Sussex county amateur radio club. NJ QSO Party Septmeber 20-21 .
Sussex county amateur radio club The Sussex Amateur Radio Association (SARA) is a vibrant and active community of amateur radio operators based in Georgetown, Delaware. com Sussex County Deputy RACES Officers: Dan Murphy - W2GZB - danw2gzb@verizon. 23 to Route 639 (Sussex Boro – Loomis Ave) Sussex County Amateur Radio Club Inc. The Sussex County AUXCOMM ACL, by the direction of the Sussex County EOD, and the SCEOP, is the official Point of Contact for Sussex County Emergency Management utilization of the amateur radio resources in Sussex County. The Sussex County Amateur Radio Club in cooperation with the Sussex County Sheriff’s Office will be holding Amateur Radio Technician Class license training sessions (March 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th 9am-noon). Meetings are held the second Tuesday of every month at 7pm. LEARN MORSE CODE EASILY. Call Sign: W2LV Annual Report: Anyone interested in emergency communication service is invited to our monthly meeting on November 14th at 7:00 pm. 4 Public Contact: Name: Walter Murphy, N2WM Address: 612 Hemlock Drive Newton, NJ 07860 Phone: 201-570-5508 ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio ® 225 Main Street Newington, CT, 06111-1400 USA Tel: 1-860-594-0200 | Fax: 1-860-594-0259 Toll-free: 1-888-277-5289 hq@arrl. SUBURBAN AMATEUR RADIO CLUB INC – K3MTK; Sussex County Amateur Radio Club (SCARC) W2LV; Sussex County Races Club – NJ2SX; TELEPHONE PIONEERS REPEATER CLUB – WB2MFC; TENAFLY HIGH SCHOOL RADIO CLUB – W1THS; The 3 Steves Amateur Radio Club – WK3SS; The Amateur Radio Communication Service Corps, Inc. 904 Sussex County Amateur Radio Club corporate office is located in 37 Plains Rd, Augusta, New Jersey, 07822, United States and has 5 employees. COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB. Contact Information Club Name: Sussex County Amateur Radio Club Call Sign: W2LV Contact: Kelly D. . From Route 23 Take Rt. on Saturday, June Meetings are held at the Sussex County Fire Academy (across from the Main County Library) at 114 Morris Turnpike (Sussex County Route 655), Newton, NJ 07860. 7: Georgetown, DE - K3STR - Sussex Technical High School Ham Radio Club Sussex County Amateur Radio Club Inc. 2018 April QSC: 2016 October QSC: 2016 May QSC: 2015 October QSC: 2015 January QSC: 2014 September QSC: 2014 May QSC: 2014 April QSC: 2014 March QSC: 2014 January QSC: HAM NEWS. Basic The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U. VE Sessions are held prior to meetings starting at 7:30pm. Coding and amateur radio; British Science Week; Useful practical skills for new licensees; Practical events; ARDF; HF DXpeditions; Radio Marathons; Transatlantic Tests Centenary; Club Finder. Connect. Tri State Amateur Radio Association, Matamoras, PA -- W2VTM Camden, NJ. com Talk-In: 147. VHF Contest June 14-16 . He served as the Delaware Section Manager from December 1992 until 2005 and was originally licensed in the 1970s. As Health and Welfare Coordinator and the hamfest advertising and vender database manager I keep very busy. 300 +600 PL 151. These facilities are staff by FCC license amateur radio volunteer operators who provide back up communications in case of an incident. 8. The club has been in existence since 1956. 00pm-ish. 090 156. 910 All Licensed amateurs are welcome to participate in either or both nets. Contact Us. On-air operations took place between 2 p. ARRL Sweepstakes SSB November 15-17 . m. Some of it will be technical, some historical and some club activity oriented. Read More. S. is a dedicated organization in Augusta, NJ, committed to the education, public service, and advancement of amateur radio. It discusses what astronomy is, including the study of celestial objects across optical and non-optical wavelengths. MORE LOCAL CLUBS BARA The Sussex County Amateur Radio Club is dedicated to Education, Public Service and the advancement of amateur radio. Sussex County (NJ) Amateur Radio Club. Nora is currently based in Augusta, New Jersey. 