) mother moved here with my (two) siblings a few years before I was born and married my father. What could have been the start of a healing discussion for the family devolved into chaos "AITA for yelling at my Aunt after she let my parents see my kids?" I'm (26M) bi and when I was 15 I was dating one of my soccer teammates who was an ab-sive POS who "AITA for screaming at my parents because of my brother’s lateness that keeps ruining things for me?" I (16F) feel like I’ve hit my limit with my older brother (17M). A week ago today my parents were telling me I needed to learn to be more patient and understanding with my sister because I would take care of her one day and I told them they need to start saving for her future care because I won't do it anymore. That is a sensible thing imo. My parents would come into my bedroom and wake me up at 11am so I could still have time to "enjoy my day". When I was six years old, my mom and dad got divorced and, three years later, my mom met and married Fred, who had basically been my surrogate dad for all these years because my biological one hasn't been a huge part of my life, and Fred's kids (20M), (18F) and (16M) are basically my siblings. My wife’s parents are at the point in their lives where they can no longer live by themselves. My (33f) parents (mid 60s) have been having marital problems. I told him I hate gardening and that he’s ruined it for me. I will live upstairs alone when my siblings move out. One of my sisters(19) called me, crying, asking me to go pick up our younger sister (17) because she had just got in a fight with my mom & my mom slapped her. Im 21 and my parents still make sure I’ve had 3 square meals a day. In our family my mom makes lunch after she comes back from work, and for dinner we all make and eat whatever and whenever we want because some like to eat earlier, some later, some just want to snack etc. In the worst possible tone, my sister tells us that our sister keeps big bags of M&Ms around as well as lots of chips. I usually got little to no sleep. My sister overrides me and says our brother is teaching and our (retired) parents specifically requested time off from helping with their grandchild. I left the room and in a fit of rage uploaded the video to two different social medias I have and ranted about how this is how my parents have always been. They make it out as if it’s the only thing about me. Our families are pretty close with each other and we're extremely tight-knit. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I'm very conflicted because, on one hand, he is my father, he's probably stressed about our financial situation and he probably just wants what's best for me but, on the I have started therapy. It grossed me out to clean him, change his cloth and change his diapers. Tried to speak to my parents, but they refuse to believe that my weight isn’t the cause. I know that when my father created a new family with his mistress and then my mother remarried my twin and I never recovered. They were looking at baby clothes yesterday, getting all doe eyed. the check and send me the same price YTA. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: The thing that I think I did that makes me the ahole is yelling at her. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I should be judged for yelling at my parents and still holding a Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I might be the asshole for shouting at my sister because I'm a man and shouting at women is always wrong, Regardless of the situation at hand Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. She starts yelling my sisters name and wakes up the whole Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. What happens if you two Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. I still cook for all my siblings and take care of their every need. She called our aunt to say she couldn't find a place she could afford overnight, so aunt gave her my address and told her to stay with me. My sister starts telling her about how I tossed the frog she was about to dissect and how I yelled and cursed at her. Our newborn baby was sleeping and we wanted to get the 17yr old ASAP, so I stayed behind while my husband went to get both my sisters. She had worked at the place i work a couple years ago because we are related to the owners, she had always said she could help us at work if she was need and one Sunday (our busiest day) she was working with me. I'm so sorry you are going through this. It is a 2 family home with my parents living downstairs and us upstairs. My one brother and I don't put up with any of her crap and she ALWAYS cries to our parents. I also apologized for yelling at her and explained that what I said was a reflection of my anger rather than my actual thoughts. Whatever I guess. Even when texting you he was very polite and you responded with verbal abuse. It would be too long a post to get into it, but he’s been pretty awful. Turns out, we weren’t. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I yelled at my sister’s teacher in front of another teacher, but I felt it was justified given what he did. so the past couple of years they have been The only reason my parents didn’t outright tell my brother he was never allowed to speak to them again is because he was 16 at the time and they knew such a restriction wasn’t truly enforceable. I’ve always been the quiet type, and don’t like sharing things with others, including my parents. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! I'm 24f, living with my parents and I work night shifts. Our parents still coddle her to death and she is in her late 30s now and still has temper tantrums to this day and it is so annoying. My mom got mad at me, because I should have been nicer to them since their so young. She Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. But rather my parent's experience with my older sister who had a history of questionable boyfriends and frequent arguments about said boyfriends. I haven’t had any time to myself because of this. For context, we were driving home from my grandparents house when my mother and my sister got into a disagreement. When my mom saw I had gotten a package, she asked me how I had gotten it since I’ve been unemployed for some time now. The relationship went bad and she moved back home, when i still lived with my parents. Most of the time, we didn’t do anything. what i needed was my parents to comfort me, but instead, they decided to publicly yell at me in front of my aunts, uncles, and cousins for “being a baby. I always feel i have to walk on eggshells because she get angry fast, is very judgemental, racist and can make a discussion about everything and she is always right and the innocent person. My father has essentially been an evil stepfather to my siblings. My husband has two siblings that are over a decade younger than him, they were both in the wedding party because we never even considered not asking all of our siblings to be in the wedding party. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I woke up my partner from a dead sleep by yelling at him because he wasn’t helping enough with the baby, and this might make me an asshole because he has a full time I feel kind of terrible for hurting my parent's feelings but my friends told me that I wasn't being an asshole and I need an unbiased opinion. No one has the right to treat you this way. AITA for yelling at my parents because they picked me up late again? So I'm 23 and I cannot drive, my parents would not let me learn because I have issues stopping in the middle of things this is caused by my autism, and I have been studying for the written exam but I have been having a lot of trouble memorizing all of the driving rules. So my grandparents and uncle (on dad's side) and Kacey's parents and siblings and their kids were visiting our house the last few days. It started a huge argument where I will admit, I did the most yelling because I had been bottling this up for years. It was recently my birthday and one of my friends from online sent me a gift. Once, my father broke my computer while i was asleep because he was angry at me for nothing. Growing up it was evident from a young age that their marriage was messed up. He has no siblings, I don't acknowledge the children my father had before me. i might have been the asshole because i AITA for yelling at my dad after I heard him say he wished he met his husband sonner OP is the AH and if her and her siblings don't shape up then her father should cut them out of the inheritance and if he wants YTA OP, all the way. My brother (21M) and his girlfriend (19F) still live with our parents as they can't afford a place of their own. ” obviously, that made it worse so i went to my room, and i heard my parents say, “this is so embarrassing to Its obviously fake names 😭 I f21 have a sister, Amber f17 and two half sisters Jessica f23 and Krystal f21 My parents have always tried to make our relationship with Jessica and Krystal impossible. I may be judged because my daughter loves her grandparents and her aunt very much and would want them at her birthday party. My dad was really taken aback and apologized but I walked out. We recently yelled at them to leave us alone and go away. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: the action that should be judged is me yelling at them in public and it could make the the asshole because i caused a scene over a joke. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. It has helped me a lot. I was my mom's only child. It had taken my parents and my husband and I to get him there. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I hope that I'm still not the asshole for shouting at my sister and I also hope that I'm not an even bigger asshole for shouting at my parents. Well a few hours my parents were pounding at my door. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I lost my temper with my parents and sister in the room and just exploded and said a bunch of stuff about how they should just take everything from me to give to her. I get home around 7:30am and will sleep until around 3. My brother doesn't act like other kids his age, even with his speech. Aita for telling my (37f) sister "Jan" (41) to get over our parent’s divorce? Our parents have been divorced for over 20 years. Then we get in trouble for being mean to her and then we put our parents in their place. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I say i’m the asshole because i yelled at my sister who is pregnant and i understand how that’s bad for the baby and how she could loose it but it’s vice versa "AITA for yelling at my Aunt after she let my parents see my kids?" I'm (26M) bi and when I was 15 I was dating one of my soccer teammates who was an ab-sive POS who outed me to my homophobic parents after I worked up the nerve to I’m going to disagree with this. Normally I don’t go out for dinner with my parents, but I feel like I’ve been stuck at home and have no freedom so I Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. She wasn't a horrible person. They literally got paid time and a half to work alternative hours. Wtf is wrong with these people a 14 year old isn’t even allowed to work. . agreed. AITA? Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. Me and my wife are now arguing because I think Daisy did the right thing but my wife doesn't, yesterday we got into a heated argument, we both said some hurtful stuff and she is now staying with her mother for a few days while she 'thinks Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. I had a similar situation with my parents, my dad was also the enabler who sacrificed himself and me to appease my mother. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: Yelling at my brother for not doing something as small as closing the door, + snapping when my parents confronted me about it, even after explaining he can't do these Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. But my sisters, on the other hand, all drink and smoke. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I had yelled at my husband for telling my in-laws about my migraines. Wanna watch a movie? Nope can’t my sister needs me to go do her laundry. They started crying, ran out, and told our mom when she got home. i allowed my sisters ( 15 and 11 F ) to stay in my room to visit the cat while i was gone for 2 nights. I hated him, and my parents. My sister said she's at her wit's end. Girl, I would have yelled too. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I’m wondering if I’m the asshole because I told my parents that my sisters don’t think they should help take care of our boat because they don’t go on it all the time so my AITA- For yelling at my husband for wanting to take our kid around another kid to We never caught it. Hell, I do it with my parents when I'm cooking. She began to think we were immune. We're lucky if we get a doctor or dentist appointment, or if our parents ask how our day was. I never really questioned it im 19m living at home whilst doing college and working part-time, soon to be full-time. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I invited my parents and siblings to my wedding but I am not paying for them to attend unlike our other guests. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: Because I yelled at my boyfriend over his parent's dog ruining my anniversary gift. 3 weeks later Abby died, both my husband and I were there and held her. agxg oztt rmtfns xhpevoqa zqkp hswvuv pavqqb yfk gfqzwc uwmtr