715 (-) 156. NJ QSO Party Septmeber 20-21 . com; Website https://www. The club The DELMARVA Electronics Expo or hamfest is a meeting of people interested in Amateur Radio. org Sussex Repeater March 2023 Sussex Amateur Radio Association Local Weekly Nets SARA Club Net: Tuesday 8pm 147. Having Trouble? Get Involved >> Clubs >> Find a Club. , Sunday, June 24. First Thursday of each month only. THE EOC / AMATEUR RADIO INTERFACE. ARRL 10 Meter December 13-14 . Hamfests April 15th Delmarva Amateur Radio & Electronics Expo Sussex Amateur Radio Association Cheer Community Center, 20520 Sand Hill Rd. 7 Nanticoke Club Net: Monday 8pm 146. SCARC HAMFEST The SCARC Hamfest will be held Gates open at 6:00am for sellers/tailgaters 8:00am for buyers 270,000 square feet (Six Plus Acres!) of outdoor tailgate The Sussex County Amateur Radio Club is dedicated to Education, Public Service and the advancement of amateur radio. Brunke - W2FDB - cq@w2fdb. 970 (-) 77hz pl Dover April 15, 2023 Sussex Amateur Radio and Electronics Expo Sussex Amateur Radio Association Cheer Community Center, 20520 Sand Hill Rd, Georgetown, DE 19947 SARA is a volunteer club dedicated to furthering the advancements of Amateur Radio. com. Recent Posts. VEC _____ Title: SUSSEX COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB, INC Author: IBM-BCRS Created Date: 9/19/2010 9:21:09 AM SUSSEX COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB, INC. 310-156. – K2MON; The Darvin mentioned his brother's passion for amateur radio, from joining local clubs in New Castle County to becoming the Delaware Section Manager in December 1992. 910 (-) 77hz pl Camden (Main club [] If elected to membership, I agree to abide by the Constitution and by-laws of the SUSSEX . Found email listings include: @njstatefair. 00pm to 10. It sure to be a great event and a good time. SCARC NEWSLETTERS. Sussex Amateur Radio Association. Box 2456 Branchville, NJ 07826. 23 to Route 639 (Sussex Boro – Loomis Ave) Route 639 to Route 565 (McCoys Corner) Route 565 South to Routes 206 &15 (Ross’ Corner) Route 206 North to Route 519 KC3ARC Kent County Amateur Radio Club The Club is affiliated with the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Club Nets: Wednesday at 7:00 PM on 146. Field Day June 28-29 . We meet the third Thursday of each month at Mulligan' The Sussex County Amateur Radio Club in cooperation with the Sussex County Sheriff’s Office will be holding Amateur Radio Technician Class license training sessions (March 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th 9am-noon). Hamfests offer exhibits, forums, and fleamarkets or tailgating for Amateur Radio operators or hams. Sussex Amateur Radio association meeting information, news, and events. Walk-ins are welcome. com to find out Sussex County Amateur Radio Club Inc salary, Sussex County Amateur Radio Club Inc pay rate, and more. This document provides an overview of astronomy night hosted by the Sussex County Amateur Radio Club. This is an article about amateur radio and Sussex County. 120 likes. Delaware Amateur Radio operators organization. Sussex County Delaware ARES Page - Sussex County Amateur Radio Service located in Delaware & serving Delaware. Augusta, NJ 07822 . 2025 First Regular Meeting December 22, 2024; November AUXCOMM Regular Meeting October 28, Sussex Amateur Radio. sussex county amateur radio club inc. 190 : RM The Sussex County Amateur Radio Club is dedicated to Education, Public Service and the advancement of amateur radio. Box 1428 Burbank, CA 91507 (818) 843-4080 Voice The average annual salary of Sussex County Amateur Radio Club Inc is estimated to be approximate $101,989 per year. on Saturday, Ju The Kent County Amateur Radio Club Conducts Examinations in Kent County Delaware Contact: Jerry Palmer N3KRX at n3krx@aol. Recently, there was an amateur Ham radio operators from the Sussex County Amateur Radio Club will be participating in a national amateur radio “Field Day” exercise from 2 p. 330(+) 156. Sussex County ARES is a part of Beebe Healthcare. Leavitt KE2L Daytime Phone: (973) 862-8197 Email: w2lv@scarcnj. Date: July 14, 2024 Location: Sussex County Fair Grounds, 37 Plains Road, Augusta, NJ 07822 Website: Sussex County Amateur Radio Club Sponsor: Sussex County Amateur Radio Club Type: ARRL Hamfest Talk-In: 147. harc. Frequency Offset PL Comments; 145. Basic Information. 610- (PL 88. B. Alister Watt 07552 221254; Email g3zbu@hotmail. O Box 312, Augusta,NJ 07822. Pittsville, MD 21850 Phone: 410-202-7690 Email: DelawareHamfest@gmail. The Sussex County Amateur Radio Club Inc. on Saturday, June 25, to 2 p. with The Sussex County Amateur Radio Club is a well-established group in Northern New Jersey, with a focus on contesting, digital modes, public service, and emergency communication. MEMBERSHIP A. Having Trouble? The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U. Lehigh Valley Amateur Radio Club. 090 (+) 156. One of the operating stations was a GOTA station which Regional Hamfests in 2023 July 16 Sussex County HAMFEST Sunday, 7/16, 2023. uk Mississippi Valley DX/Contest Club : Sussex County ARC: Columbia ARC : Missouri DX and Contest Club : Suwannee Amateur Radio Club: Columbia-Montour ARC : Owatonna Steele County Amateur Radio Club : Western PA Hilltoppers: Fox Cities ARC : Ozark Contest Club : Western Pennsylvania DX Assn: Fox River Radio League : The Sussex County Amateur Radio Club has existed for about 50 years. HOME ; ABOUT US ; DASHBOARD ; CONTESTS ; EVENTS ; TECH TALK ; HAM NEWS ; PREPAREDNESS ; HAMFEST ; Sussex County Amateur Radio Club Inc. OTHER UPCOMING CONTESTS. sussex county amateur radio club. net. It also describes radio astronomy, which studies celestial objects at radio frequencies. Sussex County Delaware, USA Amateur Radio in Sussex County, Delaware (DE) Frequency Input License Type Tone Tone In Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 145. RECENT NEWSLETTERS. 7 NARC also generally runs a digital C4FM Net immediately after the 8:00 pm Net. org This is a quick overview of the great Sussex County Amateur Radio Club Hamfest. The Sussex County Amateur Radio Club is dedicated to Education, Public Service and the advancement of amateur radio. Sussex County ARES staff consists of the Emergency Coordinator (EC) , Assistant Emergency Coordinators (AEC’s), Skywarn Coordinator and any specifically designated operator(s) which will provide liaison services for the ARES group. Sussex County ARES has several served agency's in Sussex County. sussex county farmers market. New Location for the Sussex County Amateur Radio Club's Home Page http://www. Anthracite Repeater Association . net or 201-452-1010. PRESENTATIONS Sussex County ARES Net - First and Third Wednesday at 7:00 PM 147. Sussex County Chief RACES Officer: Mike Emmerich - KC2KUN - kc2kun@gmail. This year, Sussex County AUXCOMM is hosting a joint Field Day with the Sussex Amateur Radio Association (SARA) and will be conducting this activity at the Emergency Operations Center with both outdoor and indoor on-the-air activities (FM and HF) on Saturday, June 24th, from noon to 6pm. All persons interested in Amateur Radio Communications shall be eligible to apply for membership. Our purpose is the recognition and enhancement of the value of the Amateur Radio service to the public, particularly with respect to providing The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U. LINKS. Application Procedure Applications for all classes of membership except “Honorary” shall be by application submitted on the The Sussex County Amateur Radio Club, Inc. Sussex County Farm & Horse Show Fairgrounds, 37 Plains Road, Augusta, NJ 07822. org If your Browser does not automatically load the page click on the link above. PRESENTATIONS Members of the Nanticoke Amateur Radio Club and the Sussex County Amateur Radio Emergency Service recently attended the ninth annual STEM expo at Delaware Technical Community College in Georgetown. Keep on Ham radio clubs in Delaware category is a curation of 6 web resources on , Delaware QSO Party, W3HZW Kent County Amateur Radio Club, W3TBG Nanticoke Amateur Radio Clu. Sussex County Amateur Radio Emergency Service - ARES, Georgetown, Delaware. and is dedicated to the memory of its former member and radio pioneer, the late Robert M. org Ham radio operators from the Sussex County Amateur Radio Club will be participating in a national amateur radio “Field Day” exercise from 2 p. This includes affiliated, as registered with the Sussex County Department of Emergency Horsham Amateur Radio Club Address Guide Hall, Denne Road, Horsham, RH12 1JF Meeting times . , Georgetown , DE 19947 Contact: Jamie Ashton , W3UC, 7446 Parker St. The Sussex County Amateur Radio Club The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U. Basic Sponsor: Cape May County Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 601, Cape May Court House, NJ 08210-0601 Contact: Rich Stahl, WR3V Phone: 609-350-3734 Talk-In: 146. MAIL New Jersey State Fair P. Augusta, NJ 07822. It operates within the county, but also reaches out to Delaware’s other two counties, New Castle and Sussex. Resources listed under Delaware category belongs to USA main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators. COM - Millionaire Amateur Radio Club - Williamsport, PA . The Sussex County Amateur Radio Club is dedicated to Education, Public Service and the advancement of amateur radio. org Basic Information Annual Report Date: May 11, 2019 Meeting Time: 3rd Friday of each month at 7:30 PM Meeting Place: Sussex County Public Safety Training Academy Section: NNJ (Northern New Mark your calendars, this summer, the Sussex County Amateur Radio Club to host the ARRL Hudson Division Convention at the Sussex Hamfest in Augusta, New Jersey, on July 13, 2025. VHF Contest September 13-15 . 5) N2CMC Sponsor: Sussex County Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 312 Augusta, NJ 07822-0312 Contact: Brian Brunsch (KC2YON), PO Box 312, Augusta, NJ 07822 Phone: 973-862-8197 (Dan) Artsci Publishing P. 090- PL 156. They are based out of Georgetown, DE but people come from all over the southern tri-county area of Worcester, Wicomico, and Sussex counties on Delmarva. We had a great CW class before our club meetings in 2016. ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio ® 225 Main Street Newington, CT, 06111-1400 USA Tel: 1-860-594-0200 | Fax: 1-860-594-0259 Toll-free: 1-888-277-5289 hq@arrl. 7 Delaware Traffic Net: Mon – Sat 5:30pm Freq: 3. The Kent County Amateur Radio Club Conducts Examinations in Kent County Delaware Contact: Jerry Palmer N3KRX at n3krx@aol. org Kent County Amateur Radio Club Lewes Amateur Radio Society Nanticoke Amateur Radio Club Peninsula Radio Operators Society (PROS) Sussex Amateur Radio Association. Hi! Please let us know how we can help. Berwick Amateur Radio Society. We meet in Training Room A at the Sussex County Public Safety Complex, 21911 Rudder Lane, Georgetown. To find a local radio club, enter your town or postcode and select travelling distance. I got some great deals!Music in this video:royalty free Music by Giorgio Di C Sussex County Amateur Radio Club Inc. 7 Lewes Club Net: Wednesday 7:15pm 147. This digital net is held on the NARC 145. Established in 1999, the club honors the memory of radio pioneer Robert M. The call W2LV was adopted in March 1999 as the club call of the Sussex County Amateur Radio Club, Inc. Sussex Amateur Radio Association (SARA) Sussex County EOC Station Support Team – KB3HEV; Sussex Tech Amateur Radio Club – K3STR; TAPMARC – W3DOG; University of Delaware Amateur Radio Club; W2ZQ Delaware Valley Radio Association; W3NX Memorial Station – W3NX; About This Site. Sussex Amateur Radio Association - Tuesday's 8:00 PM 147. Randall passed away on June 7, 2024, at the age of 66. Sussex County Amateur Radio Club Inc. Tamaqua Wireless Association. 905 Delaware Emergency Net: Sunday, 5:30pm Freq: 3. Photos. Deb, as I like to be called, am the Program Coordinator for the Club. Membership Application/Renewal Form Date of Application: _____ Please answer all questions and/or update your data on this form and return it to the attention of Club Secretary, P. scarcnj. Just prior to getting my ticket, in 1993 I joined the Sussex County Amateur Radio Club. Sussex County ARES provides back up emergency communications to several served agencies in Sussex County. org. Long N3RTL Daytime Phone: (302) 222-9337 Evening Phone: (302) 222-9337 Email: KB3BHL@arrl. Testing is held in Room 209 at the Wyoming United Methodist Church, 216 Wyoming Mill Road, Dover, DE 19904. 7 The Kent County Amateur Radio Club Ham radio operators from the Sussex County Amateur Radio Club will be participating in a national amateur radio “Field Day” exercise from 2 p. Meetings are held at the Sussex County Fire Academy (across from the Main County Library) at 114 Morris Turnpike (Sussex County Route 655), Newton, NJ 07860. Phil-Mont Amateur Radio Club. 210-156. with news, information and resources. 186 likes. More. Visit Salary. Club Repeaters:146. View Newsletter of the Kent County Amateur Radio Club August 2022 Officers Repeaters President Paul Tuley N3BUH 146. org The Kent County Amateur Radio Club Conducts Examinations in Kent County Delaware Contact: Jerry Palmer N3KRX at n3krx@aol. The location is on the newly opened airport side of the The club callsign for the Sussex Amateur Radio Assication is WS3ARA. 7 Sussex Amateur Radio Association and Nanticoke Amateur Radio Club, both of Sussex County, participated in a joint ARRL Field Day exercise on the grounds of the Seaford Parks and Recreation office. As a ham radio operator myself (Amateur Extra Class, WW2B), I have used the repeater that is on a tower near the Kittatinny Ridge when I was hiking the Appalachian Trail in the remote areas that were far from electricity so I could call home to check in. Reviews. EVENTS. com (302) 653-2144. ferraro enterprises llc. 7: Bridgeville, DE - W3TBG - Nanticoke Amateur Radio Club - ARES Tertiary Emergency Repeater: 145. O. MEETINGS. Posts The Sussex County Amateur Radio Club has existed for about 50 years. PHYSICAL ADDRESS New Jersey State Fair 37 Plains Road Augusta, NJ 07822 Event in Augusta, NJ by Eric Cintron Ortiz on Sunday, July 16 2023 The Kent County Amateur Radio Club Conducts Examinations in Kent County Delaware Contact: Jerry Palmer N3KRX at n3krx@aol. File Download. Bring photo ID, and processing fee of $15, and any copies of any existing license or CSCE. CQ Worldwide SSB October 25-26 . Deb's Amateur Radio Page. 7 Nanticoke ARC Net - Mondays @ 8:00 PM 146. 43 likes. 210 Repeater. Columbia Nora Swanson works at Sussex County Amateur Radio Club, which is an Amusement Parks, Arcades & Attractions company with an estimated 20 employees. USEFUL WEATHER LINKS. Leavitt, KE2L Phone: (973) 862-8197 Email: w2lv@scarcnj. Club Name: SUSSEX COUNTY ARC Call Sign: W2LV Contact: Kelly D. Get the flyer: or visit August 5 Re The Sussex County Amateur Radio Club is dedicated to Education, Public Service and the advancement of amateur radio. Click here for the flyer! To enroll contact John N2HMM at n2hmm@warwick. CLUB CONTESTS. The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U. ARRL. SUSSEX COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB BY-LAWS March 17, 2017 1. 715 MHz (-) PL 156. Call Sign: W2LV Annual Report: The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U. Meetings are held every third Friday of the month, starting at 8pm. Videos. PROJECTS. Meetings are held in [] The Sussex Amateur Radio Association is a community group for amateur radio enthusiasts in Sussex County, Delaware. W3AHS. net Frank D. Here are some of the files that can help you on your path to mastering CW. Radio Society of Great Britain – Main Site. 910 ARES Net – Saturday 9:00 AM on 146. Club Name: Sussex Amateur Radio Assn Call Sign: W3LF Contact: Richard T. SUSSEX COUNTY RACES. Morris 1902-1997. With a rich history dating back to its affiliation with ARRL on December 31, 1969, SARA has been a cornerstone for radio enthusiasts in the region, offering a variety of activities, educational opportunities, and public service initiatives. com (302) 398-4115 or (Alternate) Ken Steele N3QJJ at n3qjj@hotmail. The aim will be to contact as many stations as possible on the 160-, 80-, 40 The Sussex County Amateur Radio Club is dedicated to Education, Public Service and the advancement of amateur radio. WS3ARA is an ARRL affiliated club and welcomes amateurs of all skill levels. , Saturday, June 23 and 4:59 p. Signature: _____ Date:_____ Web Form – Revised 1/16/2013. Read More The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U. MORE LOCAL CLUBS BARA Event Details. on Sunday, June 26, at the Sussex County Fire Academy (114 Morris Turnpike, Newton). About Us The Kent County Amateur Radio Club is centrally located in Kent county Delaware. Sussex ARES staffs three fully operational radio stations at three Beebe Healthcare Facilities. U. The majority pay is between $89,583 to $115,623 per year. Home. TYPE OF MEMBERSHIP REQUESTED: (please circle one) FULL: Sussex County Amateur Radio Club Inc. Members call it SARA for short. Morris 1902 -1997. ntywvhpkisvigwjtpkltxelnzvxfvzwreoayxtsddpjelkbltkgnigetvwwequugadfco